The Impeachment Thread

Volker’s opening statement was a thermonuclear strike on Trump Ukraine quid pro quo. Everything else unravels on Ukraine after that. And the Dim political capital expended was completely wasted. Be in denial all you want on this but Trump Ukraine is done.
If that was a thermonuclear strike, they forgot the plutonium. Did we read the same thing? There was nothing in his opening statement, let alone the transcript as a whole, that did anything to dis-spell the Trump quid pro quo.

If anything, it completely exonerated Joe Biden. So no more whatabouts from you guys, correct?
If that was a thermonuclear strike, they forgot the plutonium. Did we read the same thing? There was nothing in his opening statement, let alone the transcript as a whole, that did anything to dis-spell the Trump quid pro quo.

If anything, it completely exonerated Joe Biden. So no more whatabouts from you guys, correct?
Corn Pop RULES!
Chianti and fava beans us what i think about.....ikr
If that was a thermonuclear strike, they forgot the plutonium. Did we read the same thing? There was nothing in his opening statement, let alone the transcript as a whole, that did anything to dis-spell the Trump quid pro quo.

If anything, it completely exonerated Joe Biden. So no more whatabouts from you guys, correct?
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For the record, Donald Trump's Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating is only at 43%. You are only citing the result of one poll, which can always be an outlier. Trump's average among all the polls on Real Clear Politics, is still right in the middle of where it has always been - which is in between 37% and 46%. In fact, Donald Trump's Real Clear Politics Average has still never been above the 46% number that he was elected with in November of 2016.

Also, the poll which Trump has tweeted most frequently is the Republican Party-friendly Rasmussen Reports poll. They actually had his approval rating at 53% before the "whistleblower complaint" story broke two weeks ago. Trump even tweeted that poll (twice!). However, Trump's approval rating in Rasmussen Reports now sits at just 48%, which would indicate a 5 point drop.

This also shows that the conservatives on the Volnation politics forum are being disingenuous when they disparage and discount poll results (which is usually done by pointing to the 2016 Presidential Election). Conservatives do follow polls and they do trust them. Conservatives only try to discredit them when they don't like their results. Trump is the same way.
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Fake news

Btw, theres an actual Ukranian President who confirms there was no pressure or quid pro quo. Funny how that gets little coverage
Of course, Zelensky is going to avoid being critical of Trump publicly, while Trump is still in office, but what he says doesn't matter now that we have the transcript of the July 25th phone call and other information to verify the whistleblower complaint with.
Of course, Zelensky is going to avoid being critical of Trump publicly, while Trump is still in office, but what he says doesn't matter now that we have the transcript of the July 25th phone call and other information to verify the whistleblower complaint with.
So he is a liar? Trumps a liar? Rudy’s a liar? Kavavnaugh is a liar?

Who’s being a shill? Mueller, 2 years, thousands of subpoenas, NOTHING...
For the record, Donald Trump's Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating is only at 43%. You are only citing the result of one poll, which can always be an outlier. Trump's average among all the polls on Real Clear Politics, is still right in the middle of where it has always been - which is in between 37% and 46%. In fact, Donald Trump's Real Clear Politics Average has still never been above the 46% number that he was elected with in November of 2016.

Also, the poll which Trump has tweeted most frequently is the Republican Party-friendly Rasmussen Reports poll. They actually had his approval rating at 53% before the "whistleblower complaint" story broke two weeks ago. Trump even tweeted that poll (twice!). However, Trump's approval rating in Rasmussen Reports now sits at just 48%, which would indicate a 5 point drop.

This also shows that the conservatives on the Volnation politics forum are being disingenuous when they disparage and discount poll results (which is usually done by pointing to the 2016 Presidential Election). Conservatives do follow polls and they do trust them. Conservatives only try to discredit them when they don't like their results. Trump is the same way.

Lol....still wanting to get your two cents worth in about the Trump full gone crazy girl.
From your "thermonuclear" report you and fellow comrades shared earlier. And I quote:

"In addition, I have known former Vice President Biden for 24 years, and the suggestion that he would be influenced in his duties as Vice President by money for his son simply has no credibility to me. I know him as a man of integrity and dedication to our country."

"I also said at that July 19 meeting that it is not credible to me that former Vice President Biden would have been influenced in anyway by financial or personal motives in carrying out his duties as Vice President."

"But the accusation that Vice President Biden acted inappropriately did not seem at all credible to me."

So, you all will drop the whatabouts concerning Biden now that this "bombshell" report "exonerating" Donnie has dropped??

I won't hold my breath. Like I've said a few times now, this doesn't help Donnie. At the least it shows how incredibly weak and deluded he is having a hack roaming around like Rudy. It does help Biden though. Deep State burn!!
So he is a liar? Trumps a liar? Rudy’s a liar? Kavavnaugh is a liar?

Who’s being a shill? Mueller, 2 years, thousands of subpoenas, NOTHING...
Zelensky is saying what he has to say under the circumstances. He, understandably, doesn't want this fight. Their July 25th phone call is at the heart of this and since the transcript of that call has been made public, we no longer need his side of the story. We can read the transcript and make an informed determination for ourselves as to what happened.
For the record, Donald Trump's Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating is only at 43%. You are only citing the result of one poll, which can always be an outlier. Trump's average among all the polls on Real Clear Politics, is still right in the middle of where it has always been - which is in between 37% and 46%. In fact, Donald Trump's Real Clear Politics Average has still never been above the 46% number that he was elected with in November of 2016.

Also, the poll which Trump has tweeted most frequently is the Republican Party-friendly Rasmussen Reports poll. They actually had his approval rating at 53% before the "whistleblower complaint" story broke two weeks ago. Trump even tweeted that poll (twice!). However, Trump's approval rating in Rasmussen Reports now sits at just 48%, which would indicate a 5 point drop.

This also shows that the conservatives on the Volnation politics forum are being disingenuous when they disparage and discount poll results (which is usually done by pointing to the 2016 Presidential Election). Conservatives do follow polls and they do trust them. Conservatives only try to discredit them when they don't like their results. Trump is the same way.
I particularly like the poll Donnie shared from Breitbart about whether he should be impeached or not. 97% said no. lmao
Looks like BB85 drew Friday night talking point dissemination duty. Sucks to be you BB85 as not only will this quid pro quo dog not hunt anymore, it’s deader than a doorknob too
This text message from Kurt Volker to Zelensky adviser Andrey Yermak, on the morning of July 25th, just prior to the infamous phone call and while a hold on U.S. military aid to the Ukraine was in place, does reveal a very clear quid-pro-quo and pressure from Trump:

Kurt Volker: "Heard from the White House -- assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate/'get to the bottom of what happened' in 2016, we will nail down visit to Washington"

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