The gsvol compendium thread



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
But who ever got rid of the Medieval Warm Period?

Prior to the 2001 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) Third Assessment Report (TAR), the
accepted depiction of the prior millennium’s warmth was
that published in the panel’s 1990 maiden assessment.

Specifically -- global temperatures had fluctuated
drastically over the period. This schematic, taken from
IPCC 1990 Figure 7c, clearly demonstrates the
IPCC “consensus” of the time:


During testimony before the Senate Committee on
Environment & Public Works Hearing on Climate Change
and the Media in 2006, University of Oklahoma
geophysicist Dr. David Deming recalled “an astonishing
email from a major researcher in the area of climate
change” who told him that "we have to get rid of
the Medieval Warm Period."

In June of this year, Deming identified the year of that
email as 1995 and the source only as a lead author of
that month’s Global Climate Change Impacts in the
United States report.

Many believe that man to be Jonathan Overpeck –
which Prof. Deming didn’t deny in an email response
-- who would later also serve as an IPCC lead author.

So it comes as no surprise that this reconstruction,
which did indeed “get rid of the Medieval Warm Period,”
was featured prominently in the subsequent 2001 TAR,
particularly in the Summary for Policymakers (SPM), the
highly-politicized synopsis which commands the bulk of
media and political attention.

So it wasn’t all that shocking to spot this undeniably
dramatic graph on only the fifth of this end-is-near
report’s 75 pages.

The striking chart is marked as Figure 1.3: Correlation
between temperature and CO2. As its title suggests, it
attempts to plot atmospheric CO2 concentrations and
mean global temperature during the past millennium.

Notice anything vaguely familiar about the temperature
plot in red?

Interestingly enough, this reconstruction wasn’t lifted
from prior IPCC assessments, or, for that matter, any UN
entity at all. No, the source was actually a graphic
posted to Wikimedia in 2005 by Hanno Sandvik, a
Norwegian research biologist. Sandvik cited two data
sources for his temperature plot – a 2004 paper by
Jones and Mann (abracadabra – no more MWP) for
1000-1880, and, for the remainder, “instrumental
records published on the web” by Jones, Parker,
Osborn and – wait for it …… Briffa.

So the chart the UN climate experts used to sell the
CO2 -°C connection to an increasingly skeptical public
was pulled from Wiki, crafted by an unknown biologist,
conveniently ends about the same year warming ended,
and is based on a debunked temperature



Last week, McIntyre analyzed the CRU archive Yamal
data and proved that Briffa et al. had cherry-picked
and manipulated data, intentionally omitting records
not friendly to their position. In fact, when Briffa’s
hand-selected figures were replaced by a broader
dataset for the same Polar Ural region (much of which
he had deliberately dropped), the Hockey-Stick suddenly
disappeared, revealing no significant trend in the
20th century whatsoever!

The public’s belief in manmade climate change doesn’t
hang on its grasp of geophysics or thermodynamics.

Technical explanations of positive feedbacks and
radiative forcings, read by few and understand by
fewer still, aren’t likely to foster acceptance of a
new energy tax that will dramatically raise the price
of literally every facet of human life. Let’s get real
-- even experts on the subject can’t seem to agree
on what caused modern warming.

But alarmists know all too well that as long as citizens
are convinced that warming is both enduring and
unprecedented, such inconveniences as the missing hot
spot, laughably mistaken climate models, 800 year
CO2 /Temperature latency and perhaps even current
cooling can be cleverly obfuscated with Goebbels-like
double-talk and outright lies.

And without the Hockey Stick’s counterfeit portrait of
runaway 20th century warming, climate crisis peddlers’
credibility levels are reduced to those of used car
salesmen. Not where you want to be when hoping to
sell the instinctively absurd premise that the actions of
mankind can influence temperatures in either direction.

So they cheat.
And they lie.
And they have from the very beginning.
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Vietnam devalues the dong and raises rates

Analysts, however, questioned whether financial markets would believe the latest move had put a floor under the dong.

