The gsvol compendium thread

No one cares about Christians dying. Christians and Jews oppress the Muslims, therefore, we deserve death.

I watched a PBS Frontline show (who usually are about as leftist as you can get,) last night that revealed that just that is taught in not only the madrassas but the public schools of Pakistan, for which, ironically, Americans pay a great deal of the costs.

I get steamed every time some moron claims Christianity and islam are the same.

Once again, islam may be called a religion but it is extremely political and calls for economic and legal dominance world wide and anything goes, the means justifies the ends.

The thing is though, why is the western media so accomidating??? That is hard for me to understand. :crazy:
Research by hurricane scientists may force the UN’s climate panel to reconsider its claims that greenhouse gas emissions have caused an increase in the number of tropical storms.

However, the latest research, just published in Nature Geoscience, paints a very different picture.

It suggests that the rise in hurricane frequency since 1995 was just part of a natural cycle, and that several similar previous increases have been recorded, each followed by a decline.

“We have come to substantially different conclusions from the IPCC,” said Chris Landsea, a lead scientist at the American government’s National Hurricane Center, who co-authored the report.

The Nature Geosciences study was actually commissioned by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), a UN agency which helps oversee the IPCC, ....
..... the focus on economic terrorism was set in motion with the September 11 attack on the Twin Towers, when Osama bin Laden stated on the video tapes that he sent out that these attacks mostly damaged the United States’ economic base and that these attacks, which cost $500,000 to carry out, cost the U.S. $500 billion.

....the armed struggle against the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan is aimed at prolonging American expenditure on maintaining forces in these countries, and not necessarily at military defeat. The jihadists believe that this would help drain America’s financial resources and eventually critically damage the American economy. Therefore, they aim to make the U.S. open as many military fronts around the world as possible.


"We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. Allah willing, and nothing is too great for Allah," bin Laden said....
at annual 'saviours day' speech.

He spoke for 3 1/2 hours, something one would expect from the likes of Castro or Chavez.


Once you get past the usual anti-white, anti-jewish hate speech you get to;

He added that he had been given the ability in 1985 to predict the future on a wheel-shaped spaceship with technology "1 million years ahead" of America's -- claims he also has made in the past.

The spaceship contains 1,500 airplanes, each equipped with three bombs, he said, and the "angels on that human-built planet can build a wall out of air ... wall America in and start a fire."

Farrakhan said it was "too cheap" to call him a prophet, but that he was "not arrogant, I'm very humble."

"I'm a light in the midst of darkness," he said.

He called on Obama not to attack Iran and for ousted Haitian leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide to be returned to power.

Aristide, the communist and one of the worst leaders of Haiti ever, (and they have had some really bad ones), now lives in splendor in communist South Africa, a country controlled by black supremacists that seems to be hard on the heels of Zimbabwe to ruin a prosperous nation and run it into the sort of bankrupt, chaotic misrule on par with Haiti, one of the poorest and most despotic countries on Earth.

Reagan certainly said a mouthful when he said; "Socialism (communism/faschism) isn't the equal sharing of wealth, it is the equal sharing of misery."
Is This the Final Insult or the Last Gasp of Stupidity?

In February, 2002, the Department of Veteran Affairs, on their own volition, and by their own admission having no scientific or medical evidence to justify the move, stopped providing medical care and compensation for service-connected herbicide disabilities to Navy veterans of the Vietnam War, as well as Air Force veterans of that conflict.
It seems to be working. There is no economic recovery, the stimulus was a bad joke. This administration makes the last one look good. I bet the majority would take 4 more years of Bush over the "change and hope" charade that's going on now.
It seems to be working. There is no economic recovery, the stimulus was a bad joke. This administration makes the last one look good. I bet the majority would take 4 more years of Bush over the "change and hope" charade that's going on now.

Bush was terrible on fiscal policy, but I always felt as safe as we can feel in the world we live. I knew he would do anything and everything to keep us safe and if someone did attack us he would fight back. I think Barry hates this country and everything we traditionally stand for. I don't feel he would defend the US if attacked, unless the UN allowed him to do so.

U.S. President Barack Obama is served fried chicken as he visits Mrs. Wilkes' Dining Room in Savannah, Georgia March 2, 2010. REUTERS/Larry Downing
Can I get a beer and a cigarette to go with that?

From the Washington Times;

The Guardian reports that President Obama's doctors have recommended he moderate his "alcohol intake."

