The Holy Bible

(GVF @ Aug 11 said:
Maybe a more explanatory opinion would have been for me to say God's ways (to seek him) is simpler than we make it, not God himself being simple. Today's language interprets simple as dumb, and that would not have been my point.

All language interprets simple as basically the opposite of sophisticated. The root of sophisticated is 'soph' or 'sophi,' one means wisdom the other wise man. So, yes, simple is the opposite of wise, and therefore, simple is dumb.
All language interprets simple as basically the opposite of sophisticated. The root of sophisticated is 'soph' or 'sophi,' one means wisdom the other wise man. So, yes, simple is the opposite of wise, and therefore, simple is dumb.

Simple is also Easy. Which is also wise. A man that can make the difficult simple in life is truly more wise than one who stays confused on the sophisticated. A wise person can understand complicated things. But, one of true wisdom can make it where all can understand. Simply and Easily.
All language interprets simple as basically the opposite of sophisticated. The root of sophisticated is 'soph' or 'sophi,' one means wisdom the other wise man. So, yes, simple is the opposite of wise, and therefore, simple is dumb.

misapplication for personal benefit.

Sophi = wise.

Does not imply that opposites of wise are simple=dumb. dumb=stupid. simple = not difficult and does not imply dumb.
The Septuagint contains 46 Books my friend.

I have a copy of this and was wondering: Where does it fit in to the OT? I am rereading the Bible right now and would like to include this in my study.
Simple is also Easy. Which is also wise. A man that can make the difficult simple in life is truly more wise than one who stays confused on the sophisticated. A wise person can understand complicated things. But, one of true wisdom can make it where all can understand. Simply and Easily.

if you want to make things simple, explain to me carbon dating, fossil records, with respect to the bible. Based on the geneologies listed in the bible, the earth is a little over 2000 thousand years old.
if you want to make things simple, explain to me carbon dating, fossil records, with respect to the bible. Based on the geneologies listed in the bible, the earth is a little over 2000 thousand years old.
That's incorrect. It would be around 5000-6000 years old according to the genealogies in the bible.
All language interprets simple as basically the opposite of sophisticated. The root of sophisticated is 'soph' or 'sophi,' one means wisdom the other wise man. So, yes, simple is the opposite of wise, and therefore, simple is dumb.

Simple is dumb? So the notion of child-like faith which is quite simple? And all of Paul's criticisms of those seeking gnossos?
if you want to make things simple, explain to me carbon dating, fossil records, with respect to the bible. Based on the geneologies listed in the bible, the earth is a little over 2000 thousand years old.

So the earth began at the birth of Christ? Let's see....we're in 2006 now....minus 2000.....hmmmm.
So the earth began at the birth of Christ? Let's see....we're in 2006 now....minus 2000.....hmmmm.

Be nice, our calendar is about 40-50 years off...............

It should be 2046 or 2056................
The notion of the 6000 year old earth came from Archbishop James Ussher of Ireland. In 1650, he used the genealogies in Genesis, Exodus, and the ones in the Kings and Chronicles to calculate that the earth was created on 3 Oct 4004 BC. Cambridge Vice Chancellor John Lightfoot made a slight correction to Ussher's date. He concluded that all of creation took place during the week of 18 Oct to 24 Oct 4004 BC, with Adam being created on 23 Oct 4004 BC at 9:00 am, 45th meridian time (you would think he could be a little more precise:) .) Much of Lightfoot's and Ussher's research was included as footnotes in several study bible versions of the KJV from the early 18th century onward.
The notion of the 6000 year old earth came from Archbishop James Ussher of Ireland. In 1650, he used the genealogies in Genesis, Exodus, and the ones in the Kings and Chronicles to calculate that the earth was created on 3 Oct 4004 BC. Cambridge Vice Chancellor John Lightfoot made a slight correction to Ussher's date. He concluded that all of creation took place during the week of 18 Oct to 24 Oct 4004 BC, with Adam being created on 23 Oct 4004 BC at 9:00 am, 45th meridian time (you would think he could be a little more precise:) .) Much of Lightfoot's and Ussher's research was included as footnotes in several study bible versions of the KJV from the early 18th century onward.
Just a footnote, so as not to confuse anyone. Ussher was an Archbishop of the Church of Ireland, a Calvinist Church. Most associate Bishop and Archbishop with Catholicism. This is not the case with Ussher.
yeah 6000 years my bad.

The bible lists the geneologies of Christ in several places. Starting with Adam, the age of the majority of those listed in the bible is given, for example abraham, jacob, joseph, and david, their age at their death is given. Its not difficult to estimate to within a few hundred years the age of the earth based on bible geneology.

When you consider carbon dating......there's a difference of a few billion years.
yeah 6000 years my bad.

The bible lists the geneologies of Christ in several places. Starting with Adam, the age of the majority of those listed in the bible is given, for example abraham, jacob, joseph, and david, their age at their death is given. Its not difficult to estimate to within a few hundred years the age of the earth based on bible geneology.

When you consider carbon dating......there's a difference of a few billion years.
You also have to assume that:
1. The genealogies are literal, and that no generations were skipped.
the word yalad that is translated as begat in the OT can mean the father of, but it can also mean the ancestor of.

2. That people really did live to be 800-900 years old, and that a year as described in the bible is the same 365 day period that we call a year today. The word sana that is translated as years in the OT can also mean year, years, two years, year by year, yearly, and an entire age.

3. That the creation days were literally six 24 hour days. Yom, translated as day can mean a literal day or it can also refer to a period of time, which I think is the case in the Genesis creation narrative. You also have to consider that a 24 hour day as we know it is impossible without the sun, which wasn't even created until the fourth day. Also, the bible dosen't say that God created the earth on the first day, He created light on the first day. He created the earth in the beginning, which could have been at any point in the past. You should also consider 2 Peter 3:8, which says that a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day with God. To me that simply means that the concept of time is meaningless when we are talking about God.

It is impossible to take the bible and pinpoint a date for the creation of the earth, nor do I think it was ever intended to do so.

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