The Inside Scoop: Cabinet / Admin Members Opine on Donald Trump as President



Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!
Jun 28, 2019
Want to know if President Trump is doing a good job as President? Is he a smart guy? Playing 4D chess while the rest of us are merely chunking checkers? Who would know better than the people who work directly with him. More specifically, his ex-Cabinet members - who are now able to speak freely about working for Trump.

As Trump promised during his campaign, "Only the Best People" would serve on his cabinet. Here's a collection of what "only the best people" had to say about Trump AFTER working for him.

Feel free to provide additional quotes from these or other officials, and I'll add it to the list...

Defense Secretary James Mattis

He called Trump "the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people."

"We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children," he wrote.

He told close associates that the president “had the understanding of ‘a fifth- or sixth-grader. ”

Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer

In a Washington Post op-ed, Spencer called Trump's intervention in the war crimes case "shocking and unprecedented."

"It was also a reminder that the President has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices," he wrote.

National Security Adviser John Bolton

Bolton called President Donald Trump "naive and dangerous," in an ABC News interview that aired Sunday, adding that he hopes his former boss will be remembered as a one-term president.

"I don't think he's fit for office. I don't think he has the competence to carry out the job. I don't think he's a conservative Republican. I'm not gonna vote for him in November."

White House chief of staff John Kelly

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump “an idiot” and said he thought the president was “unhinged,” The Post also reported. NBC News first reported in May that Kelly had referred to the president as an idiot multiple times, in addition to making several remarks “insulting the president’s intelligence and casting himself as the savior of the country.”

White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster

The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Called Trump a "******* Moron" in a meeting. “It was challenging for me,” he said, “coming from the disciplined, highly process-oriented Exxon Mobil corporation, to go to work for a man who is pretty undisciplined, doesn’t like to read, doesn’t read briefing reports, doesn’t like to get into the details of a lot of things, but rather just kind of says, ‘This is what I believe.’ ”

Cliff Sims, special assistant to the President and director of White House Message Strategy

Sims wrote "Team of Vipers," claiming, among other things, that Trump created an "enemies list" consisting of members of his own administration.
In early 2019, after the book was published, Sims sued Trump and sought an injunction against the nondisclosure agreements Trump had him agree to when he worked at the White House.

Omarosa Manigault Newman, former director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison

"Donald Trump, who would attack civil rights icons and professional athletes, who would go after grieving black widows, who would say there were good people on both sides, who endorsed an accused child molester; Donald Trump, and his decisions and his behavior, was harming the country. I could no longer be a part of this madness," she wrote in her book.

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci


"Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country."

Gary Cohn, former National Economic Council director

The former White House adviser was “astounded” by the depths of the president’s stupidity, according to Bob Woodward’s new book.

White House counsel Ty Cobb

After leaving the White House, he said he did not think the special counsel's probe was a "witch hunt."

"Bob Mueller is an American hero in my view," Cobb also said, noting Mueller's service as a Marine.

Deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh

Said working with him was “like trying to figure out what a child wants,” which feels like an insult to children.
Yet he was still a better option than Hillary.

Honestly, the Biden/Trump debate would best serve the public if they actually said nothing.

Instead, each takes the following standardized tests:

(1) Potential Dementia screening;
(2) IQ test; and
(3) Psych screening.

In public. On the clock. Give us the results.
Honestly, the Biden/Trump debate would best serve the public if they actually said nothing.

Instead, each takes the following standardized tests:

(1) Potential Dementia screening;
(2) IQ test; and
(3) Psych screening.

In public. On the clock. Give us the results.
One thing is for damn sure. It will be some weird mix of entertaining and sad.
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Want to know if President Trump is doing a good job as President? Is he a smart guy? Playing 4D chess while the rest of us are merely chunking checkers? Who would know better than the people who work directly with him. More specifically, his ex-Cabinet members - who are now able to speak freely about working for Trump.

As Trump promised during his campaign, "Only the Best People" would serve on his cabinet. Here's a collection of what "only the best people" had to say about Trump AFTER working for him.

Feel free to provide additional quotes from these or other officials, and I'll add it to the list...

Defense Secretary James Mattis

He called Trump "the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people."

"We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children," he wrote.

He told close associates that the president “had the understanding of ‘a fifth- or sixth-grader. ”

Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer

In a Washington Post op-ed, Spencer called Trump's intervention in the war crimes case "shocking and unprecedented."

"It was also a reminder that the President has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices," he wrote.

National Security Adviser John Bolton

Bolton called President Donald Trump "naive and dangerous," in an ABC News interview that aired Sunday, adding that he hopes his former boss will be remembered as a one-term president.

"I don't think he's fit for office. I don't think he has the competence to carry out the job. I don't think he's a conservative Republican. I'm not gonna vote for him in November."

White House chief of staff John Kelly

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump “an idiot” and said he thought the president was “unhinged,” The Post also reported. NBC News first reported in May that Kelly had referred to the president as an idiot multiple times, in addition to making several remarks “insulting the president’s intelligence and casting himself as the savior of the country.”

