The Impeachment Thread

The reason they haven't taken the vote is that it was a bluff from the beginning. And the fact that there is yet to be a request for an official inquiry. This whole circus has been done outside the lines without a request to open an inquiry. At which time you can subpoena and question and compel people to show up. That is why Trump called her bluff and gave them the finger. They are so, so stupid. Follow the process, and you might get what you want. Maybe at the expense of losing the seats you gained.
You got destroyed yesterday with the Trumpkin procedural illegality spin. You will never learn, they can do what they want.
The truth is that there are no impeachable offenses and that will be shown when it gets to the Senate and proven that the Dems tried to reverse the results of an election
1) Trump asked for nothing from Ukraine
2) The investigation of Burisma had already restarted
3) Zelinsky was never aware of aid delay
4) This whole thing is centered on the words "do us a favor'
That could be contributed many ways...I look at it as a Goodwill after it was shown that the Ukrainians colluded with the DNC to dig up dirt on Trump during the 2016 election

This could all be cleared up with the release of that actual phone call recording or transcript, wouldn't that make this all go away.

If it was so "perfect", certainly it'd be easy to get off the 'deep dark secrets' server and declassify.
It's all a scam, and no VN lib saw it. Pelosi will never call for a vote. She will just continue to receive taxpayer funded salary for life for doing absolutely nothing resembling work for the people. the overall support is not there, or they would have proceeded further by now. Trump called their bluff. If they go to vote, the Dems will lose all those seats in the red states back to the GOP next go around and they can't afford that.

It is not a scam. The POTUS will be impeached, just not on your timeline.

There is a lot of data showing that impeachment is gaining popularity among voters, even registered Republicans.

Two Weeks In, Impeachment Is Becoming More Popular

You do look cute in your bubble, though. I'd suggest having your mom throw a sheet over it if you want to truly remain in the dark about things.
I think you're mistaking her as some foolish Washington political neophyte, like Trump. Like her or not, she didn't get to where she is because she's stupid - i think the house will vote to impeach, but it will be on their timeline not the one that Hannity is telling you and Donald it should be.

Giving her the benefit of the doubt, she may then be the only smart Dem in Washington. It's easy to get where she is in DC and not be too smart. Just ruthless. Have to be willing to shed yourself of any character or resemblance of Christianity. Don't watch Hannity. Don't do CNN. Didn't watch Fox a whole lot even before CNN bought them. But I do watch Fox for about 20 minutes in the morning after the local news. I'm liking Newsmax. May check them out more. Easier to stomach.

The House will not vote to impeach. Heck, they haven't even opened an official inquiry yet to even take to vote. This is a rogue impeachment ceremony. Can't vote on what doesn't exist. People will pick up on them trying to drag it out beyond the next round of elections and grow tired of the sham. Either way, the damage is done and the GOP will regain seats.
They will be required to put up or shut up. If they keep playing red rover with no end in sight, it won't matter if they don't vote. They will surrender those red state seats anyway. Matter of fact, they've already went on long enough without action. The damage has been done. She'll always have the Vodka.

No end in sight? Gone on long enough? Why so antsy? It's only been two weeks.
It is not a scam. The POTUS will be impeached, just not on your timeline.

There is a lot of data showing that impeachment is gaining popularity among voters, even registered Republicans.

Two Weeks In, Impeachment Is Becoming More Popular

You do look cute in your bubble, though. I'd suggest having your mom throw a sheet over it if you want to truly remain in the dark about things.

Funny how all you guys keep believing the BS your own kind continually feed you. That's even cuter. Heck, it's getting so bad for the Dem outlook now Planned Murderhood just announced $45M of their taxpayer funded budget is going to be pumped into the next election to buy Dem voters.
Funny how all you guys keep believing the BS your own kind continually feed you. That's even cuter. Heck, it's getting so bad for the Dem outlook now Planned Murderhood just announced $45M of their taxpayer funded budget is going to be pumped into the next election to buy Dem voters.
Nice to see Tax Payers dollars pay for DIM campaigning. Talk about collusion. Of course Repubs do similar stuff as well. I hate it on both sides. This is why Government needs to shrink by 90%.
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This could all be cleared up with the release of that actual phone call recording or transcript, wouldn't that make this all go away.

