The gsvol compendium thread

Seems like Carter needs some type of "Instigator Award" for his tireless work with tyrants worldwide.

Most Outstanding Doofus of the Twentieth Century??


Really, Jimmy makes Forest Gump look like a rocket scientist.
#52, not meat.

There are industrial uses for these two acids. One problem is that they likely aren't pure streams from this process and separating them would be potentially annoying. The material is safer when placed in water just because it can be contained more easily. I would wager that is why you would typically see it scrubbed into water/basic solution.

Thanks for ignoring my numerous typos, I just couldn't pass up making fun that one though. :)

Eventually I hope to relate the difficulties encountered locally in dealing with 'devil may care' chemical companies dumping wastes and a 'stone wall' completely unresopnsive EPA.


The Missing Hotspot

The ‘Hotspot’ is crucial to the climate debate.

If greenhouses gases are warming the planet that warming will happen first in the cold blob of air 8-12 km above the tropics. It’s freezing cold up there, but it ought to be slightly less freezing cold thanks to greenhouse gases. All 20-odd climate models predict warming there first—it’s the fingerprint of greenhouse gas warming, as opposed to warming by some other cause, like solar magnetic effects, volcanic eruptions, solar irradiance, or ozone depletion etc etc.

The big problem for the believers of AGW is that years of radiosonde measurements can’t find any warming.....

It means either the greenhouse effect is not causing much of the recent warming, or the greenhouse theory is just plain wrong. AGW supporters are not asking this question because they can’t win either way.

Now available free and downloadable on line; The Skeptics Handbook, one and two.



Published in ten languages with three more on the way.

Carbon Credit fraud causes more than 5 billion euros damage for European Taxpayer.

As an immediate measure to prevent further losses France, the Netherlands, the UK and most recently Spain, have all changed their taxation rules on these transactions. After these measures were taken, the market volume in the aforementioned countries dropped by up to 90 percent.

With the support of Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom Europol has set up a specific project to collect and analyse information in order to identify and disrupt the organised criminal structures behind these fraud schemes. There are reasons to believe that fraudsters might soon migrate towards the gas and electricity branches of the energy sector.

Carbon credit fraud is a variation on the VAT carousel fraud.

In a new approach, researchers from the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have genetically modified a cyanobacterium to consume carbon dioxide and produce the liquid fuel isobutanol, which holds great potential as a gasoline alternative.

Let's see now, if CO2 drops below 200 PPM plant life in the area all the plants die ~ and if the AGW folks are "correct" in any respect about CO2 providing any sort of greenhouse effect, it'd probably get doggone cold.

What a stellar idea.

Let’s develop a bacteria that can thrive virtually everywhere on the planet, poisons the environment as long as it lives, and, if left to thrive, starves plants so we have nothing to eat.

Brilliant. What could possibly go wrong?
Journalist Phelim McAleer asks Prof. Stephen Schneider from Stanford University an Inconvenient Question about 'Climategate' emails.

Armed UN Security Officers Stop Questions About ClimateGate.

A Stanford professor with ties to Nobel Laureate Al Gore and the growing ClimateGate scandal used United Nations security officials at the climate conference in Copenhagen to halt questions about e-mail messages obtained from Britain's Climatic Research Unit.

Dr. Stephen Schneider was speaking at the Bella Centre Thursday when Irish journalist Phelim McAleer began asking about ClimateGate.

McAleer is known for his documentary "Not Evil, Just Wrong," which challenged the content of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," as well as for confronting the former Vice President during a lecture in October only to have his microphone turned off.
Schneider has been a controversial global warming alarmist for quite some time. ...................................... he appeared in a 1978 television program warning Americans of a coming Ice Age............ Since then, Schneider has been a close confidant to Gore.

Scaremongers Don't Need No Stinking Facts.

The U.S. alone has spent over $30 billion on alarmist "climate science" the past 20 years — plus $35 billion on renewable energy — based on the banditos' tales of a global warming catastrophe if we don't slash fossil fuel use and carbon dioxide emissions.

