The gsvol compendium thread

most people who did NOT vote for BHO

What the world needs now, more than love sweet love, especially in America, is election voter identification reform.

If voter identification IDs aren't constitutional then the old finger in the ink as used in Iraq and Afghanistan might work.

I would bet that there were at least 10,000,000 bogus or duplicate votes in the last election.
What the world needs now, more than love sweet love, especially in America, is election voter identification reform.

If voter identification IDs aren't constitutional then the old finger in the ink as used in Iraq and Afghanistan might work.

I would bet that there were at least 10,000,000 bogus or duplicate votes in the last election.

What I don't inderstand is why I can't get a simple paper receipt from the Diebold machine in my district that I can then drop into a box. The only paper is printed at the end of the day with a tally of all the votes. That situation is just screaming for corruption.

Oh well, guess I need to go back to worrying who is going to get voted off American Idol as that has a direct impact on my life.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
What I don't inderstand is why I can't get a simple paper receipt from the Diebold machine in my district that I can then drop into a box. The only paper is printed at the end of the day with a tally of all the votes. That situation is just screaming for corruption.

Oh well, guess I need to go back to worrying who is going to get voted off American Idol as that has a direct impact on my life.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Good luck with the American Idol project.

Every year I attend a get together with friends at a party and one of the attendees is a yankee from NJ who owns and edits the local newspaper. (a committted commie who advocates for Howard Zinn's communist history of the world and every other dem party platform position.)

A few years ago I jumped him about not reporting my vote for my write in vote for Pres and VP as being Pat Paulsen and Foster Brooks and while he reported one vote for communist candidates Gus Hall and Angela Davis and a list of other candidates who received no votes he didn't report my vote.

He said that in years passed there were so many write in votes for Mickey Mouse that the election comimission had decided that write in votes wouldn't be reported to the media.

That just goes to prove that my 'party' party with it's promoting of write in candidates did make a change.

The two most profound political statements I can remember off hand are from W C Fields; "Don't vote, it only encourages them." and P J O'rourok; "Political power is only political power when you take it seriously."

Kinda like the doubling of FOI request denials relative to Bush (the most evil, secretive bastage to ever hold the office).
But just ask any democrat; "is islam the religion of peace?"

They will always say; "you bet your sweet bippy islam is the religion of peace."

Politics makes for stange bedfellows.

Lieberman subpoenas Ft. Hood records - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

“The purpose of the Committee’s investigation of the Fort Hood attack is to answer questions that are critical to our government’s ability to counter homegrown terrorism,” the senators wrote in a letter accompanying the subpoenas. "In order to answer those questions, we must assess the information that the U.S. government had prior to the attack and the actions it took in response to that information."

BTW, there were 14 killed if you count the unborn child of the pregnant woman.

Not on topic but I meant to bring this up in the abortion thread.

Man Sentenced For Killing Unborn Child

One thing is murder, another is a medical procedure, ironic at all?

At this point I wondering who will get the more severe punishment, Maj Hasan or Col Lakin.
American Thinker: The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History

The old liar in chief hasn't changed his spots one bit has he??

After conducting twenty-five thousand witness interviews, the FBI could not find one witness who tied the neo-Nazi suspects to downtown Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh, the Ryder truck, getaway vehicles, or the bombsite. All had irrefutable alibis.

In short, the FBI failed to produce one eyewitness account, fingerprint, motel registration log, or phone record linking these alleged conspirators to the commission of the crime.

The judge who presided over Terry Nichols' 2004 state murder trial ruled the Bureau's pursuit of additional domestic terrorists amounted to nothing more than "hyperbole and a dry hole."

The FBI compliantly accepted the court's rebuke rather than take receipt of my voluminous dossier indicting Iraqi soldiers in the crime. In 1997, when I attempted to surrender the witness statements and corroborative evidence, the FBI flatly refused to take it. But I persisted, and in 1999, FBI Agent Dan Vogel accepted the witness affidavits and investigative file. From there, the documents simply vanished.

To this day, the FBI has failed to investigate the multiple sightings of Iraqi Republican Guardsman Hussain Al-Hussaini in the presence of Timothy McVeigh prior to the bombing, exiting the bomb-laden Ryder truck the morning of April 19, and escaping the ill-fated Murrah Building in a getaway vehicle pursued by the FBI in an all-points-bulletin issued for Middle Eastern terrorists.

More significantly, two federal court rulings establish that this Iraqi soldier has no provable alibi for the morning of the bombing.

The FBI never questioned Hussain Al-Hussaini and has refused repeated requests from Congress and the press to clear him officially of complicity in the Murrah Building bombing.

Why? It is my firm belief that Bill Clinton and Janet Reno should be called upon to answer that question.

Meanwhile, the Democrats will continue to spin the fictional portrait of McVeigh to the party's advantage.

Terry Nichols the only other conspirator convicted in the OKC bombing, despite intensive FBI investigation at the behest of Clinton, Reno and Holder, Nichols was never connected with any sort of white supremacist group, however we do know he had connections with islamic terrorists, which has yet to be acknowledged by Clinton or American media.

