The gsvol compendium thread

My how quickly things can change.

Gore cancels climate lecture in Copenhagen



Here is a MUST SEE video of Al Gore being confronted in Chicago.

Probably why he is cancelling all public appearences.
Entering America illegally via our southern border.

Who are they?

Why do they come??

How many are there???

For Ben Anderson, finding prayer rugs and other such items means nothing.

"The illegals with prayer rugs pay $1,500-$2,000 to get across," he says. "These aren't the terrorists. The terrorists, al-Qaeda and others, pay between $30,000 and $50,000, and you'll never know they were here. It's very hard to catch someone of that caliber.

"Your first hint will be some big explosion, then the lights will go on in people's heads. Aha, they came up through here. Cochise country is the Arab-terrorist corridor."

Anderson spent 30 years in the Army, retiring as a colonel. In Vietnam, he commanded two rifle companies with the American division, winning numerous medals, including two purple hearts and two silver stars. He has three master's degrees, has worked in Egypt and at the Pentagon, and has taught at West Point.

Anderson publishes an online political newsletter called the Anderson Report. He bases his certainty that al-Qaeda is infiltrating Arizona on anonymous sources in Washington and elsewhere around the world.

"The entire illegal immigration issue is a fraud on the public, a national disgrace and the most dangerous threat to America. It undermines every aspect of society. Health care is just one. It undermines voting, the economy, law enforcement, prisons, education.

Anderson says that Middle Eastern terrorists infiltrating America from the south usually start out in Cairo, then go to Madrid or London, and from there directly to Mexico City, or the Tri-Border Area in South America. (The Tri-Border area encompasses portions of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, with Asuncion, Paraguay located roughly in its center.) He says this shadowy region is home to training camps for al-Qaeda and other terror groups.

Notice that the three Tri-Border area countries were among those taken off the federal government's dangerous-country list.

"On a geo-political intelligence level, this is absolutely insane," says Anderson. "I mean, really, really stupid."

Dave Stoddard says that at least four smuggling trails--used to move both illegals and narcotics--go right through Sierra Vista's Fort Huachuca. The fort is headquarters for the military's intelligence training. So while our forces fight overseas, often securing other country's borders, the home base where many of them train is wide open.

A series of roads and trails snake back from the border on the west side of State Route 191. They rise into the hills, going south to north across Davis Road and High Lonesome Road, through Gleeson and north toward Pearce/Sunsites. The residents along the route call it "Arab Road."

Who are they?

Some of the statistics are in the linked article.
Some you just can't get from our own government without filing FOIA papers, and that doesn't mean you will get that information.

Uh, expect no help from LSM!!

Why do they come??

For those who are muslim, they, in most cases would be
performing hijra, (immigration) in order to practice jihad (struggle, whether it be passive, supportive or violent) for islam (submission) in the dar-al-harb (the land of war) which is any land not ruled by islamic sharia law.

(considering some of the discarded prayer rugs, perhaps some think to be escaping the tyranny of islam)

How many are there???

Interesting question, interesting answer.

Probably two to four times or more make it in than are caught, USA today reported an average of 2,000 per day were apprehended in fiscal 2008.

Possibly the tri-border area was taken off the the danger country list because part of the curriculum of training camps is learning Spanish then acquiring false identification under a latin sounding name, sometimes in Mexico to avoid being labled OTM.
Seems like with all the crank and coke that comes up thru Mexicana, they could poison a lot of Americans.
Seems like with all the crank and coke that comes up thru Mexicana, they could poison a lot of Americans.

We are seeing more and more beheadings these days in the Mexican drug wars.

Likewise the Albanian muslims have gained control of the heroin trade and use it to undermine French culture in particular but also the rest of Europe and into America as well.


Here are phases of the Hijra and its juristic or legal basis in Islamic doctrine.

Under the cover of taquiya or deception, the step-by-step methodology of the migration process is designed to subdue, then, subjugate the host culture, culminating in implementation of shari'ah law.

The beginning phase of Islamization usually includes activities pivotal to building a physical presence. It consists of public calls to prayer; founding of schools, libraries and research centers; and the teaching of Arabic -- actions that appear to be reasonable and respectable infrastructure requirements necessary to support the presence of a faith.

At this point in the Hijra, it is permissible for Muslims to engage in haram, or forbidden actions, out of necessity to establish and empower the umma or Muslim community.

Koranic rules such as the prohibition against friendships with infidels, even limited alchohol use, are suspended while the objectives of future Islamization are systematically put into place. In its initial phase, the Hijra passes scrutiny by the West whose citizens erroneously view the migration as mainly economic -- a pilgrimage for a better life.
ObamaCare suicide bombers.

