The Harris Doctrine

Harris' thoughts and positions deserve their own thread, they may last through the election.

We are beginning to see the initial outlines of the Harris Doctrine- turning this country into Venezuela. Instead of fixing the root causes of inflation, government policy, Harris wants to fix prices by attacking price gouging.

Catherine Randall in the Washington Post writes...

“Price gouging” is the focus of Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic agenda, her presidential campaign says. She’ll crack down on “excessive prices” and “excessive corporate profits,” particularly for groceries.
So what level counts as “excessive,” you might ask? TBD, but Harris will ban it.

It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.

At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat."

Yes. This is a stupid proposal. Hopefully it gains no traction and eventually dropped.
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The Harris- Biden administration created inflation by pumping trillions of dollars into the economy, during Covid and in the middle of supply chain shortages. On top of that the Federal Reserve maintained interest rates at 0%. Furthermore, Harris- Biden forced shortages of domestic fuels, increasing oil prices, which affected commodity prices. Increased commodity prices increasd inflation.

How stupid do they think we are?
4.6 trillion new dollars were created in 2020. It was roughly 25% of all dollars that had been created in the history of the United States. I don't remember Biden being in office then.

Economics 101 chapter 1, page 1: Inflation is created by either increasing the amount of dollars in an economy or limiting the supply of goods for sale. Also, tack on a few tariffs for good measure.

I took 1 econ class 30 years ago and made a B and even I saw this coming. The current inflation is laid directly at the feet of Trump, everyone in Congress in 2020 and the Treasury dept in 2020.

Is Harris a moron? Absolutely. Has she and Biden only made things worse? Yes.

But saying support Trump because "inflation!" Is like saying let's support Stalin over Hitler because Hitler was a bad guy.
Also, I don't get in much of a twist about campaign promises because they're garbage the candidate can't realistically get done...still waiting on Trump's awesome new healthcare plan and the Mexico funded border wall.

As dumb as her ideas are, she's surging in the polls is because at least she has some sort of loose policy instead of spending time questioning the blackness of people, pissing off veterans and trashing popular Republican governors in swing states.

I'm starting to believe Trump is deliberately tanking this thing. He's offhandedly mentioned several times he doesn't really want to be doing this. I'm starting to be that might be one of the few true things he's said.
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Remember the supply chain shortages? Harris-Biden turbo charged spending, while supply chains were disrupted. Any first year economics student would have know better.
The origin of the supply chain disruptions goes back to early 2020, while Donald Trump was still the President of the United States. You are trying too hard to completely place blame on the Biden Administration, when there is plenty of blame to go around. Once again, there is nothing which indicates that Donald Trump's administration would have handled things any differently had he been re-elected in 2020.

Harris sucks beyond comprehension and shouldn’t be anywhere near the White House. Biden sucked beyond comprehension and shouldn’t have been anywhere near the White House. The economic plans by both and basically the Democrats in general is pure plain garbage, but let’s not pretend that Trump didn’t overspend his ass off while in office, he wasn’t at all prepared for a covid related economic response plan (not that it’s certain anybody else would have been much better in that uncharted territory) and he should have waited until he and his administration came up with a much better plan than allowing them to just print a ton more money, he screwed the pooch there. It’s possible that he’s learned from it and wouldn’t be as reckless in a next go around, but I wouldn’t bet the farm on it and would have to see it to believe it.
Make sure to mention the no tax on tips that they all stole from Ron Paul 2012
Can anyone explain what’s so special about folks receiving a portion of their compensation as tips verses the rest of the hard working folks in America? If you think lower wage earners deserve less taxation, then either lower the 10% tax bracket to a lesser percentage or increase the individual deduction? Why are tips even being discussed as a specific form of income?
Harris sucks beyond comprehension and shouldn’t be anywhere near the White House. Biden sucked beyond comprehension and shouldn’t have been anywhere near the White House. The economic plans by both and basically the Democrats in general is pure plain garbage, but let’s not pretend that Trump didn’t overspend his ass off while in office, he wasn’t at all prepared for a covid related economic response plan (not that it’s certain anybody else would have been much better in that uncharted territory) and he should have waited until he and his administration came up with a much better plan than allowing them to just print a ton more money, he screwed the pooch there. It’s possible that he’s learned from it and wouldn’t be as reckless in a next go around, but I wouldn’t bet the farm on it and would have to see it to believe it.

How have you fared economically over the past 4 years? Sounds like things have been really rough for you.
Harris has proposed a 6,000 child tax credit, Vance has suggested a 5,000 tax credit.

Both are dumb and reward irresponsible behavior
Tim: I make white guy tacos

Kamala: what is that, tuna and mayonnaise?

Ummm….just to be clear, that’s racist, right? Don’t worry. No one will report on it just like how they report on him calling the national guard crooks
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What’re your thoughts on her policies in general? I feel like there’s little actual conversation about her policies right now
Not a big fan of the Dem fiscal platform but generally agree with its moderate to left leaning social policies.
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This is supposed to be a discussion about Harris' proposed policies and the effect they will have on the country. So far, I have quoted mostly left wing sources. I cannot delete the post about communism, sorry for that error. Feel free to.
I admire the try, but the Trump haters here won't talk about Harris' "plans" without trying to justify what the socialists plan to do by mentioning Trump's blunder in handling Fauci Flu. In other words, they won't stand on the existing record of what HeelsUp has already done, nor will they call her out on the blatant lies she has told in every pep rally/free concert she sponsors. (Who cast the tying vote that ensured tips would not only remain taxable, but funded more IRS agents to guarantee they are paid?) And NOW she wants to make them tax free?
Another stupid proposal. Hopefully gets same shrug and dumped.
Well that pretty much killed everything she spewed in North Carolina yesterday. LOL

16 times to North Carolina. 1 time to the southern border. (and that wasn't really to the border)
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How about this one. She is going to make it so that medical debt does not show up on your credit reports. Think about that one for a moment. You have had a catastrophic event that caused you untold financial hardship. Now, she wants to ensure that by removing it from your credit record, you will have the ability to more easily get right back into debt. Sounds like self immolation into the fires of slavery, but what do I know?

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