It sounds to me like people believing the federal govt is working to protect Biden are suggesting they, the prosecution and defense, were hiding their intent in the "ambiguous" parts and hoped the judge would not press them on details. If pressed about fara violations publicly the prosecution did not want to admit they would be included.
I'm not a laywer so I don't know for sure. It looks suspicious to me, but I'd also have a hard time believing both sides could come to a plea agreement and not understand for over a month what was being agreed to. It was only discovered upon questioning by the judge. (if there really was no immunity shenanigans going on as has been suggested). It looks suspicious to those people that critical portions of the agreement were on a separate document separate from her purview.
From the earlier posted article:
New details emerge in Hunter Biden plea agreement
My question, if the plea agreement had gone through and a year from now the DOJ wanted to charge Hunter with FARA violations, how many hurdles would they have to jump through to get that done when Hunter's attorney's would claim he was immune from any charges regarding his dealings with Ukraine/China.
- adding these just so I or anyone else doesn't have to go back and look up the plea documents,&dl,&dl