White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster

The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Called Trump a "******* Moron" in a meeting. “It was challenging for me,” he said, “coming from the disciplined, highly process-oriented Exxon Mobil corporation, to go to work for a man who is pretty undisciplined, doesn’t like to read, doesn’t read briefing reports, doesn’t like to get into the details of a lot of things, but rather just kind of says, ‘This is what I believe.’ ”

Cliff Sims, special assistant to the President and director of White House Message Strategy

Sims wrote "Team of Vipers," claiming, among other things, that Trump created an "enemies list" consisting of members of his own administration.
In early 2019, after the book was published, Sims sued Trump and sought an injunction against the nondisclosure agreements Trump had him agree to when he worked at the White House.

Omarosa Manigault Newman, former director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison

"Donald Trump, who would attack civil rights icons and professional athletes, who would go after grieving black widows, who would say there were good people on both sides, who endorsed an accused child molester; Donald Trump, and his decisions and his behavior, was harming the country. I could no longer be a part of this madness," she wrote in her book.

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci


"Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country."

Gary Cohn, former National Economic Council director

The former White House adviser was “astounded” by the depths of the president’s stupidity, according to Bob Woodward’s new book.

White House counsel Ty Cobb

After leaving the White House, he said he did not think the special counsel's probe was a "witch hunt."

"Bob Mueller is an American hero in my view," Cobb also said, noting Mueller's service as a Marine.

Deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh

Said working with him was “like trying to figure out what a child wants,” which feels like an insult to children.
Swamp creatures showing their hand
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Want to know if President Trump is doing a good job as President? Is he a smart guy? Playing 4D chess while the rest of us are merely chunking checkers? Who would know better than the people who work directly with him. More specifically, his ex-Cabinet members - who are now able to speak freely about working for Trump.
President Oompa Loompa embarrasses us and himself every day he remains in office. He must go
Has anyone told Biden he’s running against him? Today I mean, has anyone told him today?
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Want to know if President Trump is doing a good job as President? Is he a smart guy? Playing 4D chess while the rest of us are merely chunking checkers? Who would know better than the people who work directly with him. More specifically, his ex-Cabinet members - who are now able to speak freely about working for Trump.

As Trump promised during his campaign, "Only the Best People" would serve on his cabinet. Here's a collection of what "only the best people" had to say about Trump AFTER working for him.

Feel free to provide additional quotes from these or other officials, and I'll add it to the list...

Defense Secretary James Mattis

He called Trump "the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people."

"We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children," he wrote.

He told close associates that the president “had the understanding of ‘a fifth- or sixth-grader. ”

Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer

In a Washington Post op-ed, Spencer called Trump's intervention in the war crimes case "shocking and unprecedented."

"It was also a reminder that the President has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices," he wrote.

National Security Adviser John Bolton

Bolton called President Donald Trump "naive and dangerous," in an ABC News interview that aired Sunday, adding that he hopes his former boss will be remembered as a one-term president.

"I don't think he's fit for office. I don't think he has the competence to carry out the job. I don't think he's a conservative Republican. I'm not gonna vote for him in November."

White House chief of staff John Kelly

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump “an idiot” and said he thought the president was “unhinged,” The Post also reported. NBC News first reported in May that Kelly had referred to the president as an idiot multiple times, in addition to making several remarks “insulting the president’s intelligence and casting himself as the savior of the country.”

White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster

The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Called Trump a "******* Moron" in a meeting. “It was challenging for me,” he said, “coming from the disciplined, highly process-oriented Exxon Mobil corporation, to go to work for a man who is pretty undisciplined, doesn’t like to read, doesn’t read briefing reports, doesn’t like to get into the details of a lot of things, but rather just kind of says, ‘This is what I believe.’ ”

Cliff Sims, special assistant to the President and director of White House Message Strategy

Sims wrote "Team of Vipers," claiming, among other things, that Trump created an "enemies list" consisting of members of his own administration.
In early 2019, after the book was published, Sims sued Trump and sought an injunction against the nondisclosure agreements Trump had him agree to when he worked at the White House.

Omarosa Manigault Newman, former director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison

"Donald Trump, who would attack civil rights icons and professional athletes, who would go after grieving black widows, who would say there were good people on both sides, who endorsed an accused child molester; Donald Trump, and his decisions and his behavior, was harming the country. I could no longer be a part of this madness," she wrote in her book.

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci


"Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country."

Gary Cohn, former National Economic Council director

The former White House adviser was “astounded” by the depths of the president’s stupidity, according to Bob Woodward’s new book.

White House counsel Ty Cobb

After leaving the White House, he said he did not think the special counsel's probe was a "witch hunt."

"Bob Mueller is an American hero in my view," Cobb also said, noting Mueller's service as a Marine.

Deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh

Said working with him was “like trying to figure out what a child wants,” which feels like an insult to children.

Still better any communist you're going to support.

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