The Keys to Beating WKU

I'm not saying UT won't run on WKU at will but UK had 216 yards rushing and 132 came on 3 plays. Take those 3 out and they had 84 yards on 29 carries. Western did a great job stopping the run other than giving up 3 big plays. I understand that's part of the game but they stacked the box a lot and dared UK to throw it and if UK could get through the first level they had a lot of green. I can see WKU starting off similarly against UT to see if Worley can beat them. UT will have to make some plays in the passing game to keep them honest.

It's stupid when ppl start an argument saying "take that play away" The plays happened.
I'm feeling Cincinnati 2011 or California 2006 this weekend. A team we build up in the lead up to the game, and then we blow the doors off of them and have a rollicking good time doing it.

WKU is slow. We have better athletes at most positions. They will play hard, but we win by 2 or more TDs.
Did you watch our game? We don't exactly play fast.. I'm not sure there is a whole lot of speed there to begin with.. WKU will probably give them fits..
Closer than most people think, primarily because we do not have a strong secondary. I think the score will be higher than most believe. UT by 14.:whistling::whistling:

WKU 24
UT 38

Thats kinda creepy! :)
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I'm not so sure we can judge Peterman's ability on the AP game. Had he been in with the first string, it may have been a different outcome. I didn't see the game but I listened to all of it and I heard players names called that I hadn't heard of being on the field before. If CBJ keeps him at the #2 QB, that may well be the reason but if he brings in Ferguson or Dobbs, Peterman may not be as good as expected. Hopefully, Worley will stay healthy and lead the Vols to a win over WKU.

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It's stupid when ppl start an argument saying "take that play away" The plays happened.

Its stupid to say they ran all over them. They ran 33 times and failed on 30 of them. WKU played a risk-reward rush defense and UK made them pay 3 times. In this particular game that wasn't enough to beat them.
I'm not so sure we can judge Peterman's ability on the AP game. Had he been in with the first string, it may have been a different outcome. I didn't see the game but I listened to all of it and I heard players names called that I hadn't heard of being on the field before. If CBJ keeps him at the #2 QB, that may well be the reason but if he brings in Ferguson or Dobbs, then you're probably right

I have been reading the idea that Peterman would have done better with the 1st team. He probably would have done better but he made poor decisions, threw a duck of a long ball that was luckily out of bounds, and threw a ball directly to a DE. After those two plays I do not believe they allowed him to throw the ball again. I believe Worley is clearly the starting QB for the foreseeable future.
first let me say that I can't believe our beloved Tennessee Volunteers have fallen to a place where we actually have to have a discussion about what we need to do to be the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers. That being said we have superior talent and size on the offensive and defensive lines. I see our conditioning playing a huge role in second half of this ball game, Tennessee covers the spread. Let's take our W and go to Oregon and make them discuss what they MUST DO to beat the Tennessee Volunteers!
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first let me say that I can't believe our beloved Tennessee Volunteers have fallen to a place where we actually have to have a discussion about what we need to do to be the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers. That being said we have superior talent and size on the offensive and defensive lines. I see our conditioning playing a huge role in second half of this ball game, Tennessee covers the spread. Let's take our W and go to Oregon and make them discuss what they MUST DO to beat the Tennessee Volunteers!

It pretty simple I think, it only takes one OP, who is a little of their rocker or their drive-way doesn't go all the way to the house, or something like that, to post something negative or ridiculous. It's like beating the bushes, and it works. Not that it's not fun to respond. IMO.
My oh my Vol brothern. Dooley is not our head coach anymore. Sal Sunseri is not coaching our defense on full retard mode anymore. "Football Coaching for Dummies Beginners' Edition" isn't the coaching schemes this staff uses. I feel like I am taking crazy pills reading these posts.
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It's stupid when ppl start an argument saying "take that play away" The plays happened.

You don't understand apparently. If you take the play away the play doesn't happen. Get it? If you take away Sal Sunseri then last season doesn't happen. Damn dude.
What do we need to win? I do believe we were given the keys to this long ago:

  • The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win.

  • Play for and make the breaks and when one comes your way - SCORE.

  • If at first the game - or the breaks - go against you, don't let up... put on more steam.

  • Protect our kickers, our QB, our lead and our ball game.