Universal healthcare has been the wetdream of progressives (now known as leftist Democrats) for over 50 years; they are nothing if not persistent, relentless and almost impossible to get rid of — but then again the same could be said of toenail fungus. However, it now appears that with such a prize so close at hand, Nazi Pelosi and Harry “Squeaky” Reid are all but willing to see their numbers significantly winnowed down in the next election in 2010 when the angry villagers throw out of office at least some of their senators and congress critterss who end up voting for this barfbag of tricks and taxes, currently known as ObamaCare. (If this is how Obama “cares,” I wonder what happens to those he doesn’t “care for?”)

Pelosi and Reid are like twin gargoyles in headresses and ratty beards sitting crosslegged in a dusty Afghani cave sending out their Obamacare suicide bombers into the body politic to detonate among the same angry villagers; by the time the dust settles, ObamaCare will have been passed and can then promptly be put to the test caring for the wounded and maimed.

“Nancy Pelosi,” Dennis Miller recently observed, “looks like she’d lose a game of tic-tac-toe to a grubworm,” and this is a woman who is now third in line for the presidency and first in line to tell us lowly serfs, that we don’t know what’s good for us and that she and her elitist n’er-to-well know-it-alls do. If death panels are not a part of Obamacare, almost assuredly a large percentage of us Americans will wish there were if this legislative carbuncle is passed and enacted.

In the mean time, deck chairs are being rearranged by Captain Obama and his trusty sidekick Joe Biden on Titanic’s sister ship, The American Economy. The former Community Organizer-in-Chief and his career-politician vice-president held a “jobs summit” today but forgot to invite some key guests, such as representatives from industry and chambers of commerce and entrepreneurs and small business owners who actually create real jobs. This actually makes perfect sense since Obama’s definition of employment only involves government jobs, thus helping to insure the shrinkage of the private sector and a built-in voting block for the next crop of Leftist Democrat politicians.


If it weren't for the SECC game and maybe the Titans/Colts matchup, I would wish it were Monday already, this may be an eventful Pearl Harbor Day just not in Hopenhagen, nothing happening there except their meetings will generate as much carbon as the whole country of Morocco did in the whole year of 2006.
The green corridor.

The fruits will be equally bitter. While their exact size and taste are hard to predict right now, that in the fullness of time both America and Europe will come to regret the criminal folly of their current leaders is certain. Pandora’s Box is wide open.
call for Al Gore to return Oscar.

A pendulum swing like a pendulum do, do dah do dah!!!

I know Al is too stupid to go with the flow but if it were me I'd retitle it "an inconvenient lie" and release it in the comedy section and make a fortune.

Who's who in the climate change fraud business.


You know you are really really stupid when you keep loosing your yo yo because you can't tie a knot in the end of the string.


Take the education of our nation's children for instance.

That is if he means to destroy America.

"When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."
Adolph Hitler

Somewhat of a eerie similarity between the supporting casts of Barack Obama and Adolph Hitler.

Gee, I think the philosophies may be exactly the same!!!

"In actual fact the pacifistic-humane idea is perfectly all right perhaps when the highest type of man has previously conquered and subjected the world to an extent that makes him the sole ruler of this earth… Therefore, first struggle and then perhaps pacifism."

The Afghan camel.

"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."

"Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future."

"Our strategy is to destroy the enemy from within, to conquer him through himself."
Barry wins the election:


Barry and Joe take office:


Barry saves the economy but nobody knows where the money went:


Barry makes peace at an important summit meeting hosted at the white house.


Barry defines security plan for Afghanistan.


a lot of people have their own blog sites now. might be something worth looking into, since this is a message board and not really designed to be someone's personal bulletin board.
Thanks good read


The truth is not what we have been led to believe, would you say?

Thanks, a couple of other selections worth reading:

The Great South African Land Scandal

(you can read the whole book which isn't too long right there on line for free.)

Here is a short piece on Ian Smith.

“We were never beaten by our enemies, we were betrayed by our friends.”

Ian Douglas Smith had more integrity in his little finger than James Earl Carter had in his whole family and that consideration because his brother invented Billy Beer.

His book: Bitter Harvest; The Great Betrayal and Dreadful Aftermath, is a great read.

Can find it on line now.

Bunch more books on the same topic.
Please enlighten me about the chemical makeup and commercial uses for hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen chloride.

