I watch a lot of people continue to say there’s no such thing as “ deep state “ then I go back through our history and read about J.E. Hoover , Nixon , our FBI , our CIA , things that are only released to the public after decades of being hidden away and forced into the light , even then probably not getting the whole story . I think we need to define what “ Deep State “ actually is before we say there’s no such thing as one .
The demographic for Warren 2020 apparel or hell any dem candidate for that matter:The target demographic is
- angry
- overweight
- southern
- white
- male
- 40 - 65 years old
- High school education
- Owns at least two garments made from RealTree® Camo
- Goatee
I think this is one of those cases where if you agree with everything Zucker says then you see no problem and if you disagree then you think it is problematic. The fact is, just like happens all the time with thing reported on by MSM, what we heard was a bunch of snips taken out of context. I’m a Republican and I have no doubt CNN leans left but what I saw on the videos was a bunch of hearsay from people that worked there and some out of context quotes from Zucker that seemed to show he believes the President will be impeached. The thing is, if he believes that, of course he is going to cover it 24/7. Do I think CNN gives Trump a fair shake and reports things down the middle? No. Did I see anything in that video that absolutely proves such? No. Maybe I missed something or there’s more to come. The guy saying it is all about ratingsand making a profit, well duh! What business isn’t out to make a profit? He’s just young, idealistic, and naive.So, you have nothing. You're not very good at this. Thanks.
I voted for Trump and will again. I’m not angry but I’m proud to be a white southern 40-year-old male. I don’t think I’m overweight (some days my pants disagree so maybe a little) at 6’0” 200 lbs. I own zero camouflage, do not have a goatee, and graduated from UT in 2002. You aren’t stereotyping now are you? So I check less than half your boxes but still support Trump. How many of those boxes do you check?The target demographic is
- angry
- overweight
- southern
- white
- male
- 40 - 65 years old
- High school education
- Owns at least two garments made from RealTree® Camo
- Goatee
Your first clue that he's FOS is the first bullet point: angry. Angry describes the democratic party to a tee.I voted for Trump and will again. I’m not angry but I’m proud to be a white southern 40-year-old male. I don’t think I’m overweight (some days my pants disagree so maybe a little) at 6’0” 200 lbs. I own zero camouflage, do not have a goatee, and graduated from UT in 2002. You aren’t stereotyping now are you? So I check less than half your boxes but still support Trump. How many of those boxes do you check?
Better hurry impeachment party ends soon before the adults in the Senate take over