The Impeachment Thread

Points 2 and 3 include elements of guesswork... but are based on facts established in the transcript of the July 25th phone call and admissions already made by the Trump administration.
Point 1 includes as assumption that Zelensky is only saying there’s no pressure because Trump is in office. In point 4 your own words say that Trumps words are an indication of his intention.
Point 5 assumes that, if even true, there is a correlation between the whistleblower report and money being released. Good luck proving that one.

I’m glad you conceded points 2 and 3 but you missed conceding 1, 4, and 5. And this is exactly why this isn’t going anywhere unless some real proof is uncovered. The entire “case” is conjecture. Like Zep said, this is all just a show to sway the American public. The Dems know that no evidence exists today but they don’t need that. They just need to plants seeds of doubt that it could exist and that’s the exact same playbook they used against Kavanaugh and during the Mueller investigation.
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Point 1 includes as assumption that Zelensky is only saying there’s no pressure because Trump is in office. In point 4 your own words say that Trumps words are an indication of his intention.
Point 5 assumes that, if even true, there is a correlation between the whistleblower report and money being released. Good luck proving that one.

I’m glad you conceded points 2 and 3 but you missed conceding 1, 4, and 5. And this is excerpt why this isn’t going anywhere unless some real proof is uncovered. The entire “case” is conjecture. Like Zep said, this is all just a show to sway the American public. The Dems know that no evidence exists today but they don’t need that. They just need to plants seeds of doubt that it could exist and that’s the exact same playbook they used against Kavanaugh and during the Mueller investigation.

He asked for foreign assistance in a campaign. He admits it.

What is wrong with you?
Fox News Poll: Record Support for Trump Impeachment By Dana Blanton / Fox News Published October 9, 2019

Just over half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a Fox News Poll released Wednesday.

A new high of 51 percent wants Trump impeached and removed from office, another 4 percent want him impeached but not removed, and 40 percent oppose impeachment altogether. In July, 42 percent favored impeachment and removal, while 5 percent said impeach but don't remove him, and 45 percent opposed impeachment.

Since July, support for impeachment increased among voters of all stripes: up 11 points among Democrats, 5 points among Republicans and 3 points among independents. Support also went up among some of Trump's key constituencies, including white evangelical Christians (+5 points), white men without a college degree (+8), and rural whites (+10).

Among voters in swing counties (where Hillary Clinton and Trump were within 10 points in 2016), support for impeachment increased to 52 percent, up from 42 percent in July.


That is from Fox News, certainly not anti-Trump. There is no way they wanted to report these numbers. We are 13 months away from the election. A majority of Americans want Trump removed from office, and you think he is going to win? Whatever you say, buddy.
You libs lathering up and fapping over this getting all worked up, believing Trump will actually get removed from office, is simply precious. This is gonna be election night 2016 all over again and it’s gonna be glorious to watch. 🤣
No, just like yesterday, it's still not funny today.
Why are the socialists in the House continuing to let this criminal stay in the White House? Since Trump has committed so many impeachable offenses I would expect the House to save the country. I really had so much faith in plastic Pelosi, captain high pants and ole bug eyes
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It’s frigging hilarious!
It is funny you and a few others have the same simpleton wit. After its used often enough, it ceases to be witty. You all remind me of Terrance and Phillips.

You libs lathering up and fapping over this getting all worked up, believing Trump will actually get removed from office, is simply precious. This is gonna be election night 2016 all over again and it’s gonna be glorious to watch. 🤣

I'm sure your post was meant to be condescending and jocular, but the flaw is that literally NO ONE believes that.

Not a single rational person.

To have that kind of belief it'd require that the Senate Republicant's would actually care more about the country than their own jobs and no one believes that either.
I'm sure your post was meant to be condescending and jocular, but the flaw is that literally NO ONE believes that.

Not a single rational person.

To have that kind of belief it'd require that the Senate Republicant's would actually care more about the country than their own jobs and no one believes that either.
luther believes it.

Oops, you said "rational person." My bad.
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I'm sure your post was meant to be condescending and jocular, but the flaw is that literally NO ONE believes that.

Not a single rational person.

To have that kind of belief it'd require that the Senate Republicant's would actually care more about the country than their own jobs and no one believes that either.
LMAO! Ok...
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Trump lovers here just don't get it.

(1) Trump will be impeached. He can't stop it, no matter how much he howls like an unhinged baboon.

(2) Public sentiment is flowing quickly against Trump. He's already horribly underwater in public approval polls.

(3) As public sentiment sours on him, moderate GOP Senators will begin to turn on him, first.

(4) If, and when, additional acts of corruption / illegality are uncovered during the Inquiry, his GOP Senatorial base will swing quickly and as one against him.

(5) It doesn't take even a majority of Republicans in our nation to support impeachment for Trump to actually be impeached.

If, and when, Trump's disapproval rating hits exceeds 60, conviction is likely

The real question at hand is, of course, will you be part of those on the wrong side of history?


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I'm sure your post was meant to be condescending and jocular, but the flaw is that literally NO ONE believes that.

Not a single rational person.

To have that kind of belief it'd require that the Senate Republicant's would actually care more about the country than their own jobs and no one believes that either.
Trump lovers here just don't get it.

(1) Trump will be impeached. He can't stop it, no matter how much he howls like an unhinged baboon.

(2) Public sentiment is flowing quickly against Trump. He's already horribly underwater in public approval polls.

(3) As public sentiment sours on him, moderate GOP Senators will begin to turn on him, first.

(4) If, and when, additional acts of corruption / illegality are uncovered during the Inquiry, his GOP Senatorial base will swing quickly and as one against him.

(5) It doesn't take even a majority of Republicans in our nation to support impeachment for Trump to actually be impeached.

If, and when, Trump's disapproval rating hits the upper 50s to 60, conviction is a sure thing.

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In your defense you did a rational person 😂

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