The Inside Scoop: Cabinet / Admin Members Opine on Donald Trump as President

President Oompa Loompa embarrasses us and himself every day he remains in office. He must go

I’m no fan, but geeezus, you tee up a complete softball with Trump and the Dems still swing and miss with the cluster of a ticket they trot out there.
Still better any communist you're going to support.

Communist? Hmmm...

Oh, you mean like a President that supports:

(1) Paying people an additional $600/week to sit home and do nothing?; or
(2) Preventing landlords from evicting tenants who don't pay their rent?

Am I doing this right... cause all I keep coming up with is Trump.
Communist? Hmmm...

Oh, you mean like a President that supports:

(1) Paying people an additional $600/week to sit home and do nothing?; or
(2) Preventing landlords from evicting tenants who don't pay their rent?

Am I doing this right... cause all I keep coming up with is Trump.

Difference between something temporary and your party wanting it to be law. Bless your marxist heart
Difference between something temporary and your party wanting it to be law. Bless your marxist heart
Which are they trying to make law?

There is no defense for the trillions being printed and handed out. If the potus had any plan and even average communication skills this could likely have been mitigated.
Anyone voting for Biden/Harris is either-
1. Dumb
2. Communist

I'm trying to remember if there has ever been this kind of blowback from ex employees of any administration. I know the partisan hacks on here won't admit it and will deflect, but it really is kind of amazing.
I'm trying to remember if there has ever been this kind of blowback from ex employees of any administration. I know the partisan hacks on here won't admit it and will deflect, but it really is kind of amazing.

Not that I can remember BUT for the last 50 years presidents have been pretty much the same. No major shifts in direction, no major foreign or domestic policy changes from one to the other.
I'm just saying, if you actaully care about deficits and effective leadership, Trump has been an abject failure. Meanwhile his supporters are sitting in the back of the room with a grin on their face. It's embarrassing and they don't even realize it.
No you’re preaching... again. Give me a better damn choice who actually has a chance of being elected and I’ll consider them. I’ve been consistent on that. The Democrats haven’t offered one. No, there is actually no other possible choice that has a chance of winning.

You can go back to your opining now.
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I'm just saying, if you actaully care about deficits and effective leadership, Trump has been an abject failure. Meanwhile his supporters are sitting in the back of the room with a grin on their face. It's embarrassing and they don't even realize it.

That is one big area he deserves criticism on but there are many other issues besides deficits to be concerned about since our debt and deficits are going up regardless who wins this year.
That is one big area he deserves criticism on but there are many other issues besides deficits to be concerned about since our debt and deficits are going up regardless who wins this year.
I hate the lack of fiscal responsibility across the board. They all suck. But Trump is still better than anything the Dems have offered.
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No you’re preaching... again. Give me a better damn choice who actually has a chance of being elected and I’ll consider them. I’ve been consistent on that. The Democrats haven’t offered one. No, there is actually no other possible choice that has a chance of winning.

You can go back to your opining now.

Vote for whoever you think is best. I'm opining on the fact you (and a lot of Trump supporters) are not just saying the other side sucks are actually relishing in the incompetence. Here we have very respected and accomplished people saying how bad it really is and your all grins. It's mind boggling, really.
I hate the lack of fiscal responsibility across the board. They all suck. But Trump is still better than anything the Dems have offered.

Agreed. At least Trump will not try to get us out of this self inflicted recession by increasing regulation and taxes. That is Bidens plan.
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Vote for whoever you think is best. I'm opining on the fact you (and a lot of Trump supporters) are not just saying the other side sucks are actually relishing in the incompetence. Here we have very respected and accomplished people saying how bad it really is and your all grins. It's mind boggling, really.
I will. And I reject your summary of my position as being accurate based on what I’ve actually said. It’s mind boggling, really
I will. And I reject your summary of my position as being accurate based on what I’ve actually said. It’s mind boggling, really


lmfao - you made the post of the guy grinning at this thread. If you meant something different, let's hear it.

lmfao - you made the post of the guy grinning at this thread. If you meant something different, let's hear it.
It’s actually very simple. Monty yet again made another hyperbolic BS thread. You are the women up front responding accordingly. I am the dude in back laughing at his screeching hyperbole like I always do. You’re welcome.
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