Instead of solid, scientific evidence, the bandito scientists have offered speculation, assertions, hockey-stick graphs, computer models and worst-case scenarios — purporting to demonstrate that CO2 causes planetary warming that will be cataclysmic.

Their reports were "peer reviewed" by networks of fellow alarmists who tied every weather and temperature anomaly to global warming and carbon dioxide — then stonewalled requests from experts who wanted to examine the raw temperature data, computer codes and analyses.

This fraudulent science is the basis for congressional cap-tax-and-trade legislation, EPA's pronouncement that CO2 "endangers" human health, and the global governance treaty being debated in Copenhagen.

The actions would result in huge taxes on energy use, reduced living standards, lost jobs and liberties, and a massive transfer of wealth from energy consuming families and businesses to governments.

Reliable satellite temperature measurements show stable, then declining temperatures the past 15 years, despite rising CO2 levels. So climate crisis scientists ignored them in favor of ground-level temperatures.

But half of the world's ground-based gauges are in the U.S. — covering just 1.8% of the Earth's surface. Worse, most of those gauges are close to air conditioning exhausts, tarmac, blacktop and other heat sources. So they read high, corrupting climate records, models and analyses.

Britain's temperature records were value-added (aggregated, averaged and manipulated) by its East Anglia University Climate Research Unit (CRU) — which tossed or lost the original raw data so no one could check its methodology, accuracy and honesty.

E-mail messages between high-ranking scientists

appear to indicate a conspiracy by some of the world's leading global warming alarmists to falsify temperature data in order to exaggerate global averages.

Those involved allegedly include: James Hansen, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Michael Mann, famous for Mann's "Hockey Stick"; Gavin Schmidt, NASA climate modeler, and; Stephen Schneider, Stanford professor and Al Gore confidant.

One of Obama's czar's is also involved.
Duck, run, and hide.


What country is this??

The federal government is pushing ahead with its planned emissions trading scheme by moving to engage experts to run complex auctions of millions of carbon emissions permits each year, despite legislation for the ETS being defeated in the Senate last week for the second time.

Unintended consequences?

Without some form of exemption for the planned gas treatment plant at the Prudhoe Bay end of a future gas pipeline from Alaska’s North Slope, current climate change legislation working its way through Congress could add $14 to the cost of every British thermal unit of gas flowing through the pipeline, thus sinking the viability of the pipeline project, Joe Balash, special assistant to the governor for energy and natural resource development issues, told Law Seminars International’s Energy in Alaska conference on Dec. 7.

“We have estimated that if just half of the gas delivered by the natural gas pipeline is able to meet markets in the Lower 48, you could do without 120 to 190 coal-fired plants. The difference in emissions is staggering,” Balash said.

And if natural gas does not come from Alaska people will seek alternative sources, either from overseas of from more expensive domestic production, he said.

Balash also expressed major concern about the possibility of the state’s three oil refineries going out of business as a consequence of the cost of carbon dioxide allowances, under the terms of the current versions of the federal legislation.

Climategate reaches British House of Lords.

There is the issue of the science, which I had previously taken as given; but many people’s faith is being tested. We are often told that the science is settled. I suppose that is what the Inquisition said to Galileo. If so, why are we spending millions of pounds on research? The science is far from settled. – Lord Turnbull Dec 8th 2009

We need to purge the debate of the unpleasant religiosity that surrounds it, of scientists acting like NGO activists, of propaganda based on fear, for example, the quite disgraceful government advertisement which tried to frighten young children-the final image being the family dog being drowned-and of claims about having “10 days to save the world”.

Crude insults from the Prime Minister do not help.

The number of federal employees making over $100,000 per year has exploded in the first 18 months of the recession, USA Today reports, sending the total percentage from 14 percent to 19 percent.

The highest-paid federal workers are seeing the largest increases: In the same period, the number of civil servants making over $150,000 jumped from 1,868 to 10,100.