  • Ball, oskie, cover, block, cut and slice, pursue and gang tackle... for this is the WINNING EDGE.

  • Press the kicking game. Here is where the breaks are made.

  • Carry the fight to our opponent and keep it there for 60 minutes.

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I'm not so sure we can judge Peterman's ability on the AP game. Had he been in with the first string, it may have been a different outcome. I didn't see the game but I listened to all of it and I heard players names called that I hadn't heard of being on the field before. If CBJ keeps him at the #2 QB, that may well be the reason but if he brings in Ferguson or Dobbs, Peterman may not be as good as expected. Hopefully, Worley will stay healthy and lead the Vols to a win over WKU.


Watch the game and get back with me. I think the concensus is Peterman was very bad. He should have played better with the 2nd team against AP period.
Watch the game and get back with me. I think the concensus is Peterman was very bad. He should have played better with the 2nd team against AP period.

He was pretty awful but the silver lining is that most of it was due to bad decisions and that's the kind of thing that can be corrected through study and experience. He has time to learn, especially now that he's got the back up position. If he takes Worley's lead and buckles down he should improve a whole lot but this was his first game ever and AP or not -- there were a lot of people and a lot of expectations on him/pressure he'd never felt until Sat.
Especially "the team that makes the fewest mistakes . . ." Zero penalties, particularly in a season opener, is a rare accomplishment, one that we have not achieved in any game since, I believe, 2007. Compare that to the 7.5-8 penalties per game that we incurred last year, according to Kesling, and you have incontrovertible evidence of improvement in team discipline.
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Upsets happen when teams with better offensive and defensive lines come out flat. If our offensive line comes out and just leans on WKU's defense we'll be in trouble. Same thing for our defensive line. They better come out playing nasty. WKU just beat an SEC team and you better believe they think they can beat us. As everyone knows, the game is won in the trenches.

D# needs to do a lot of better tackling. I'm kinda tired of seeing when they not using 2 arms to wrap around to get em down on the ground. D# line gonna keep on pushing qb & rb to the limits. DB will needs to contain better.

Justin Worley needs to throw a little better than that. I thought WR(s) did good job of catching the ball from bad passing. North should grabs couple TD if it wasn't overthrown or whatever it is...
Especially "the team that makes the fewest mistakes . . ." Zero penalties, particularly in a season opener, is a rare accomplishment, one that we have not achieved in any game since, I believe, 2007. Compare that to the 7.5-8 penalties per game that we incurred last year, according to Kesling, and you have incontrovertible evidence of improvement in team discipline.

Given that it was a brand new coach, an all new offense, a defensive switch, plenty of freshmen on the field, and that everyone and his brother got to play in the second half, it's damn near miraculous play.
I'm not saying UT won't run on WKU at will but UK had 216 yards rushing and 132 came on 3 plays. Take those 3 out and they had 84 yards on 29 carries. Western did a great job stopping the run other than giving up 3 big plays. I understand that's part of the game but they stacked the box a lot and dared UK to throw it and if UK could get through the first level they had a lot of green. I can see WKU starting off similarly against UT to see if Worley can beat them. UT will have to make some plays in the passing game to keep them honest.

I agree that UK success was due to three huge plays. I don't think UKs offensive line is as good as ours. I think we will be able to have more consistency and success then UKs line. This'll make Worleys job easier in the passing game. Of course WKU may make Worley beat them by stacking the box. I'm confinement Worley can get it done.
first let me say that I can't believe our beloved Tennessee Volunteers have fallen to a place where we actually have to have a discussion about what we need to do to be the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers. That being said we have superior talent and size on the offensive and defensive lines. I see our conditioning playing a huge role in second half of this ball game, Tennessee covers the spread. Let's take our W and go to Oregon and make them discuss what they MUST DO to beat the Tennessee Volunteers!

This is a message board where we discuss these kinds of things. Do you think Coach Jones is going to winging it against WKU? With no game plan? The thread is about how I or anybody would game plan against a decent WKU team. This has nothing to do with the state of our fan base or the state of the program. It seems reasonable enough to me to discuss the approach our team should take against the next weeks opponent on a message board devoted to UT football. The players and coaching staff aren't looking ahead to Oregon, at least I hope not. One game at a time.
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