The Harris Doctrine



Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2018
Harris' thoughts and positions deserve their own thread, they may last through the election.

We are beginning to see the initial outlines of the Harris Doctrine- turning this country into Venezuela. Instead of fixing the root causes of inflation, government policy, Harris wants to fix prices by attacking price gouging.

Catherine Randall in the Washington Post writes...

“Price gouging” is the focus of Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic agenda, her presidential campaign says. She’ll crack down on “excessive prices” and “excessive corporate profits,” particularly for groceries.
So what level counts as “excessive,” you might ask? TBD, but Harris will ban it.

It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.

At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat."

The Harris- Biden administration created inflation by pumping trillions of dollars into the economy, during Covid and in the middle of supply chain shortages. On top of that the Federal Reserve maintained interest rates at 0%. Furthermore, Harris- Biden forced shortages of domestic fuels, increasing oil prices, which affected commodity prices. Increased commodity prices increasd inflation.

How stupid do they think we are?
Instead of acknowledging their fiscal and monetary mistakes, dictators respond by punishing the producers of goods and invariably end up with an economy that produces even fewer goods and suffers from even more inflation. Why produce anything if the government makes you operate at a loss? This is what Venezuela did.

In August of 2018 Mery Mogollon and Chris Kraul reported for the Los Angeles Times:

Venezuela’s currency has now lost more than 90% of its value since January. Despite that, the government stubbornly maintains price controls on many basic products such as rice and beans, an economic “straitjacket” for many.

The price controls continue to create an enormous incentive for smugglers who can acquire food items at government subsidized prices and then resell them in Colombia or Brazil at market prices, reaping enormous profits. The practice has left shelves bare in grocery stores.
Harris Doctrine #2- New housing...

"Harris’s new housing proposals build on a series of plans outlined by the Biden administration in recent years. Biden has previously called for the construction of two million new homes. Harris said she hoped to build three million new housing units by the end of her term...

Housing costs are influenced by interest rates and the supply of and demand for homes. "

Don't forget, Harris-Biden created new incentives for construction during Covid. His policies created inflation and resulted in higher interest rates.

There has also been a huge population explosion in the country, resulting from an additional 10 million illegal immigrants entering this country. This created a real shift in demand without a new supply of housing.

We have a real housing shortage, because of the Harris-Biden open border policies.

Poor policies create distortions in our economy.
Per the Atlantic...

Harris’s Plan Is Economically Dumb but Politically Smart...

the campaign is starting to roll out its economic platform, and the substance likely won’t appeal to many people who actually know about economics...

According to the Econ 101 model of prices and supply, when a product is in shortage, its price goes up to bring quantity demanded in line with quantity supplied. This price increase sends a signal to producers to make more stuff. If you cap prices, you get shortages.....

Harris Doctrine #2- New housing...

"Harris’s new housing proposals build on a series of plans outlined by the Biden administration in recent years. Biden has previously called for the construction of two million new homes. Harris said she hoped to build three million new housing units by the end of her term...

Housing costs are influenced by interest rates and the supply of and demand for homes. "

You have to wonder if she even has an economic advisor.. basic supply/ demand principles.. and giving people the money just makes houses more unaffordable and in turn will probably make rents go up as well.. who in the world is advising her?
The Harris- Biden administration created inflation by pumping trillions of dollars into the economy, during Covid and in the middle of supply chain shortages. On top of that the Federal Reserve maintained interest rates at 0%. Furthermore, Harris- Biden forced shortages of domestic fuels, increasing oil prices, which affected commodity prices. Increased commodity prices increasd inflation.

How stupid do they think we are?
I think you may be stupid enough to try and reelect a guy who also pumped trillions of dollars into the economy during Covid and in the middle of supply chain shortages.
I’ll try to elect him because I honestly believe Harris would have pumped in more and wants to do so even today.
Trump said he wanted to pump in more as well if he was reelected in 2020. Pretty sure his claim was to pump in more than even Pelosi wanted.
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Trump said he wanted to pump in more as well if he was reelected in 2020. Pretty sure his claim was to pump in more than even Pelosi wanted.

Possibly, Harris supports pumping more in today. If he were running against Adam Smith, I’d vote Smith. He’s not.

For example Harris supports UBI
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You have to wonder if she even has an economic advisor.. basic supply/ demand principles.. and giving people the money just makes houses more unaffordable and in turn will probably make rents go up as well.. who in the world is advising her?
The advisers have compromised their integrity for access to power and a seat at the table.

Here is the defining quote of the article...

It’s hard for me to argue with the politics. As someone who has often said Democrats need to compromise their ideals to win, I don’t exclude my own ideals from that. ...

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Kamala Harris claims she has a plan to solve the crisis she helped cause: inflation.

Under former President Trump, the inflation rate averaged 1.9%. It skyrocketed to 9.1% in 18 months under Joe Biden and Harris, fueled by a $5 trillion spending binge paid for by debt and printing money...

The centerpiece of the Harris plan is the imposition of federal price controls on “greedy corporations” she says are “price gouging” consumers. Landlords would be prohibited from raising rents more than 5% a year.

Did Harris and Biden think that was too much or not enough?
I never said that they weren't also fiscally irresponsible. They have been.

The point is ....

It's ridiculous to criticize the Biden Administration for "pumping trillions into the economy during COVID," but then not even mention the $2.3 trillion relief package that Donald Trump signed in March of 2020.

How about showing a shred of awareness about who your preferred candidate is? There is nothing which indicates that Trump would have handled things any differently. At the time that bill was signed by Donald Trump, it was the largest fiscal relief package in US history.
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I never said that they weren't also fiscally irresponsible. They have been.

The point is ....

It's ridiculous to criticize the Biden Administration for "pumping trillions into the economy during COVID," but then not even mention the $2.3 trillion relief package that Donald Trump signed in March of 2020.

How about showing a shred of awareness about who your preferred candidate is? There is nothing which indicates that Trump would have handled things any differently.

100% agree Trump should not have agreed to that. That’s part of my issue with Trump, he’s too moderate.

But Harris for example is currently supporting UBI. So she’s wanting throw even more gas on the flames of inflation
I never said that they weren't also fiscally irresponsible. They have been.

The point is ....

It's ridiculous to criticize the Biden Administration for "pumping trillions into the economy during COVID," but then not even mention the $2.3 trillion relief package that Donald Trump signed in March of 2020.

How about showing a shred of awareness about who your preferred candidate is? There is nothing which indicates that Trump would have handled things any differently.
Remember the supply chain shortages? Harris-Biden turbo charged spending, while supply chains were disrupted. Any first year economics student would have know better.
Is this solely a propaganda thread?
This is supposed to be a discussion about Harris' proposed policies and the effect they will have on the country. So far, I have quoted mostly left wing sources. I cannot delete the post about communism, sorry for that error. Feel free to.
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