Most reportage on the president's recent physical has focused on Mr. Obama's continuing smoking habit, but revelation of a potential drinking problem is a much bigger story. How much "alcohol intake" does it take to get a doctor's attention? And what did the president drink and when did he drink it?

If nothing else it might help explain some of Mr. Obama's policy priorities, and why the government is spending money like a drunken sailor.

I suspect Jim Bunning had something to do with it.

We can always count on you for absurd remarks.

“I think Sen. Bunning has a legitimate argument he’s making. The Democrats just passed this pay-go legislation, and not even a week after the president signed it into law, they want to exempt the first bill that comes to the Senate floor,” House Minority Leader John Boehner said in a press conference Tuesday.

Bunning also raises a valid point about the hypocrisy of congressional Democrats,

who are already reneging on a promise to pay for new spending rather than add it to the deficit. Last month, they passed a so-called "pay-as-you-go" (PAYGO for short) bill requiring revenues or cuts to offset the cost of any new discretionary spending.

Freeing up revenue elsewhere in the budget to pay for the $10 billion in stopgap spending would amount to a ….% cut.

It hasn't taken long for that rule to be broken. As columnist Debra J. Saunders points out, the $15 billion jobs bill passed by the Senate last week violated PAYGO. Ditto for the bill that Bunning has blocked.

He argues that the Senate should tap some of the unspent money from last year's stimulus bill to fund the new legislation. Majority leader Harry Reid has rejected that plan, even though — according to the Obama administration's website — more than $500 billion in stimulus money is yet to be spent.

You can always tell when a Democrat is lying, first thing you notice is that his lips are moving.
for insulting islam.

Why is Usmani so important for the purposes of Wilders’ trial? Simply put, Usmani’s interpretation of Islamic doctrine as it concerns non-believers is the same as Wilders’. Indeed, the critical lesson to be gleaned from Usmani’s work bolsters the very argument that Wilders is on trial for making – namely, that the doctrine of jihad, as expounded in Islamic texts, inherently poses a threat to Western civilization. In fact, Osama Bin Laden made the exact same point in a lengthy essay entitled “Moderate Islam is a Prostration to the West” ....

Whether one agrees or disagrees with Wilders’ and Usmani’s interpretation of Islam is beside the point. The real question is: How can Wilders be prosecuted for agreeing with the interpretation of a world-renowned Islamic thinker and scholar – a scholar who has never been accused of hate speech or insulting Islam?

What this means is that Dutch authorities are giving in to demands from Islamic countries and kneel at the feet of their new Muslim masters.

At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe. We are in a new phase of a very old war.

In Brussels, Belgium, gangs of Muslim immigrants harass the natives on a daily basis. We have had several recent cases where native girls have been gang raped by immigrants in the heart of the EU capital, yet when the natives wanted to protest against the Islamization of their continent on September 11th 2007, the demonstration was banned by the Socialist mayor of Brussels, whose ruling party is heavily infiltrated by Muslims. Those who attempted to carry on with a peaceful protest were arrested by the police.
All cultures are not made equal… Islam is not a culture. It is the antithesis of culture. It is barbarity, savagery and incivility. Islamic civilization is an oxymoron, while Islamic terrorism is redundancy.
What is happening in Western Europe now is a textbook case of a situation where the social contract is no longer upheld. The natives pay extremely high tax rates to nation states that no longer protect their borders and are both unwilling and incapable of upholding a bare minimum of law and order.


Dhimmi Dutch pay the Jizyah tax to muslims.

Gouda local council has given criminal Moroccan teenagers money to stop causing trouble. “We wanted to prevent matters from escalating further,” said the council yesterday.

Some dozens of young Moroccans waylaid and robbed passers-by in December. They were ‘bought off’ by the municipality to keep them off the street around New Year’s Eve. They received a combined 2,250 euros, shoved into an envelope, to organise a party, De Telegraaf reported yesterday.

Gouda has confirmed that it paid the troublemakers.
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Serbia, Israel, and the Muslim Challenge

Apart from the perennial challenge of dealing with a restive and mostly hostile minority at home, both Israel and Serbia have also had to tackle their relations with their immediate neighbors. The Arab-Israeli wars since 1948, and the breakup up of Yugoslavia which coincided with the end of the cold war and the collapse of Communism and the Soviet bloc, have contributed to instability on the borders of these two states. Their constant vacillations have been in accordance with the fortunes of those wars, which resulted in the intervention of outside powers to restore stability.

