The Impeachment Thread

Ahem ... how many republican presidents have you voted for ? I’ll bet I’ve voted for more Democrat presidents than you have Republicans . 😊

Propaganda didn’t start with FOX and friends .

There’s always been a bit of political propaganda in the msm.
This hardcore msm propaganda we now see started under Obama.
This is what Democrats do not want, under any circumstances, happening to their corrupt members
It's their greatest fear if Hillary is ever arrested and jailed for past crimes she's committed she knows too much.

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If Hills ever got indicted the odds are favorable that she’d get Epsteined faster than Epstein got Arkancided.
Republicans should know who the whistleblower is. If they don't they should be told. But can they not simply refer to him/her as the whistleblower when asking questions? They don't have to share the knowledge with the public, but it seems to me the identity of the whistleblower is a key part of all of this. The Senate should know who it is so they can consider credibility on the origins of this.
A conspirator should not be able to hide behind whistleblower laws.
You continue to hold out hope that John Bolton's book wont be corroborating the allegations made under Article I: Abuse of Power from the Articles of Impeachment. If what The New York Times had reported was false information, don't you think that either John Bolton or a member of Bolton's legal team, or even the publisher, would have corrected the record by now? This report is a week old now. And who do you think leaked the contents of Bolton's book to The New York Times in the first place?

No because my feelings that John Bolton is a decent man also realize that he is trying to promote book sales and right now everyone is talking about it. And excuse me if I am skeptical that the NY SLIMES may have this one wrong. It certainly would not be the first.
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You continue to hold out hope that John Bolton's book wont be corroborating the allegations made under Article I: Abuse of Power from the Articles of Impeachment. If what The New York Times had reported was false information, don't you think that either John Bolton or a member of Bolton's legal team, or even the publisher, would have corrected the record by now? This report is a week old now. And who do you think leaked the contents of Bolton's book to The New York Times in the first place?

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