The Great 2022 and Beyond Recession Thread

Me retiring and leaving this broke back corporate America situation and rolling in a huge chunk of pension cash at the bottom.

You want us boomers outta the way fine by me sayonara bitches!

View attachment 464117

Exactly the way I feel. The punks think we're a problem more than a solution, so let's see what they have. So far, not much.
While there could obviously be other reasons, there are some very obvious reasons to choose a retirement date in April or December.
I thought it had to be likely due with a retirement date on one hand, or on the other hand, i was curious if he saw something in the economy happening at one of those milestones.
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Yes. There are that many people who hate Trump. Hopefully they will be forced to realize they shouldnt vote with their feelz.
At this point, I hope those who voted for this particular abortion are feeling intense pain from that 'decision' every waking moment. People like luther deserve every single malady that heads their way.
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At this point, I hope those who voted for this particular abortion are feeling intense pain from that 'decision' every waking moment. People like luther deserve every single malady that heads their way.

I can't imagine wishing such ill will on half of your country and still having the audacity to call yourself patriotic.
You're close to "what does this button do"?
Boeings are noisy. The most common question in a Boeing cockpit is "huh?"
Airbusses are flying computers. The most common question is "What in the Hell is this thing doing now?"

I'm kidding really.... it's an old joke that has been updated a little
Boeings are noisy. The most common question in a Boeing cockpit is "huh?"
Airbusses are flying computers. The most common question is "What in the Hell is this thing doing now?"

I'm kidding really.... it's an old joke that has been updated a little
We've all seen the video of the Airbus jet trying to do a fly by and deciding, oh hell no we're landing in the trees whether you want to or not.
Boeings are noisy. The most common question in a Boeing cockpit is "huh?"
Airbusses are flying computers. The most common question is "What in the Hell is this thing doing now?"

I'm kidding really.... it's an old joke that has been updated a little

Just curious....can a pilot just tell the computers NO?
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I think it will be a multi-year sluggish economy like the late 70s. I don't see a crash like 07-08 but more of a prolonged sluggish economy.

I expect stagflation for next 3 yrs
You're an optimist. We would be lucky if we get 2008 or even Japan style 30 year stagflation.
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Unfortunately you are probably correct. The amount of debt we have amassed is almost unimaginable. Anyone that thinks it will ever be paid off or even reduced is deluding themselves. I bet the interest alone would be enough to fund some state budgets (just a guess). No one wants to endure the pain of reducing budgets. So, the balloon keeps getting inflated.

Yeah pretty much. Everyone should prepare for hard times.
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What is really concerning is what comes out of this. Some international currency and loss of national autonomy. It will be like the USA begging the IMF.
Cloward and Piven must be proud.

We will have to be ready to smash any leftist movement that rises up. On the other hand, we also have to be ready to push our influence on the rest of the world. Not gonna be easy.

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