When the recession began, only one person at the Department of Transportation was making over $170,000. Eighteen months later, 1,690 employees do.
No, its the 5 rules of Dodgeball!

What about hop and jump?

Gore sued by over 30,000 scientists for fraud.

Don't confuse environmentalism with science.

The heart of environmentalism is not to be found in the natural sciences. It is ideology and nothing more.

We have had considerable domestic and international experience with governments that micromanage the lives of their residents. The more governments interfere in our lives, the more things go wrong.

The environmental activists now meeting in Copenhagen need to mature a bit and come to understand that we have less to fear from CO2 than from bad ideas.

But to follow the advice of the Copenhagen activists, or those who voted for the Waxman-Markey bill, is the path of fools.

So is the Kerry/Boxer bill.

I'm surprised the Tennessean printed his article.

As part of the Obama/Democrat $789 billion stimulus package, $389,357 was awarded for a research study that "will reportedly pay 100 Buffalo area residents $45 each to record their daily malt liquor drinking and marijuana smoking usage through an automated phone hotline."



The Obama solution.


The New Socialism

With socialism dead, the gigantic heist is now proposed as a sacred service of the newest religion: environmentalism.

Not since the creation of the Internal Revenue Service has a federal agency been given more intrusive power over every aspect of economic life.------------------------------------------------

This naked assertion of vast executive power in the name of the environment is the perfect fulfillment of the prediction of Czech President (and economist) Vaclav Klaus that environmentalism is becoming the new socialism, i.e., the totemic ideal in the name of which government seizes the commanding heights of the economy and society.
Now we are in the compendium thread??

Since there are so many seperate topics in the thread, perhaps the responsible mod should call it the hip-hop thread.

More on Hopenhagen:

Copenhagen Talks Hit (Carbon) Iron Curtain.

Russia’s economic collapse in the 1990s resulted in its emissions having fallen about 34% from their 1990 levels. Under the Kyoto treaty, that gives it claim to massive amounts of tradable carbon credits. Russia wants those credits rolled forward before it signs on to any new international carbon treaty. Other countries aren’t keen on that. It would allow Russia to flood the market, effectively undercutting the whole effort to reduce carbon in the first place. But thus far no compromise has been reached.

If that weren’t enough, Russia also wants any new treaty to reflect the ability of its vast forests to absorb carbon output as well.


Having trouble copeing in Hopen?

Not only did the former Vice President completely refuse to answer questions about his blatant misrepresentations of the age of the most recent e-mail message obtained from Britain's CRU, a U.N. security official actually disconnected McAleer's microphone to make sure any answers would be unrecorded ....

Disproving The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Problem, Leonard Weinstein, ScD, former senior research scientist who worked more than 30 years at the NASA Langley Research Center and is now senior research fellow at the National Institute of Aerospace. April 25, 2009

(A very detailed and thourough debunking of the AGW theory.)

If Gordon Brown thinks name-calling will deter those who seek the truth, perhaps he should join a movement that might be named "the flathead society."

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 1 of 9)
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle, part 1 of 9

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 2 of 9)
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle, part 2 of 9

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 3 of 9)
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle, part 3 of 9

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 4 of 9)
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle, part 4 of 9

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 5 of 9)
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle, part 5 of 9

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 6 of 9)
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle, part 6 of 9

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 7 of 9)
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle, part 7 of 9

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 8 of 9)
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle, part 8 of 9

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Credits (Part 9 of 9)
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle, part 9 of 9 (credits)

My running mean of the International Sunspot Number for 2009 just dipped below 1.00. For anything comparable you now need to go back before 1913 (which scored a 1.43) which could mean we're now competing directly with the Dalton Minimum.

Just in case you'd like another tidbit, here is something that puts our 20 to 30 day spotless runs in perspective… the mother of all spotless runs (in the heart of the Maunder Minimum, of course!) was from October 15, 1661 to August 2, 1671.