If it was so "perfect", certainly it'd be easy to get off the 'deep dark secrets' server and declassify.
Other than “it’s got ellipses in it!” do you have any proof that the released transcript isn’t the only existing written record of the call?
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It is not a scam. The POTUS will be impeached, just not on your timeline.

There is a lot of data showing that impeachment is gaining popularity among voters, even registered Republicans.

Two Weeks In, Impeachment Is Becoming More Popular

You do look cute in your bubble, though. I'd suggest having your mom throw a sheet over it if you want to truly remain in the dark about things.
LOL 0.0% chance he's impeached.
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No end in sight? Gone on long enough? Why so antsy? It's only been two weeks.

Been 3 years DA. But, I guess they need more than two weeks to ask for an inquiry on scam #3, which hasn't been done. It hasn't exactly unfolded their way. They can take as long as they need to investigate and call a vote. But, as far as requesting an inquiry, they need to put up or shut up.
Giving her the benefit of the doubt, she may then be the only smart Dem in Washington. It's easy to get where she is in DC and not be too smart. Just ruthless. Have to be willing to shed yourself of any character or resemblance of Christianity. Don't watch Hannity. Don't do CNN. Didn't watch Fox a whole lot even before CNN bought them. But I do watch Fox for about 20 minutes in the morning after the local news. I'm liking Newsmax. May check them out more. Easier to stomach.

The House will not vote to impeach. Heck, they haven't even opened an official inquiry yet to even take to vote. This is a rogue impeachment ceremony. Can't vote on what doesn't exist. People will pick up on them trying to drag it out beyond the next round of elections and grow tired of the sham. Either way, the damage is done and the GOP will regain seats.

In fairness, we live in a Plutocracy , and Pelosi and Schumer simply live in the the two wealthiest neighborhoods in America. They raise the most money for their peers, which is how you get to the positions they hold (in either party).

I understand the irony of wanting these Blue Plutocrats to reign in the Red Plutocrats' Plutocrat-in-Chief, but here we are.
They aren't required to do dick.

I think you're overestimating the support for trump on this, even the R's are getting sick of his sht. If the left had a moderately acceptable alternative that wasn't a damn socialist freak, trump would be in even worse shape.

Frankly, I'd be OK with a R House and Senate with a liberal president. I want gridlock, it's really hard to squander taxpayer dollars when there is ZERO common ground.

Ok that’s enough of that ... 2 likes is all your getting from me no matter how much sense you are making !
They aren't required to do dick.

I think you're overestimating the support for trump on this, even the R's are getting sick of his sht. If the left had a moderately acceptable alternative that wasn't a damn socialist freak, trump would be in even worse shape.

Frankly, I'd be OK with a R House and Senate with a liberal president. I want gridlock, it's really hard to squander taxpayer dollars when there is ZERO common ground.

I think you are underestimating the non-support of Democratic under currents.

But, I do agree with your ending statement.
100% chance he is impeached.

0% chance he is convicted in the Senate, though I don't think the left wants that. A generic R would destroy them next November. A weakened and crazed Trump will be beatable.
Plastic Pelosi will never bring it to a full vote, she knows there are many dems who are in purple districts and they all know if they go on the record with a vote they have no chance to keep the House. This is all about the House dems making sure their pals in the media can say "this President is under an impeachment investigation" leading up to the 2020 election. That's it, nothing more.
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Funny how all you guys keep believing the BS your own kind continually feed you. That's even cuter. Heck, it's getting so bad for the Dem outlook now Planned Murderhood just announced $45M of their taxpayer funded budget is going to be pumped into the next election to buy Dem voters.
Both sides believe their own bs. It'll go like this until the truth comes to light...then a large % of each side will still believe their own confirmation bias.

It just is what it is. People have been conditioned to let the media think on their behalf.
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Plastic Pelosi will never bring it to a full vote, she knows there are many dems who are in purple districts and they all know if they go on the record with a vote they have no chance to keep the House. This is all about the House dems making sure their pals in the media can say "this President is under an impeachment investigation" leading up to the 2020 election. That's it, nothing more.
I think they need to drive Trump's Poll Numbers into the low 30s and keep it there for the Impeachment to actually work. I don't think the DIMs will succeed.
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