The Inside Scoop: Cabinet / Admin Members Opine on Donald Trump as President

It’s actually very simple. Monty yet again made another hyperbolic BS thread. You are the women up front responding accordingly. I am the dude in back laughing at his screeching hyperbole like I always do. You’re welcome.

Hyberbolic BS thread? hahaha - seriously? What exactly is exaggerated here?

This is actually one of the better ones. This isn't some partisan silly attack piece, it is Trumps own appointees telling it like it is. These are people HE hired. This is actually very relevant and discussion worthy.

I get it, and I understand you are voting for Trump because he has a chance to win and is less worse than the Dems. More power to you. JMO, but I find it embarrassing you would pick this thread to joke about as screeching. This is an indictment.
Hyberbolic BS thread? hahaha - seriously? What exactly is exaggerated here?

This is actually one of the better ones. This isn't some partisan silly attack piece, it is Trumps own appointees telling it like it is. These are people HE hired. This is actually very relevant and discussion worthy.

I get it, and I understand you are voting for Trump because he has a chance to win and is less worse than the Dems. More power to you. JMO, but I find it embarrassing you would pick this thread to joke about as screeching. This is an indictment.
Thanks lady.
Oh I wasn’t that bad on him. And I’m shocked to see that you agree with him 😂

Look @rjd970 and you Rocky I’m not going to focus on the butthurt of his former employees while ignoring things his admin has accomplished which simply would not have been on the table under a Cankles admin. That’s a stupid game as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure he’s an absolutely miserable boss. And I’ve said he’s a miserable human being many times. But I’ll take the results of his admin over anything that Cankles could have achieved. And I’m not interested in focusing on the butthurt narrative of his former employees. But I’ll leave you ladies to your fun with it. Enjoy. 👍
Hyberbolic BS thread? hahaha - seriously? What exactly is exaggerated here?

This is actually one of the better ones. This isn't some partisan silly attack piece, it is Trumps own appointees telling it like it is. These are people HE hired. This is actually very relevant and discussion worthy.

I get it, and I understand you are voting for Trump because he has a chance to win and is less worse than the Dems. More power to you. JMO, but I find it embarrassing you would pick this thread to joke about as screeching. This is an indictment.

Was she a Trump appointment or just a carryover career employee?
Oh I wasn’t that bad on him. And I’m shocked to see that you agree with him 😂

Look @rjd970 and you Rocky I’m not going to focus on the butthurt of his former employees while ignoring things his admin has accomplished which simply would not have been on the table under a Cankles admin. That’s a stupid game as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure he’s an absolutely miserable boss. And I’ve said he’s a miserable human being many times. But I’ll take the results of his admin over anything that Cankles could have achieved. And I’m not interested in focusing on the butthurt narrative of his former employees. But I’ll leave you ladies to your fun with it. Enjoy. 👍

But the simple fact here is this is not hyperbolic screeching. This is what his own teams thinks of him. Quoted in black and white. It’s crazy to me you think someone like Mattis is just expressing a “butthurt narrative” that isn’t worth focusing on.
But the simple fact here is this is not hyperbolic screeching. This is what his own teams thinks of him. Quoted in black and white. It’s crazy to me you think someone like Mattis is just expressing a “butthurt narrative” that isn’t worth focusing on.
It is the disgruntled comments of former employees. I can just as easily put up an equal number of people who sing his praises. Waste of damn time. Just focus on the results and I’ll take those over anything a Cankles agenda would have done. Your’s and Monty’s narrative simply holds no weight with me. And your admonishments for it ringing hollow hold even less weight.
It is the disgruntled comments of former employees. I can just as easily put up an equal number of people who sing his praises. Waste of damn time. Just focus on the results and I’ll take those over anything a Cankles agenda would have done. Your’s and Monty’s narrative simply holds no weight with me. And your admonishments for it ringing hollow hold even less weight.
I’m trying to think of how many bosses I’ve had over the years. I’ve worked since I was 15, everywhere from grocery stores and warehouses to law firms to government offices and non-profits. I’m guessing 20+ at this point. I worked a lot of odd jobs in college.

I’ve been fired or let go twice. I walked out in the middle of a shift once.

Can you guess how many of my bosses I’d have been willing to go public and lie about?
I’m trying to think of how many bosses I’ve had over the years. I’ve worked since I was 15, everywhere from grocery stores and warehouses to law firms to government offices and non-profits. I’m guessing 20+ at this point. I worked a lot of odd jobs in college.

I’ve been fired or let go twice. I walked out in the middle of a shift once.