It totaled 3579 consecutive spotless days, all of which had obs. To say that that we in interesting times is a huge understatement. We are about to enter a Grand Minimum, which in the past have produced a cooler planet, while our government is preparing for run-away global warming.

Who could have predicted this stupidity?

Climate Change: Colorado State University says it'll no longer promote the work of Dr. William Gray. Is it really a cost-cutting move or are CSU and eco-fascists trying to silence the godfather of hurricane forecasting?

- Snip -

The university says its decision is based solely on the burdens of keeping up with media requests and inquiries about Gray's work that overwhelm a lone media staffer.

It says the decision has nothing to do with the fact that Gray, professor emeritus of CSU's atmospheric department, has been an effective voice offering inconvenient truths debunking Al Gore's climate disaster theories.

- Snip -

"It bothers me that my fellow scientists are not speaking out against something they know is wrong," Gray once said. "But they also know that they'd never get any grants if they spoke out."

An increasing number are speaking out, inspired by Gray's courage. Gore and his ilk complain about government censorship of their views. But their opponents are the ones being silenced.

Want links to the last two quotes??

(If not for a single professor at CSU, Prof Gray’s works would have been wiped from the CSU web servers. Including the entire history of hurricane prediction data that he built his career and reputation around.)
Last edited:
I found it interesting that no media outlets mentioned the killers political/religious affiliation and their support for his actions.

I'm also am wondering if he has any connections to Jamaat ul-Fuqra camps in the United States.


The Islamic practice of taqiyya, meaning “deception” or “concealment,” has been refined into an art-form at a jihad training compound for African American converts near the small town of Red House in Charlotte County, Virginia.

The 25 acre facility in Prince George County is situated on Mahareen Road, a name selected by the Muslim newcomers and duly approved by the local ordinance officials. Mahareen is the plural of the Arabic mahar, meaning “clever one.” The facility in Campbell County is considerably larger, occupying more than 100 acres. An additional compound reportedly has materialized in Bedford County near the city of Roanoke.

Members of the compounds have been known to refer to themselves as “soldiers of Allah” and “Mohammad’s commandos.”

The Muslims of the Americas, the tax-exempt corporation which owns and operates the Red House compound, was formed in 1980 by Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani. It is, according to an official report, a “front organization” for terrorist activities. A 2005 Homeland Security report predicts that the Muslims of the Americas will sponsor a major terrorist attack on American soil.

Gilani soon came to the realization that it would be financially advantageous to train new recruits for the holy war on American soil rather than to pay the freight of sending them to Pakistan, and the sites of his other training camps throughout the world. And so, Islamberg in Hancock, New York came into being. Soon other hamaats were established in such places as Hyattsville, Maryland; Falls Church, Virginia; Macon, Georgia; York, South Carolina; Dover, Tennessee; Buena Vista, Colorado; Talihina, Oklahoma; Tulane Country, California; Commerce, California; and Onalaska, Washington. The Red House compound cropped up in 1993. Others are under construction, including an expansive facility in Sherman, Pennsylvania. How many hamaats are now in place throughout the United States is anyone’s guess. A low-ball figure is 38.

Before becoming a citizen of the Red House compound or any of the other Fuqra communities, the recruits – - primarily inner city black men who became converts in prison – - are compelled to sign an oath that reads: “I shall always hear and obey, and whenever given the command, I shall readily fight for Allah’s sake.”

Over the years, numerous members of Jamaat ul-Fuqra have been convicted in US courts of such crimes as conspiracy to commit murder, firebombing, gun smuggling, and workers’ compensation fraud. Others remain leading suspects in criminal cases throughout the country, including ten unsolved assassinations and seventeen fire-bombings between 1979 and 1990. Associates of the group were also instrumental in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

The criminal charges against the group and the criminal convictions are not things of the past. In 2001, a 19 year-old former resident of the Red House compound was charged with the first-degree murder in the shooting of a sheriff’s deputy in California. By 2004 federal investigators uncovered evidence that linked both the DC “sniper killer” John Allen Muhammed and “Shoe Bomber” Richard Reid to the group and reports surfaced that Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was captured and beheaded in the process of attempting to obtain an interview with Sheikh Gilani in Pakistan.

