By 1973 monetarist policies were becoming entrenched.
Well that doesn't jibe in the least with all of the graph inflection silliness you've espoused since posting them. Odd.
You must be having a laugh comparing US inflation to South American inflation. Don't forget, almost all of South America was ruled by Junta who had PIONEERED the monetarist policies of "the Chicago Boys." They were the vanguard, the laboratory so to speak. Didn't that work out well? They call the time "The Lost Decade."
again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Presumably, you're about to go into a fixed basis for all currency rant again. Cool part of that is that you have no idea how that or the current system work. It's just words to you.
Chile, Argentina, Brazil call it a lot worse actually, and I believe all have convened Truth and Reconciliation Committees to deal with the pain of the genocides.
monetarist policy caused the Tulip bubble depression and ensuing suicides / genocides I presume?
When it comes to both your knowledge of economics and history, I'm not yet sure you know which way the Demand Curve goes, BPV.
clearly, the things you are unsure of would fill libraries. Those you are sure of, while voluminous, would fill the fiction section.
I'm actually not doing any Googling. Working off memory. If I need a graph, I can get it from the Hoover Institute without too much trouble.