In Israel, following the peace process between Israel and Egypt in the 1970’s, the Oslo peace initiative was launched in the 1990’s to seek a settlement with the Palestinians that would also insure Israel’s security. The Serbs, after the Dayton peace settlement on Bosnia which was negotiated (imposed) by the Americans in 1995, thought that their territorial integrity was guaranteed, and attempted to concoct a new formula for keeping together the remnants of the defunct Yugoslavia (Serbia, including Kosovo, and Montenegro).

The absurdity of the situation in Kosovo is that the West has been endorsing its claim to a second Albanian state at the expense of Serbia’s sovereignty, while it is prevailing on the Jewish state to allow a second Palestinian state – in addition to Jordan – at the expense of Israel’s security and sovereignty.

After the bombing of Serbia by NATO in 1999, the international forces and the UN administration in Kosovo were supposed to protect both the territorial integrity of Serbia and the survival of the Serbian population in Kosovo, together with its historical, religious and cultural heritage there. But it did nothing to prevent the utter destruction of that heritage and the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Serbs who were relegated to a persecuted, frightened and waning minority. In the West Bank, the Oslo Accords submitted the places of Jewish heritage to “guaranteed” Palestinian Authority protection, but when the Intifadah broke out in 2000, both the Joseph Tomb in Nablus and the Jewish synagogue in Jericho were burned down by the Palestinians, while the PA forces of public order looked on.

In this manner weakness became the major strength of both the Albanians and the Palestinians. Serbs were bombed and ousted from their country, which was ceded to the imposters who invaded it, under the watching eye of the West.

Israel was applauded by the West when it gave up territory out of its own volition, in the hope of bringing the Palestinians to terms, but when the latter’s intransigence grew instead, they found that the support of the West for them did not abate.

The Palestinians rapidly learned that they can bomb Israelis indiscriminately, pester their lives and terrorize them with impunity, because as soon as something was done to arrest their aggression, they immediately posed as the victims and hurled accusations of “horrors”, “genocide”, “holocaust”, “Nazism”, “war crimes” and the rest against the defenders, who were so demonized as to make any calumny against them appear excusable.

That exact same scenario was repeated during the Gaza War of 2009, in the aftermath of which Israel is still shelled, but it cannot react forcefully without arousing the wrath of the world which does not suffer the consequences of that aggression.

Retrace the events in Kosovo since the start of the crisis, and you will detect the very same stages, tactics and stratagems played out by the Albanians and Palestinians respectively, and the international community, with few exceptions, aligning itself with the weak and the victim who was also the imposter and the aggressor.

Why would the West do that? Why would the Christian world relinquish its natural and tested allies, who constitute the backbone of its geo-strategic security and shoot itself in the foot by boosting the forces inimical to it, which in the long run are bound to precipitate its demise?

Aha, a question I can answer, the west is no longer controlled by Christians but by godless socialists and backbonless greedy grab alls who think only of their own bank accounts and campaign fund $$$$ and who stand for nothing and therefore will fall for any bs rhetoric no matter how weak, hypocritical and self-serving it is, that's why.

By catering to Muslim demands and Muslim causes, like the Palestinian and Kosovo issues, the West hopes to appease the “moderate” Muslim regimes, like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Kuwait and Egypt, and perpetuate the flow of oil which has become the lifeline of the industrialized world.

American foreign policy, which was followed by the rest of NATO members, was to attract through alliances and economic development the emerging Muslim nations of Central Asia and the Balkans to the Turkish model and to create a continuum of moderate Islam from the confines of China through Pakistan and Central Asia, to Turkey and the newly constituted entity of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

(Even this policy is backfiring as Turkey is rapidly returning to it's islamic Ottoman empirist roots.)gs

The US wished not only to maintain intact the borders of the former Yugoslav republics, but also to ensure the continuity of the majority-Muslim Bosnia as part of the grand scheme of the Muslim “moderate” continuum. But when the Albanians in FYR Macedonia rebelled to demand a greater share of power, the West prevailed on the small and weak Macedonians to appease the Albanians. Kosovo Albanians then rose to violate the very principle of territorial integrity that America so vehemently defended in Dayton, and allowed them to terrorize the Serbs and force them out of their land, thus appeasing the Muslims once again.

