The Impeachment Thread

"A survey from ABC/The Washington Post found that support for impeachment was split among gender with a double-digit gap between the men and women polled. Fifty-six percent of women back impeaching Trump and removing him from the White House compared with 42 percent of the men.
Support for impeachment and removal was even higher among white adults with college degrees. According to the poll, half of the college-educated whites backed getting rid of the president. But more women in this demographic, or 59 percent, backed the idea than men did (39 percent)."

Majority of women and college-educated whites support impeaching and removing Trump, according to a new poll
"A survey from ABC/The Washington Post found that support for impeachment was split among gender with a double-digit gap between the men and women polled. Fifty-six percent of women back impeaching Trump and removing him from the White House compared with 42 percent of the men.
Support for impeachment and removal was even higher among white adults with college degrees. According to the poll, half of the college-educated whites backed getting rid of the president. But more women in this demographic, or 59 percent, backed the idea than men did (39 percent)."

Majority of women and college-educated whites support impeaching and removing Trump, according to a new poll
I don't think ABC and the Post care for Trump too much. Trump's support comes mostly from Blue Collar Middle America.
That is not a credible source per They are biased in favor of the right. And how can you take that post seriously when the guy misspelled both her first and last names? Sheesh. is biased toward the Right. So.................
That is not a credible source per They are biased in favor of the right. And how can you take that post seriously when the guy misspelled both her first and last names? Sheesh.

Lordy lou.........listen to yourself whine.......about being wrong. This was reported on about Obama having his spy team out in full force on reporters he didn't like......she was one of'em......Lol, get over yourself. It's too early to be drinking.
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They probably gave to Hillary's campaign for influence of some kind too.......but not reported though as usual. Guilty before proven innocent as always in America.
Why not let the FACTS of the matter come out before you get your blood pressure & your dirty stained panties in a big wad & all out of sorts again just to have a heart attack over nothing until something is proven.

Got to love the consistent inconsistency of VN politics forum.

Had to do a double take to make sure the same person made both of these statements.
Real Clear Investigations is not a credible source of news per media bias fact check and there has never been anything to substantiate the conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election to begin with. That is a lot of surmising and conjecture, on top of an unproven conspiracy theory. And it has still not been confirmed who the whistleblower was, but even to that end, his credibility and motives are no longer relevant. Lt. Col. Vindman, Bill Taylor and Kurt Volker have already confirmed everything alleged in the complaint, and Volker has testified that there is no evidence that Joe Biden had done anything illegal in the Ukraine.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
I wasn't aware politico participated in conspiracy theories.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday she expects the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump to begin public hearings this month but insisted there’s no deadline to finish the investigation.

“I would assume there would be public hearings in November,” Pelosi said in a roundtable with Bloomberg reporters and editors. Any case that is made to impeach the president “has to be ironclad.”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Got to love the consistent inconsistency of VN politics forum.

Had to do a double take to make sure the same person made both of these statements.

What? They don't report the accurate facts about the Dim's crimes because the media wants to have a cover-up to save them embarrassment but you guys think all people associated w/Trump that just say hello to him have committed some big felony & off to jail with'em. These two guys are guilty before proven innocent.....
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What? They don't report the accurate facts about the Dim's crimes because the media wants to have a cover-up to save them embarrassment but you guys think all people associated w/Trump that just say hello to him have committed some big felony & off to jail with'em. These two guys are guilty before proven innocent.....
What? They don't report the accurate facts about the Dim's crimes but you guys think all people associated w/Trump that just say hello to him have committed some big felony & off to jail with'em.

You don't see the inconsistency between
“Hillary probably took their dirty money”
“We should wait for all the facts to come in before judging?”

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