On April 19, 1995, an imprisoned Abdul Hakim Murad told his U.S. captors that he and Ramzi Yousef were responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing.

He repeated the claim to the FBI the next day.35

Two FBI internal investigations, fully available to the public, have shown that the agency was guilty of mismanaging the case at best, and malfeasance at worst.
I wish instead of it all getting shoved into this thread, it would get moved into an existing thread of the same general topic.
I wish instead of it all getting shoved into this thread, it would get moved into an existing thread of the same general topic.

Why don't you start a thread on the islamic genocides of the twentieth century???

At least 10 million Christians slaughtered.

Of course islamists deny it and then some fool will mention the crusades of a thousand years ago which was a war, or series of wars and not outright genocides of people unable to defend themselves.

Yet another leftist apples/oranges argument.
Why don't you start a thread on the islamic genocides of the twentieth century???

At least 10 million Christians slaughtered.

Of course islamists deny it and then some fool will mention the crusades of a thousand years ago which was a war, or series of wars and not outright genocides of people unable to defend themselves.

Yet another leftist apples/oranges argument.

I'm saying I am not a fan of everything going into a compendium. I'm on your side as far as you not having half your threads merged into one-- it kind of makes it hard to discuss things when an unrelated topic gets merged right after another.

I'm on your side here!

As far as the Armenian genocide, I am also horrified by it and saddened by it's lack of attention. I don't think the number was 10 million, but it was certainly in the millions.

I don't just lay it at the feet of Islam though just because it was the Ottoman Empire any more than I lay the holocaust at the feet of Christianity (or even modern Germany). Religious division and persecution was certainly a factor, as was political and ethnic issues.

I find Turkey's continued denials disgusting, and really indefensible.
I'm saying I am not a fan of everything
going into a compendium. I'm on your side as far as
you not having half your threads merged into one--
it kind of makes it hard to discuss things when an
unrelated topic gets merged right after another.

One can always use the 'quote' feature to explain
what one is talking about.

I wouldn't doubt that there are some topics worthy
of discussion and/or debate buried in this thread.

I'm on your side here!

Wonder which board monitor is doing this and just
what the criteria might be to qualify to be in this

I am completely uninformed on those two questions.

As far as the Armenian genocide, I am also horrified
by it and saddened by it's lack of attention. I don't
think the number was 10 million, but it was certainly
in the millions.

I've run this down several times.

Armenians - 2m, give or take a half million, hard for
dead people to complete a census.

Assyrians - almost 1m

Greeks - don't remember but a significant number

Southern Sudanese - 2m

Rwandans - 1m

That's about 8m.

Serbians - at least 1m

All those are primarily Christian and does not take into
account the number of Jews during WWII the genocide
of which the forces of islam were avid participants.

The Serbians were our allies in WWII and suffered a
greater number of casualties per capita than any other
one group, if not for their valiant and heroic effort, Hitler
would have captured Moscow, unfortunately at the end
of WWII the Serbians were betrayed by Great Britain, the
USSR and America into the hands of the Croatian communist
Tito who slaughtered repatriated Serbian POWs returning
from German POW camps on the spot and kept open a nazi
genocide concentration camp that produced the third most
dead bodies in the whole WWII nazi camp system for a full
six years after the war, in which he continued to exterminate
enemies, mostly Christian Serbs.

That's just a summary, to nowadays claim that islam is
the religion of peace is an insult to the intelligence of
anyone with the least bit of knowledge history or even
just the history of the last century.

I don't just lay it at the feet of Islam though just because
it was the Ottoman Empire any more than I lay the holocaust
at the feet of Christianity (or even modern Germany). Religious division and persecution was certainly a factor,
as was political and ethnic issues.

Why are American school children not taught that the
credo of islam was the main motivating factor of the
Ottoman empire??

Hitler was aligned with islam, his famous book is more
or less repeating the teachings of the koran.

He was in no way a Christian or ever professed anything
other than socialism as his religion and he was greatly
involved in the occult.

I find Turkey's continued denials disgusting, and really

At the meeting in Feb, 2010, Turkish Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan urged Turks living in foreign countries to
take out citizenship of the new homelands – not to integrate, but rather to become more politically active.

Recent quotes from Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan who Barrack Hussein Obama calls his close friend:

"Mosques are our barracks, domes our helmets, minarets
our bayonets, believers our soldiers. This holy army guards
my religion. Almighty our journey is our destiny, the end is
-- Erdogan

"The term 'moderate Islam' is ugly and offensive
-- Islam is Islam."
-- Erdogan

So bear in mind you apologist for islam, when you mention
moderate muslims you are insulting islam itself.

Muammar Ghadafi Prime Minister of the socialist revolutionary
government of Libya:

“We have four million Muslims in Albania. There are signs
that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe – without swords,
without guns, without conquests. The fifty million Muslims of
Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few
decades. Europe is in a predicament, and so is America.
They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time,
or else declare war on the Muslims.”

On February 26, 2010, Moammar Gadhafi called for a jihad
against the neutral country Switzerland.

