Being fat is part of the health outcome.
Citizens of all EU countries, on average, live longer than people in the US. They have far healthier babies than in the US. They lose far less productivity due to illness. In many countries, they get similar or better quality of healthcare with similar or better expediency and similar or better rates of insurance rejection than the vast majority of Americans with private insurance. Advertising by pharmaceutical companies is actually banned in every country in the world except the US and New Zealand, IIRC.
The fact is that there are a number of countries out there with far more socialized medical care industries that do deliver much better health outcomes and overall have far healthier populations than the US, but again, that has to do with much more than delivery. And considering the 40-50million uninsured here prior to the ACA taking full effect, yes, more socialist healthcare delivery systems do work better for the average person. If you live here, you can afford it and you don't have any significant pre-existing conditions and a spotless health background, yeah, you get the best care in the world. But it's not the average or the norm.
And before you start typing up your response, I am not nor have I ever advocated for any significant degree of socialized health care. Partially subsidized -- yes. Socialized, no.