Thanks in advance. :)

The chemical makeup is extremely straightforward. In the anhydrous gas phase, these are just a hydrogen molecule bonded to either a chlorine or a fluorine atom. HF (hydrogen fluoride) is actually able to polymerize in the gas phase, so it can be HFHFHFHFHF, etc., if that makes any sense. When these gases are placed in water, it just makes hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acid. HCl (hydrochloric acid) is corrosive, and toxic in the sense that it will burn you. I'm not sure about other forms of toxicity. HF is a very, very nasty gas. A limited exposure can strip the calcium from your bones (this is the flourosis the link was talking about, I guess). I have worked a fair amount (safely, thankfully) with HF in that past.

HF and HCl have industrial uses. If you have to chlorinate or fluorinate other materials, then you might react them with HF or HCl gas. I haven't used HCl industrially, but I have HF with several applications.

The link you provided did a good job of describing the structure of Kyoto with regard to clean development mechanisms (CDMs). I don't think that there is anything wrong with the concept of a CDM (if it is well-managed and not subject to fraud). Actually, as long as there are constraints on emissions, I think CDMs are a great idea. Unfortunately, many let climate concerns trump other very real concerns such as pollution. Pollution isn't a problem only with CDMs...any time a plant is built in the developing world, pollution control isn't necessarily cared about. I don't see that as an indictment of the idea of the CDM. You don't have to pollute to enact a CDM (even in this case), and you shouldn't receive your credits if you don't meat certain pollution mitigation criteria.
The chemical makeup is extremely straightforward. In the anhydrous gas phase, these are just a hydrogen molecule bonded to either a chlorine or a fluorine atom. HF (hydrogen fluoride) is actually able to polymerize in the gas phase, so it can be HFHFHFHFHF, etc., if that makes any sense. When these gases are placed in water, it just makes hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acid. HCl (hydrochloric acid) is corrosive, and toxic in the sense that it will burn you. I'm not sure about other forms of toxicity. HF is a very, very nasty gas. A limited exposure can strip the calcium from your bones (this is the flourosis the link was talking about, I guess). I have worked a fair amount (safely, thankfully) with HF in that past.

HF and HCl have industrial uses. If you have to chlorinate or fluorinate other materials, then you might react them with HF or HCl gas. I haven't used HCl industrially, but I have HF with several applications.

The link you provided did a good job of describing the structure of Kyoto with regard to clean development mechanisms (CDMs). I don't think that there is anything wrong with the concept of a CDM (if it is well-managed and not subject to fraud). Actually, as long as there are constraints on emissions, I think CDMs are a great idea. Unfortunately, many let climate concerns trump other very real concerns such as pollution. Pollution isn't a problem only with CDMs...any time a plant is built in the developing world, pollution control isn't necessarily cared about. I don't see that as an indictment of the idea of the CDM. You don't have to pollute to enact a CDM (even in this case), and you shouldn't receive your credits if you don't meat certain pollution mitigation criteria.

How about carbontetracloride??

I had a terific book once on the history of the chemical business from it's earliest days, who were the major players etc.

Interestinly the same people who pretty well cornered that business found that some wastes could be used as medicines and then pioneered the pharmaceutacl business. I found that a bit freaky. Also agriculture products such as fertilizers and pesticides (insecticides and herbicides, rmember agent orange?) came about.

Unfortunately I loaned it out and never got it back.

On the inside cover the guy who gave it to me had written a list of other interesting books, most of which I have read, a couple I can think of are 'tragedy and hope and the creature from jeckyl island.

I agree if this happens what controls SHOULD happen but they aren't happening now, even in this country completely. And I can wrtie quite a bit on that that certainly didn't come from the internet or a class room or even books.

Well time for the SECC game, I'll get back to this later! :)
Carbon tetrachloride is an actual refrigerant, I think. It is CCl4...only one chlorine atom extra that everyone's favorite chemical chloroform, CHCl3.
Carbon tetrachloride is an actual refrigerant, I think. It is CCl4...only one chlorine atom extra that everyone's favorite chemical chloroform, CHCl3.

I doubt carbon tet would be used as a refrigerant, it's a very powerful acid and can eat it's way through solid steel. I've used it for cleaning and decorative etching of metal. You want to be sure use it in a well ventilated area, the fumes are killer.

Back to the two chemical compounds mentioned in the article, do they have any industrial value. It seems to me they are toxic byproducts industry doesn't know how to safely deal with.
Could Barry be the seventh iman???

No, in reality, while Barry san recieves the Nobel Peace prize, the Russians fire a submarine launched test missile from a White sea location capable of carrying ten independently targeted nuclear devices, so much for peace!!

This is the ninth failure of the new Russian missile in thirteen tries. With a 70% failure rate, why would we need need anti-missile missiles??

Oh wait, what about the other 30%???????
Dictator of the year!!!

for his achievements in 'inspiring hostility among nations, increasing human suffering.'

