The Impeachment Thread

What if he doesn't need a war room because he knows he won't be removed?
An impeachment trial is likely coming whether he wants one or not. He can listen to lawyers, and make it easier, or he can try to tweet his way through it and make it worse.

Seem like he's doing the latter.
I'm sorry but I don't think they can help themselves. It's the classic cut off your nose to spite your face scenario.

Nancy is a lot of things but dumb isn't one of them. She's not going to allow a vote without rock solid indisputable evidence of a crime. And she's not getting that and she knows it.
The only bipartisan agreement is for no impeachment 2 Dems crossed the aisle while no members of GOP voted for it. Manchin in the Senate said he might even vote for Trump for re-election...Nancy pushed this because she wanted to keep that gavel that AOCs minions were threatening to take from her and she lost
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I sure do. And he paid her too, remember? She lost her defamation suit against him which had nothing to do with the hush money. Completely separate from the hush money payment she received, remember?

Drinking game.....take a straight drink every time you hear the word "remember". You drunk yet Ribs?
He needs to just keep quiet and let the democrats do the heavy lifting for him when they embarrass themselves in the hearings.
I sorta agree yet I like that he stays on the offense pushing the Dems buttons...the biggest tactical error I think he has made imo is jumping into the Pelosi vs Justice Dems feud...that thing had Dem Civil war written all over it and he allowed them to find common ground in their hate for him
I sure do. And he paid her too, remember? She lost her defamation suit against him which had nothing to do with the hush money. Completely separate from the hush money payment she received, remember?
Yep. And I also remember that nobody (except you looney tunes) cares.

He wins again.
I trust the modern day FBI as much as I did the Hoover FBI.
Exactly..the other day they couldn't find the original notes now suddenly they appeared wonder if that Maud found them where Clinton's Rose Law firm records were laying

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