Gadhafi was speaking at a conference marking the berth
of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and was quoted as
saying, "...any Muslim in any part of the world who works with Switzerland is an apostate, is against Muhammad, God,
and the Qur'an... let us fight against Switzerland, Zionism,
and foreign aggression."

This was brought about by the vote of the people of
Switzerland to ban any more minarets being built in that

One of the islamic laws of sharia is that a church steeple
cannot be taller than an islamic minerat, thus signifying
the surperiority of islam to Christianity.


Adnan Oktar’s Vision of a Turkish-led Islamic Union

Iran's Mr. Ahmadinejad, performing his prayers behind a
Sunni imam, is very, very meaningful. Above all it means
“if a Turkish-Islamic Union is to be formed, I will abide a
Sunni imam, I will accept him as an imam.”

Bear in mind this is the president of a country that
celebrates a national holiday named "Death to America"

What we are talking about is a religious/political/economic
organization that divides the world into two distinct spheres,
Dar al-Harb (land of war) and Dar al-Islam (land of submission
to the will of allah.)

It is always and forever required of the land of Dar al-Islam
to make war on Dar al-Harb, through immigration and political
activity and/or creating civil unrest or military agression.
(an activity at which they have become particularly inept.)

[one little trick of language is that in many cases the two
words 'islam' and 'salaam' are discerned to mean the same,
this is in no wise true. In Arabic, Urdu and several other
languages the greeting; "salaam aleikum", meaning 'peace
be unto you' is common place but that is the same as the
word 'islam', 'islam' mean submission, 'salaam' means peace
as in Jerusalem, city of peace, but is a distictly different
word with a complerely different word 'islam' which has a
tottally different meaning.]

Further enlightenment about islam.

Virtually every contemporary Western leader has expressed
the view that Islam is a peaceful religion and that those who
commit violence in its name are fanatics who misinterpret its
tenets. This widely circulated claim is false.

Islam's War Against the World demonstrates that Islam is
a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation
and destruction of other faiths, cultures, and systems of

The jihadis that Westerners have been indoctrinated to
believe are extremists, are actually in the mainstream....

Furthermore I would very much like to get into a discussion
of Clinton's BS grand deceptionon OKC and contemporary
America and the dangers he supposes comes from the
heartland when in fact they are foreign imports and grand
deceptions dating back at least to the assassination of JFK.
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I seem to remember some lauding European socialism in recent obamacare debates.

How do you pay for it?? You can't.

Latest developements in that massive failure:

Federal Reserve opens credit line to Europe

The Federal Reserve today opened a program to ship U.S. dollars to Europe in a move to head off a broader financial crisis on the continent.

Obama working to keep Fed's secrets

..................... an amendment in the U.S. Senate is endangering a plan supported overwhelmingly in the U.S. House that calls for an audit of the Federal Reserve, the private organization that sets interest rates and money policy affecting everyone in the United States.

For decades those decisions have been made behind closed doors,................................

....even though the Federal Reserve "can enter into agreements with foreign central banks and foreign governments," the General Accounting Office "is prohibited from auditing or even seeing these agreements."

"Why should a government-established agency, whose police force has federal law-enforcement powers, and whose notes have legal-tender status in this country, be allowed to enter into agreements with foreign powers and foreign banking institutions with no oversight? Particularly when hundreds of billions of dollars of currency swaps have been announced and implemented, the Fed's negotiations with the European Central Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, and other institutions should face increased scrutiny, most especially because of their significant effect on foreign policy,"

......................a coalition in the House that included 319 members – a majority – who signed on as cosponsors to a plan that would provide for the audits.

The bill was approved in the House, but now in the U.S. Senate, an amendment offered by (socialist party) Sen. Bernie Sanders from Vermont, would create exemptions gutting the audit plan.

The pushback against Paul's proposal originated in the Oval Office, according to reports.

The New York Daily News said the original plan was shot down by the White House because Obama wants to protect the Fed's current levels of privacy.

Paul's plan had earned overwhelming support in the House from its cosponsors. But it then was gutted in committee, and Paul blamed Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C., the chairman. Watt's congressional district includes Charlotte, headquarters of Bank of America Corp., the biggest U.S. lender.

Further investigation through reveals the largest share of Watt's campaign contributions in the 2008 election cycle came from the finance, insurance and real-estate industries.

The Federal Reserve has, on the one hand, many of the privileges of government agencies, while retaining benefits of private organizations, such as being insulated from Freedom of Information Act requests.

Another privilege is being tax exempt.

Sixty per cent of the privately owned Federal Reserve system is owned by Europeans, which in an important way makes the outcome of the Revolutionary war, the war of 1812 and two World Wars rather immaterial.
Pirates plying the waves of Falcon Lake

This reporter is so freaking ignorant he/she/it calls an AR-15 the military version of a US military M-16. (page 2)

(uh, remind me to go out in my shop and attach an M-16 to my Zebco in the morning someone.)

Where the hell do modern day journalists come from???

And they wonder that they have no credibility!

We should pass a law that reporters all wear beanie caps so we could more easily recognize them in public.

That goes for freaking FEMA photographers too.

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