The Impeachment Thread

The National Security Council's top Ukraine expert plans to tell House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that he was so troubled by President Donald Trump's July phone call with Ukraine's President that he reported his concerns to a superior, according to a copy of his opening statement obtained by CNN.
"I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government's support of Ukraine," Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman plans to tell lawmakers, according to his opening statement. "I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained."
"This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC's lead counsel."

Alexander Vindman: White House Ukraine expert to testify he reported concerns about Trump-Zelensky call - CNNPolitics
Lol yeah sure.
Lol. Shoot and ask questions later.
Across the country, in our communities, we share everyday moments with our neighbors, family, coworkers, and friends. We go to work or school, the grocery store, or the gas station. It's easy to overlook these routine moments, but as you’re going about your day, if you see something that doesn't seem quite right, say something. By being alert and reporting suspicious activity to your local law enforcement, you can protect your family, neighbors, and community.
Wtf are you talking about?

So Flynn’s plea deal was that he would plead guilty to lying to the FBI over the deal He had with Turkey and acting as an unregistered foreign agent and he and his son would avoid charges of conspiracy and conspiracy to kidnap Turkish Cleric Fethullah Gulen and return him to Turkey for $15 million.
So Flynn’s plea deal was that he would plead guilty to lying to the FBI over the deal He had with Turkey and acting as an unregistered foreign agent and he and his son would avoid charges of conspiracy and conspiracy to kidnap Turkish Cleric Fethullah Gulen and return him to Turkey for $15 million.
His **** is about to be thrown out 👍
Look for some conspiracy theories to materialize connecting him to Hunter Biden.

Another military officer unequipped to handle the reality star's genius. This poor guy is about to be smeared all over Washington by Trump's flunkies.
Red Hat sleuths frantically combing through records to see who he donated to for dog catcher in 1995.

I mean why bother? Trump will call him a never trumper and that will be that. Reality is what they choose it to be.
So Flynn’s plea deal was that he would plead guilty to lying to the FBI over the deal He had with Turkey and acting as an unregistered foreign agent and he and his son would avoid charges of conspiracy and conspiracy to kidnap Turkish Cleric Fethullah Gulen and return him to Turkey for $15 million.
You’ve got some deep state retread ex-CIA director James Woolsey on your side.

I’ve got Sidney Powell’s filings including new Strzok-Page texts on my side.


Yeah, you got someone's half-baked theory, as usual.. while Flynn gave his own testimony.

I'll stick with the facts. Feel free to contribute some, for a change.
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