Europe has better upward mobility, lower poverty, better health, higher GNP per capita income in most countries, less income polarization.... how much further do we need to go. Real unemployment is about the same (Europe does a better job actually counting the unemployed). By the way, they also work fewer hours and have longer vacations. Oh, and higher minimum wages. In fact, the ones which are "most socialist" will blow the USA away in these categories.
The upper mobility one is the big ringer - defuses myths about the American system. We cannot put our head in the sand!
I'm not familiar with homelessness numbers, but just from experience travelling regularly to Europe, far fewer homeless on streets there. However, I'm certainly not familiar with the data. That's totally anecdotal.
Home ownership is not as important as homelessness, IMHO. For instance, the Germans don't buy, but they are certainly miles ahead in virtually every category.