The Impeachment Thread

I thought this was all about upholding democracy and the Constitution? Only thing you guys care about is power.
This is all about knowing they can't beat him at the polls...5 million jobs created..personal income at record highs unemployment the lowest in 50 years He has kept us out of pricey wars and dared to stand up to the worlds worst polluter and human rights abuser China Trump's Numbers July 2019 Update


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Do you think they will do a retraction or correct the story?
Have you ever seen Mollie Hemingway, who is one of their editors, on "Special Report with Bret Baier" on Fox News? She gets facts turned around all the time and never corrects the record. Hell no, there won't be a retraction.
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The share who favor impeachment and removal from office now narrowly outpaces the share who say they don't feel that way -- a first in CNN polling -- although the two figures are within the poll's margin of sampling error. Opposition stands at 45% in the new poll, down from 54% who said so in May and the lowest point in CNN polling on this topic.

The change since May has largely come among independents and Republicans. About three-quarters of Democrats favor impeaching Trump and removing him from office, roughly the same as in May, while among independents, support for impeachment and removal has risen 11 points to 46% among independents and 8 points to 14% among Republicans.

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
This is all about knowing they can't beat him at the polls...5 million jobs created..personal income at record highs unemployment the lowest in 50 years He has kept us out of pricey wars and dared to stand up to the worlds worst polluter and human rights abuser China Trump's Numbers July 2019 Update
The stakes are higher than political posts.
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I figured it out. The civil war will be fought between the side that wants to win and the side that is tired of all the winning.

If one side is the side that’s tired of winning, who wins?

1. If the side that is tired of winning wins, then aren’t they losing because they’re tired of winning?

2. If they lose then they win because they’re no longer winning. Default to part 1.
Another reason to impeach Trump he destroyed all the good charity work the Clinton Foundation was doing by beating Hillary...donors were feeling less "donoy" after she lost 🤔. Donations to Clinton Foundation plunged along with Hillary’s election defeat
Winning the election sure didn't do much for the success of the Trump Foundation, did it? It was forced to shut down in December of 2018 by a New York Judge after a lawsuit uncovered a "shocking pattern of illegality". Justice Saliann Scarpula approved the deal to close the Trump Foundation and split its remaining $1.7 million in funds between other charities.

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