University professor says prize's aim to remind world of ongoing genocide, torture, a day before US President Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize, Norway presented an original initiative of its own.

Oslo University decided to award Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei with the "dictator of the year prize" Wednesday.

It seem the students at Oslo U are much more current on international politics than their contemporaries on the Nobel committee.

Khamenei was chosen out of 11 candidates - selected by human rights experts - including North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and Myanmar's General Than Schwe.

What does Jimmy Carter have in common with those twelve candidates???? He helped most of them achieve and hold power and to this day has nothing bad to say about any of them.

If James Earl Carter were to catch on fire I wouldn't even spit in his direction. :bad:

Funny thing though about the 'thumbs up', 'thumbs down' signifying; this supposedly began in the hay day of Rome in the coliseum when gladiators were doing battle, when one foe had subdued another, while holding his weapon at ready, he looked to the emperors box, a thumbs down signal meant to sheath his sword and let the loser live but thumbs up meant to use the sword and kill the foe.

Of course oft times the emperor would take his cue from whether most of the other Coliseum goers thought mercy should be the order of the day or whether the coup de gras (not to be confused with foie de gras) should be dealt, then too, 'coup de gras' litterally means; 'blow of mercy' meant to end suffering.

Soooo, in that spirit a big old thumbs up to the Supreme Ruler.


Is lamb in??


"Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious." -- Ayatollah Khomeini

Another incongruous thing about islam, islam claims to be an extention of Judahism from Adam to Abraham to Moses and even claims Jesus to be a prophet of islam (but not the son of God as Christians believe) and the funny thing about that is that the word 'jovial' (convivial, merry) is taken from the Hebrew name for God, ie; Jove or Jehovah.

I'll bet the term "Merry Christmas" really scorches their turban, not that "Happy Holidays" would be looked upon as much of an improvement.
Seems like Carter needs some type of "Instigator Award" for his tireless work with tyrants worldwide.
The chemical makeup is extremely straightforward. In the anhydrous gas phase, these are just a hydrogen molecule bonded to either a chlorine or a fluorine atom. HF (hydrogen fluoride) is actually able to polymerize in the gas phase, so it can be HFHFHFHFHF, etc., if that makes any sense. When these gases are placed in water, it just makes hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acid. HCl (hydrochloric acid) is corrosive, and toxic in the sense that it will burn you. I'm not sure about other forms of toxicity. HF is a very, very nasty gas. A limited exposure can strip the calcium from your bones (this is the flourosis the link was talking about, I guess). I have worked a fair amount (safely, thankfully) with HF in that past.

HF and HCl have industrial uses. If you have to chlorinate or fluorinate other materials, then you might react them with HF or HCl gas. I haven't used HCl industrially, but I have HF with several applications.

The link you provided did a good job of describing the structure of Kyoto with regard to clean development mechanisms (CDMs). I don't think that there is anything wrong with the concept of a CDM (if it is well-managed and not subject to fraud). Actually, as long as there are constraints on emissions, I think CDMs are a great idea. Unfortunately, many let climate concerns trump other very real concerns such as pollution. Pollution isn't a problem only with CDMs...any time a plant is built in the developing world, pollution control isn't necessarily cared about. I don't see that as an indictment of the idea of the CDM. You don't have to pollute to enact a CDM (even in this case), and you shouldn't receive your credits if you don't meat certain pollution mitigation criteria.

Can hydrogen be separated from the clorine or flourine??

Putting them in water seems the wrong way to go, unless you have some use for large quantities of hydrocloric and/or hydroflouric acids.

As for the CDMs, let's look into the background.

Global warming aka climate change has been a tawdry tale of corruption and profiteering from the very beginning.

As far as I'm concerned anyone buying into the whole deal of regualting CO2 fits into three categories.

1. dumb as box of rocks, and probably brainwashed.

2. ignorant of the science and economics of the topic.

3 is so corrupt they think they can benefit personally in a financial sense and have no real personal principles to live by.

Funny about 'meat certain pollution mitigation criteria.'

Perhaps we may have a meeting of the minds, or meating of migration issues!! :birgits_giggle:

When you mention; "a plant is built in the developing world," I hope you include America, I have a hell of an indictment of the EPA and some chemical companies where that topic is concerned, I'd like (and hope to) to enlighten everyone when that subject is broached.
#50, not meat.

There are industrial uses for these two acids. One problem is that they likely aren't pure streams from this process and separating them would be potentially annoying. The material is safer when placed in water just because it can be contained more easily. I would wager that is why you would typically see it scrubbed into water/basic solution.

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