The campaign to Islamize Palestine and Kosovo, which has been undertaken by Muslim interests, supported by a West that is steeped in ambivalent approaches and ambiguous formulae, has come to its crucial defining stage: Will the West rethink its position, reconsider who are its friends and foes, align with the former and stand firmly against the latter, and turn to construct a solid wall of the Western civilized world again the new wave of barbarians which is determined to vanquish it and reduce it to dhimmitude?

Palestine and Kosovo must be seen in the context of the third invasion of Islam into Europe.

The first invasion in the 8th century had taken Europe by assault from the southwest, colonized the Iberian Peninsula and attempted to take over Gallic France until it was arrested by Charles Martel in 732. The Spanish reconquista which took centuries to reclaim that land, was not completed before the end of the 15th century, at the very same time that the second invasion of the Ottomans, this time from the south-east, swept through the Balkans and eventually made headway to the gates of Vienna. But that invasion, too, was finally repulsed.

The retrieval of the lands once ruled by Islam (Andalusia, Palestine, the Balkans and Kashmir) is a matter of the highest priority from the Islamic point of view.

Attacking India or the European Union by Islam outright is too risky. Therefore attention is centered on the easier targets of Palestine and the Balkans, with Andalusia, Sicily and Kashmir in the second stage. For the rest of Europe a new tactic of soft invasion, by immigration and demographic explosion, has already yielded impressive results: within one generation, 30 million Muslims have taken a foothold in Europe.

At the same time, the Hamas and Hizbullah, backed by Iran (which also meddles in Bosnia and Kosovo) and encouraged by the Muslim successes in the Balkans, continue to press in Palestine. Their fellow jihadists are active in Kashmir, too.

The threat is for the most part unstated, but clear: if the West does not accommodate Islam by exacting more concessions from India and Israel – as it did in the Balkans – both the Arab states and Pakistan may succumb to the fundamentalists.

The West seems to be losing its nerve and all its bearings. It is falling into the trap of Islamist extortion, thereby precipitating itself swiftly onto the sliding path into the precipice.

There is always intense pressure in wartime for media outlets to serve as propagandists rather than journalists. While the role of the journalist is to present the world in all its complexity, so that people can make up their own minds, the propagandist simplifies the world in order to mobilize the public behind a common goal.

November 1, 1987:

The current hostilities pit separatist-minded ethnic Albanians against the various Slavic populations of Yugoslavia and occur at all levels of society, from the highest officials to the humblest peasants.

A young Army conscript of ethnic Albanian origin shot up his barracks, killing four sleeping Slavic bunkmates and wounding six others.

The army says it has uncovered hundreds of subversive ethnic Albanian cells in its ranks. Some arsenals have been raided.

Ethnic Albanians in the Government have manipulated public funds and regulations to take over land belonging to Serbs. And politicians have exchanged vicious insults.

Slavic Orthodox churches have been attacked, and flags have been torn down. Wells have been poisoned and crops burned. Slavic boys have been knifed, and some young ethnic Albanians have been told by their elders to rape Serbian girls.

Ethnic Albanians comprise the fastest growing nationality in Yugoslavia and are expected soon to become its third largest, after the Serbs and Croats.

As Slavs flee the protracted violence, Kosovo is becoming what ethnic Albanian nationalists have been demanding for years, and especially strongly since the bloody rioting by ethnic Albanians in Pristina in 1981 - an ''ethnically pure'' Albanian region, a ''Republic of Kosovo'' in all but name.

The federal Secretary for National Defense, Fleet Adm. Branko Mamula, told the army's party organization in September of efforts by ethnic Albanians to subvert the armed forces. ''Between 1981 and 1987 a total of 216 illegal organizations with 1,435 members of Albanian nationality were discovered in the Yugoslav People's Army,'' he said. Admiral Mamula said ethnic Albanian subversives had been preparing for ''killing officers and soldiers, poisoning food and water, sabotage, breaking into weapons arsenals and stealing arms and ammunition, desertion and causing flagrant nationalist incidents in army units.''

Nothing like this happening in America, no??

Outright media lies!!

In the entire decade of the 1990s, during the dismemberment wars of Yugoslavia, not one single article was printed in the New York Times that was written by a Serbian journalist, author, scholar or political leader. The same can be said of numerous major newspapers across the nation, including the Los Angeles Times, in my city. Serbs were simply muzzled into silence.