Wonder where droski postions himself on the dong??

Is anyone concerned with rug burn when we talk about putting a floor under the dong??

Inquiring minds must find answers to these important questions.

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I for one am going to hold on to my dong and see if the stimulus package works.
The stimulus works best out of the package!!!!

But I guess you already knew that. :hi:

The UN is against this - that makes me think the Swiss made the right move.

"Socialist Worker" has a scathing attack as have all outlets from the mideast and the BBC, NYTs, Washington Post et al.

Mostly it has been ignored in America.

Needless to say this is very politically incorrect as is pointed out in the link I provided from the head of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville.

Some where in the northeast a mayor has ordered the firemen at a particular fire hall to take down their "Merry Christmas" sign that was made by some of the firemen a half century ago and displayed annually since that time.
Barry better hope Michelle doesn't know where his golf clubs are or we could have Tiger Part Deux
We need to be careful how we answer this.

LG might report us to the White House tattle tell internet site. :birgits_giggle:
"Nobody understands these things in America." - pretty much sums it up for me.

Some people will never learn. :no:

"The war against the apostates is carried out not to force them to accept Islam, but to enforce the Islamic law and maintain order."

"It is up to the Muslim leadership to assess the situation and weigh the circumstances as well as the capacity of the Muslim community before deciding the appropriate type of jihad.

At one stage, Muslims may find that jihad, through persuasion or peaceful resistance, is the best and most effective method to achieve just peace."

Louay Safi: "Peace and the Limits of War," 2003

For what reason are we in Afghanistan???

We fight to decide who will administer islamic sharia law there.

We need to withdraw immediately and drop a nuke on Mecca on the way home.

We paid this puke to give deployment training to Major Nidel Malik Hasan and can't smell a rat????

Here is what the lying Safi is preaching.

Unfortunately many, even some posters here will swear what he is saying is the gospel truth and argue with you all day about it.

Obviously they are clueless about the islamic tenet of taqiya or the meaning of peace to muslims.

Of course they get the same propaganda from the supposedly secular socialists who enjoy the preimminent positions in the media and have complete control of the democrat party to to a large extent the republicans as well, at least the rino faction of that not so grand anymore old party.

Those that support the position of Safi don't even understand that socialism isn't designed to uplift the poor, despite it's deceiptful soaring rhetoric, it is a scheme of the extremely wealthy to further enrich themselves and establish even more political power and control worldwide.

Andrew Jackson would roll over in his grave if he knew what the party he founded has become.

Semper Fidelis.
It is depressing.

It is meant to be depressing.

Demoralizing your enemy is a main cog in any war.

Remember it is they who declared war on us and not us on them, no matter what they claim.

I think you can see from the Semper Fi link that there are those who recognize the enemy better than others. :salute:

"We probably thought he was a better guy than he is. I would probably need to apologize to her and hope she uses a driver next time instead of the 3-iron." Jasper Parvenik.

Jesper Parnevik and his wife introduced their nanny, Elin Nordegren, to Tiger Woods.

The Irish are famous for their temper but you know what they say in Ireland, 'never PO a viking'!!

Barry had just better hope Michelle doesn see this clip!!
on December 7th, a day that lives in infamy.

History repeating itself, another attack by tyrants on freedom and democracy.


Odd they should meet at all, they are sooooooo sunk.

No doubt sub rosa political deals will be struck though.

Another interesting historical tidbit, secret treaties have nearly invaribly led to wars in which us peons are slaughtered and maimed in masse, both warriors and civilians alike.

Hey, it was just a typo, we didn't mean to deceive and alarm you.

I don't know about the rest of you but the phrase; "something's rotten in Denmark" has gained new meaning for me, I can just smell rotting cheese.

"The reality is that our lifestyles are unsustainable."
Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the UN IPCC.

Isn't that what the last neanderthal said????

Anyone up on their cave painting lore??

Speaking of something rotten.

Say cheese!!


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