Can you guess how many of my bosses I’d have been willing to go public and lie about?
Would you be shocked to know that I don’t care and don’t find it relevant to this discussion. Would you also be shocked to know that I’d guess your boss was judged on his results and not what his former employees said about him

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Would you be shocked to know that I don’t care and don’t find it relevant to this discussion. Would you also be shocked to know that I’d guess your boss was judged on his results and not what his former employees said about him


If it’s not relevant, then you’re saying we’re supposed to write off former employees simply because they’re former employees and it doesn’t matter if their statements are truthful, and if we don’t, we’re screeching.

The things that have been said about Trump by former employees have not all been irrelevant to job performance.
If it’s not relevant, then you’re saying we’re supposed to write off former employees simply because they’re former employees and it doesn’t matter if their statements are truthful, and if we don’t, we’re screeching.

The things that have been said about Trump by former employees have not all been irrelevant to job performance.
So I’m saying your work experiences aren’t relevant to anything related to this discussion. And I’ve consistently said I am more worried about Trump’s results than what his former disgruntled employees said.

Strike two.
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I’m trying to think of how many bosses I’ve had over the years. I’ve worked since I was 15, everywhere from grocery stores and warehouses to law firms to government offices and non-profits. I’m guessing 20+ at this point. I worked a lot of odd jobs in college.

I’ve been fired or let go twice. I walked out in the middle of a shift once.

Can you guess how many of my bosses I’d have been willing to go public and lie about?

How many of them were so prominent that disparaging them would get you notoriety?
So I’m saying your work experiences aren’t relevant to anything related to this discussion. And I’ve consistently said I am more worried about Trump’s results than what his former disgruntled employees said.

Strike two.

that's laughable. Most of them have left because Trump is inept. He doesn't prepare for meetings as we've heard from almost everyone. No President in our lifetime has had so many of our best military leaders speak out against him. He retaliates with sophomoric insults. He is a terrible leader, always assigning blame to anyone and everyone besides himself. Let's face it: there isn't a company in the world that would hire him to manage it

that strike two is on you
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that's laughable. Most of them have left because Trump is inept. He doesn't prepare for meetings as we've heard from almost everyone

that strike two is on you
Only by your criteria that what his employees say weighs more than his results. That’s absurd. Nope I nailed a solid double.
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Only by your criteria that what his employees say weighs more than his results. That’s absurd. Nope I nailed a solid double.
His results aren't that great. He ran up the national debt to record levels before the covid-19 pandemic. His trade negotiations with China have been a disaster because he doesn't understand that negotiating economic deals isn't the same as negotiating a real estate deal. That he has to lie and make false claims every single day doesn't help either.

If you think he's done a good job as the leader of the free world, you're part of that massively dumbed down base of his
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His results aren't that great. He ran up the national debt to record levels before the covid-19 pandemic. His trade negotiations with China have been a disaster because he doesn't understand that negotiating economic deals isn't the same as negotiating a real estate deal. That he has to lie and make false claims every single day doesn't help either.

If you think he's done a good job as the leader of the free world, you're part of that massively dumbed down base of his
Oh I think he’s done a swell job other than listening to the dumbasses who said to shut down the country. Other than that he’s fine.

Based on your self righteous virtuous yard stick you continually vomit i realize he doesn’t meet your needs 😂
There is not 1 single employee here that was here when I took over and man you should hear what a bunch of them had to say about me. But of course the business was close to going under and would have lost their jobs anyway.
There is not 1 single employee here that was here when I took over and man you should hear what a bunch of them had to say about me. But of course the business was close to going under and would have lost their jobs anyway.
Clearly you’re a failure then based on what those former employees say. Your bottom line is irrelevant. Sorry, apparently those are the rules 🤷‍♂️
It is the disgruntled comments of former employees. I can just as easily put up an equal number of people who sing his praises. Waste of damn time. Just focus on the results and I’ll take those over anything a Cankles agenda would have done. Your’s and Monty’s narrative simply holds no weight with me. And your admonishments for it ringing hollow hold even less weight.

What results are we talking about here? China, NK, the wall Mexico paid for 😂, deficits, COVID? What? Are you really going to sit here and say we are in a better position today than we were 4 years ago and keep a straight face?
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What results are we talking about here? China, NK, the wall Mexico paid for 😂, deficits, COVID? What? Are you really going to sit here and say we are in a better position today than we were 4 years ago and keep a straight face?

We were until Covid.
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The latest "administration insider" to come out against Trump. Isn't that what we're talking about? If not, sorry and I'll back out.

I'm talking about the 12 people in the OP, just as starters. Mattis being the first, describing him as a unable to lead and having the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader. Not a totally unreasonable position after watching a press conference or perusing his tweets.

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