Dr. Alex Dragnich, a Serb, is the recipient of the Thomas Jefferson Award for Outstanding Scholarship at Vanderbilt University, where he taught for several decades. Dr. Dragnich is the author of ten books on Balkan history and politics and was a member of the diplomatic corps in Belgrade after the Holocaust.

At the height of the Bosnian Civil War, Dr. Dragnich submitted 42 Op-Ed articles to the New York Times. Not one was reproduced, yet lie after lie was published by the Times from instant Balkan "experts," few of whom had credentials on the Balkan region.

David Binder, who graces our book with a profound foreword, was a member of the Washington bureau of The New York Times from June 1973 to his retirement in 1996. He continued reporting until 2004, offering unique insights into foreign policy and the Yugoslav breakup. The admiration and respect for Mr. Binder's reporting and reputation as a journalist for almost five decades is without equal during what is fast becoming an era in which most journalists seem to strive to be mediocre at their craft; too many are simply recklessly irresponsible.

Binder had been the journalist of record for 30 years in the Balkans, particularly Yugoslavia but when slick willy did his about face back stabbing betrayal, Binder was fired by the NY Slimes newsrag that's ufit even for a parrot cage.

Binder Vs. Burns

Can you imagine that when the war broke out in former Yugoslavia his editors sent John Burns to cover the story, a journalist who relied on Muslim translators?

(even then there was not need for Arabic translators, the language spoken throughout Yugoslavia was Serbocroation.)gs

Burns won half a Pulitzer for writing about the confession of an alleged Serbian rapist and killer. This Serb was found guilty by his own confession without a single victim of rape or a body of an alleged murder victim presented as evidence at his trial. It was later proven his confession was tortured out of him. John Burns claimed there was not a mark on his body.

Was the American public duped about Bosnia? We should be asking what kind of justice is this at The Hague that cases against Serbs are not overturned when Muslim witnesses have admitted that they were coached by Bosnian authorities to lie on the witness stand? What kind of justice is Carla del Ponte, chief prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal, promoting by keeping Serbs imprisoned for killing numerous Bosnian Muslims who turned up alive and well in Sarajevo?

The U.S. blackout of court coverage of the Hague Tribunal conveniently hides what has turned out to be lynch-mob-style tactics of judicial abuse yet we are told that this tribunal is the linchpin of future international court cases involving war and genocide.

No Bosnian was ever indicted although much documentation was presented to the Hague, two of the top Serbs died while in captivity in Brussels.

Ambassador James Bissett of Canada said it best in his attack on the media: "It is not the media's responsibility to influence governments to make unwise policy decisions affecting the very course of history." But that is exactly what the media did in Yugoslavia.

If Osama bin Laden and Muslim terrorism are this nation's number one enemy, then the invasion of Bosnia by thousands of bin Laden-trained terrorists was a threat to Serbia and they had every right to defend themselves. Hundreds of those Muslim terrorists remain in Bosnia and Kosovo today.

Since the end of the war in 1999 and the arrival of KFOR troops in Kosovo, over 150 ancient Serbian churches have been destroyed. For the most part the press has remained silent. The same press that demanded human rights and religious tolerance for Bosnian Muslims continue to deny the Serbs equal justice as Serbs have been made nearly extinct in Kosovo where they were a majority of the population in 1939—the year in which I was born.

(only about 2% are Serbians now and most of those in refugee camps)gs

The media tell us that Albanians are a majority of Kosovo but never publish the fact that 40 percent are illegal aliens who cross the border into Serbia as easily as Mexicans cross our borders each night in San Diego.


On March 15, 1993, French journalist Jerome Bony, reporting from the Muslim stronghold of Tuzla, said: "When I was at 50 kilometers from Tuzla, I was told go to the Tuzla gymnasium, there you will find 4,000 raped women. At 20 kilometers, this figure dropped to 400. At 10 kilometers, only 40 were left. Once at the site, I found only four women to testify."

And this is the sort of evidence that gave us headlines screaming 60,000 rape victims in Bosnia, an absurd claim that to this day has never been exposed as a fraud by the American media.

