The Impeachment Thread

No one sane is buying these hatchet jobs under Barr. House will keep eye on the ball this time. No whataboutisms will distract.

Lots of sane people are following intently to find out the corruption of the DNC in the 2016 election. Much more to come!!
LOL keep nursing at Nadler's teet all you want. It won't stop what's to be revealed
Solid. So much winning.

Contributions to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation fell by 42 percent, from $108 million to $63 million in 2016 — the year that Hillary Clinton lost her bid for president — according to the group’s latest federal tax filings which were released last week.

Donations had already plummeted 37 percent in 2015, when the non-profit was in disarray amid pay-to-play allegations and following the resignation of one of its key executives.
You mean like this?
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Contributions to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation fell by 42 percent, from $108 million to $63 million in 2016 — the year that Hillary Clinton lost her bid for president — according to the group’s latest federal tax filings which were released last week.

Donations had already plummeted 37 percent in 2015, when the non-profit was in disarray amid pay-to-play allegations and following the resignation of one of its key executives.
You mean like this?
Do you have a current deflection. This one is from 2016
Pre-emptive clearing the air of any question regarding Rudy's role vis a vis Ukraine and our official government business there:

"In August, a State Department spokesperson confirmed that Volker, at the request of Ukrainian Presidential Adviser Andriy Yermak, had "put Yermak in direct contact with Mr. Giuliani."

"Mr. Giuliani is a private citizen and acts in a personal capacity as a lawyer for President Trump. He does not speak on behalf of the U.S. Government," the spokesperson said in a statement at the time."
Pre-emptive clearing the air of any question regarding Rudy's role vis a vis Ukraine and our official government business there:

"In August, a State Department spokesperson confirmed that Volker, at the request of Ukrainian Presidential Adviser Andriy Yermak, had "put Yermak in direct contact with Mr. Giuliani."

"Mr. Giuliani is a private citizen and acts in a personal capacity as a lawyer for President Trump. He does not speak on behalf of the U.S. Government," the spokesperson said in a statement at the time."
So Rudy got Sidney Blumenthal"s old! big league upgrade imo
They will continue this deep state conspiracy talking point for at least a couple more weeks. Repeat it enough and it magically becomes truth to the Trumpers no matter how many time it's refuted.
That's how these conspiratorial right wing "news" organizations work. They include some facts in their articles or tweets, but take that extra step of sharing something "explosive", "breaking", "end of the Deep State/Dims", etc. that is an outright fabricated lie or something so horribly based on conjecture and speculation that it borders on pure insanity. They beat the drum about it for a while, echoing each other across social media, until the Red Hats just accept it as fact.
Then it is proven false by numerous organizations, facts, evidence, studies, what have you, and the hacks in the infotainment sphere just start screeching about Deep State cover ups and coups. "Of course they can't prove it, the Deep State covered up the evidence! Dirty Dim anti-American Hillary Obama Librulz!!! But we have super secret documents that prove it is all about to come crumbling down. Trump is draining the Swamp! Like and subscribe for more details!"

Rinse. Repeat. Throw in a whataboutism every 3.7 minutes and some angry rage tweets in all caps from that idiot in the White House and here we are, trapped in some horrifically bastardized version of Groundhog Day.

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