The Impeachment Thread

What have you done with the PC?
Grant writing to attain funds for the community, reforestation project, mentored at orphanage, taught English (everyone does in PC), monthly community cleanups, rooftop gardening workshops...other things but most important thing was we made lifelong friends with folks that otherwise thought all Americans were pricks
Grant writing to attain funds for the community, reforestation project, mentored at orphanage, taught English (everyone does in PC), monthly community cleanups, rooftop gardening workshops...other things but most important thing was we made lifelong friends with folks that otherwise thought all Americans were pricks
Grant writing to attain funds for the community, reforestation project, mentored at orphanage, taught English (everyone does in PC), monthly community cleanups, rooftop gardening workshops...other things but most important thing was we made lifelong friends with folks that otherwise thought all Americans were pricks
Post a link!
There's also the WH visit, which was a thing of value that was being withheld pending an announcement of the investigation by Ukraine
So I think the way that particular part of the statute reads, Trump has to be the one receiving the thing of value in exchange for something that he’s obliged to do to carry out the duties of his office (disburse congressional appropriations.) I don’t think he had an obligation to meet with Zelenskyy.

The rest of the statute seems pretty inapplicable because it mostly applies to giving a thing of value to a public official and the definition of public official does not apply to Zelenskyy.

If you’re not constraining the definition of bribery to the narrow statutory definition then that’s different.

Basically if you’re a public official and you say you’re only going to do your job if somebody gives you a kickback, that falls under the definition of bribery. Which makes sense to be the section applied to the president of the US because what public official would he ever have to bribe?

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