(far more Serbians, many of them aged and unable to escape were decapitated, some raped first, by the muslims but no one was ever charged with a crime)gs

In his December 1993 editorial in Strategic Policy, defense expert Gregory Copley wrote: "The big lie technique is alive and well. Croatia has used the media and skillful image manipulation to hide its renewed genocide against the Serbs while at the same time ensuring that Serbs are themselves wrongly accused of the same type of crime, and more. Pictures of dead, wounded (or raped) Serbs often fill the screens of the world's television and print media, only to be re-labeled as dead, wounded or raped Croats or Muslims. Serbs not only suffer the indignity of defeat in death; they also are used in death as models in the macabre image manipulation operations of the Croatians and Muslim Bosnians."

CLINTON'S INTERVENTION WAS NOT AUTHORIZED BY CONGRESS AND, IN FACT, THE HOUSE of Representatives voted against it. That made it illegal. In another exercise of presidential authority that crossed the line into illegal and even unconstitutional conduct, Clinton ordered the U.S. through NATO to offensively intervene, even though NATO, by its own treaty, was supposed to be a defensive alliance. No member of NATO was invaded or threatened with invasion ....

Serbian Christians have mostly fled the province and many of their churches have been destroyed. Tragically, the Bush Administration has continued the Clinton policy on Kosovo. In fact, U.S. troops wearing U.N. uniforms are still participating in the NATO force in Kosovo, known by its acronym KFOR and operating under a U.N. mandate, in violation of President Bush's promise never to put U.S. troops under U.N. command.

The pulitzer prize mentioned is quite reminiscent of that received by Duranty the NY Slimes reporter who reported of a socialist utopia in the Ukraine while 8 to 12 million Ukrainians were systematically being exterminated by Stalin.

BTW, Clinton didn't even have a UN resolution to back his unlawful (both under American and international law) bombing campaign in Yugoslavia.

French FM Bernard Kouchner has referred to a VOA reporter in Kosovo as "insane", when asked to comment on the Kosovo human organ trafficking case.

The case, investigated by the Serbian War Crimes Prosecution, a Council of Europe rapporteur, and recently addressed by a high-ranking UN official,.....

Kouchner was asked to comment on the case, and claims of the families of the kidnapped and murdered Serbs, who accused him of participating in the human organ trafficking.

The organ trafficking case is investigating claims, also mentioned in a book published by former Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte, that hundreds of Serb civilians were kidnapped in Kosovo in 1999 by the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), to be taken to northern Albania, where their vital organs were removed and sold in the black market.

Kouchner, ...... was UN administrator in Kosovo from 1999 until 2001.........

THE KRAJINA CHRONICLE: A History of Serbs in Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia

THIS PIONEERING WORK takes the reader through more than half a millennium of the rich and tragic history of the Krajina Serbs. They endured an attempt to exterminate them in 1941-45 that horrified even the Germans. Most recently they were ethnically cleansed from Croatia, aided and abetted by the Clinton Administration. Dr. Trifkovic ably shines the light of truth on this, a crime that is still largely ignored in the West. -- Doug Bandow, former Special Assistant to President Reagan

THIS COMPREHENSIVE STUDY PROVIDES THE BEST EXPLANATION YET of the fact ignored by most media and Western governments during the 1990’s Balkan upheavals: that rather than being bent on conquering the lands of other peoples, the Serbs in what is today’s Republic of Croatia were actually trying to hold on to their historical native soil. It casts light on one of the most egregious violations of human rights that continues to be ignored by the “international community” – the right of the ethnically cleansed Krajina Serbs to return to their homelands. -- Col. Dr. Ronald Hatchett, Schreiner University, Kerrville, Texas
Hopefully the next time he "weighs-in" it's with weights around his ankles in the bottom of the Hudson.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Obama has now bribed a member of Congress with a judgeship to the brother to a member of the House of Reps in hopes that he will vote “yes” on Obamacare during the now upcoming reconciliation phase of the bill.

Scott Matheson, brother of Congressman Jim Matheson (D, Utah), was suddenly nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit today. Obidiently, Congressman Matheson went from a “no” vote on Obamacare to “undecided.”
Obama has now bribed a member of Congress with a judgeship to the brother to a member of the House of Reps in hopes that he will vote “yes” on Obamacare during the now upcoming reconciliation phase of the bill.

Scott Matheson, brother of Congressman Jim Matheson (D, Utah), was suddenly nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit today. Obidiently, Congressman Matheson went from a “no” vote on Obamacare to “undecided.”

But GS, we must :bow2::bow2::bow2::bow2::bow2: to him.

Dont you realize that?

How ignorant us none liberals have become. Shame on us!

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