Even though Jamaat ul-Fuqra has been involved in bloody bombings and sundry criminal activities, recruited thousands of members from federal and state penal systems, and appears to be operating paramilitary facilities for militant Muslims, the terror organization remains to be placed on the official US Terror Watch List, and The Muslims of the Americas continue to operate, flourish, and expand as a legitimate nonprofit, tax-deductible charity.
It's hard to believe after 9/11 that we're surrounded by these nutjobs. You'd think with everything that's happened we'd keep a better eye on our country.
There are lots of conflicting stories
floating around today as to the health of Harry Reid’s 2,074-page monstrosity of a healthcare bill, and clearly all is not well on the Democrat plantation.

Evidence of the trouble with the bill, for which Reid has seemed completely incapable of getting 60 votes and for which there is increasingly scant support among the American populace, is that the president has summoned all 60 Democrats to the White House to presumably harangue them in an effort to wrap up a majority. Not a single Republican senator has been invited.
CNN found that 61 percent of the public is opposed to Reid’s bill, and the poll average on Obamacare sits at 53.3 percent opposed, 38.0 in support.

Description of senate procedures, 13 steps.

Another climategate domino falls.

The article reports that the IEA had taken a new look at the data used in the Intergovernmental Panel for Climatic Change (IPCC) reports. These reports, which became the basis for warnings of dramatic human-caused global warming that led to calls for extensive regulation and to the current climate change conference in Copenhagen, are based on world temperature estimates using measurements from thousands of reporting sites throughout the world.

Novosti reported that the data used for temperature measurements in Russia appeared to have been carefully chosen from the warmest reporting sites. If an average were taken over all Russian reporting sites, then there was little or no warming to report.

Using only the sites chosen for the IPCC reports, Russia instead showed significant warming, with a “hot spot” over Eastern Siberia.

The next domino

was a study by Dr. Richard Keen of the University of Colorado that was reported at the Air Vent blog. In it, Dr. Keen compares the raw data from the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) with data from the Global Climate historical network, the adjusted data as published in the IPCC report.

Dr. Keen finds that the raw data does indeed show an upward trend of 0.69°C per century, which he believes is explained by the “Pacific Decadal Oscillator,” a well known long-term phenomenon.

The data used by the IPCC instead shows warming four times greater, 2.8°C per century, an adjustment of about 2°C.

What can be said is this: We now have substantial evidence, from several independent sources, that the data used as the basis for the IPCC report has been adjusted in undocumented ways, and those adjustments account for nearly all the warming we are told has been caused by humans.


Another lefty jumps ship.

Well birds of a feather I guess.

Mari Del Carmen Aponte, a former director at the extremist Mexican group National Council of La Raza ........ and the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, has been handpicked by Obama to be the U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador.
In 1998 Bill Clinton nominated Aponte, who was a member of his transition team, to be U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic but she was forced to withdraw after news broke about her tight relationship with an agent of Communist Cuba’s spy agency.

I suppose Obama was emboldened by his success in getting another of the same ilk confirmed to the SCOTUS.

Another source:

In fact, a confidential U.S. intelligence memo alleged that she had been recruited to become a Cuban spy in her own right. The revelations caused her nomination to be quietly withdrawn ... whereupon she reportedly refused to answer questions from the FBI (saying that since she was no longer seeking an executive branch slot, she no longer needed to cooperate in a background security check). Now, despite that debacle, and heedless of the controversies stoked by Van Jones, Kevin Jennings, et al., Obama wants to press ahead with Aponte

Third source.

Aponte has been a prolific contributor to Democrats, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when she was running for Senate, and others.


“Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.” - John F. Kennedy

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