The Impeachment Thread

These rogue ambassadors admitted to using WhatsApp to send encrypted messages to each other regarding their own agenda for the state department separate of what the President’s goals were. Now how exactly is that legal?

I doubt its legal. There are accounts of this happening, inside the Whitehouse even. I'm curious how it started and who all has been doing it
As a lawyer, how are things supposed to work? The accused is presumed guilty and needs to testify to prove innocence while never facing their accuser(s)? Or accusers are vetted before their accusations get any traction?

Do you see a difference between someone needing to testify about the unproven accusations they're making about someone else, and the presumed innocent demanding that accusations be ratified?

Help a brother out, counselor.

Any pretense of objectivity from the board's "lawyers" is gone. These fools want him to be guilty no matter what the evidence is. They dont like trump so he's guilty. How scary would it be if one of the loons got on the bench. No conservative christian would get a fair trial if people like LG and evil get on the bench.
Any pretense of objectivity from the board's "lawyers" is gone. These fools want him to be guilty no matter what the evidence is. They dont like trump so he's guilty. How scary would it be if one of the loons got on the bench. No conservative christian would get a fair trial if people like LG and evil get on the bench.
They are already eating their own. They can't even live by their own political correct rules.
I guess Congressional Democrats should have just asked Mueller rather than suing the DOJ.. so simple, and nobody thought of that, I guess.

Apparently your memory is failing you. They did ask and he refused to answer or simply referred back to the report, he could have answered any question without repercussion.
Any pretense of objectivity from the board's "lawyers" is gone. These fools want him to be guilty no matter what the evidence is. They dont like trump so he's guilty. How scary would it be if one of the loons got on the bench. No conservative christian would get a fair trial if people like LG and evil get on the bench.

We're not at the "trial" stage yet, which is where many of the common due process rights start to apply.
Apparently your memory is failing you. They did ask and he refused to answer or simply referred back to the report, he could have answered any question without repercussion.

So, it was that easy. Just should have asked Mueller for the unredacted report.
I was thinking the same. These unelected diplomats sound like they think they run this country, and if anything goes against their opinion then it must be stopped. These guys are CIA and are dangerous to our republic.

What are you a Russian bot???? Their jobs are to implement American foreign policy that benefits American interests not the personal political interests of one man.

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