The Keys to Beating WKU

I'm watching the WKU vs UK game and seems to me the key to WKU's offense is the run game. They have two decent running backs- but Antonio Andrew #5 is the stud, who can carry the ball and can contribute in the passing game. He's a all purpose sort of player. The success WKU had in the passing game was often off of play action. When they did pass they tended to target the TEs and short intermediate passes.

As far as the WR position they have one WR that could be a deep threat but he seems to have issues actually catching the football. In the first half he had three drops- one that would have been a huge play and a potential TD.

Also turnovers could play a big role. WKU had problems with fumbles.

Our offense should be able to run on WKU's defense at will. All we need Worley to be is a game manager. UK QB had success running the football so look for more of the same from our offense.

What do you guys think are the keys to this game?

The key to beating WKU is when we get off the bus and bUTch lead us down the hill for the Vol walk, the game is over!


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He was pretty awful but the silver lining is that most of it was due to bad decisions and that's the kind of thing that can be corrected through study and experience. He has time to learn, especially now that he's got the back up position. If he takes Worley's lead and buckles down he should improve a whole lot but this was his first game ever and AP or not -- there were a lot of people and a lot of expectations on him/pressure he'd never felt until Sat.

That would also apply to Worley. I can just as well say he takes the reins and never looks back. Agree or disagree?
That would also apply to Worley. I can just as well say he takes the reins and never looks back. Agree or disagree?

I would disagree completely on that his problems were similar. He managed the game like a seasoned pro. His biggest issue, imo, was that he threw a few balls that were out of sync with the receivers and so they ended up being a little low. But overall his decision making was just about more than you could ask for under most circumstances and especially under these. Those out of sync throws should clear up with more reps and experience so in that way both will get better with experience.

However, I think Peterman may have a little longer learning curve. It seems pretty apparent that Worley didn't waste his time as a back up behind Bray simply holding the clipboard. I very much think he was actively studying and engaging and it's paid off. Peterman taking Worley's old role as a backup will pay dividends if he becomes a student of the game. We know both have talent and Peterman by many accounts is working hard to catch up where he has deficits.

Personally, I would love to see Peterman reach a level where he's interchangeable with Worley -- early this season. A 2 QB system given that they have different skillsets can help a team that may be a little less talented than other teams win ball games. And Jones is good enough to coach such a strategy.

It looks like both our true freshmen will be redshirting. Although I don't know if that's official. BUT I did see one thing that unnerved me a little when they showed shots of the QBs interacting -- Worley, Peterman, and Dobbs were all talking and interacting positively with one another but I didn't see Ferguson engage at all.

That worries me a bit about where Ferguson feels he fits on the team. Even if he's more shy or introverted, I'd like to see him engaged as it will only help him.

I think Worley is fully capable of taking the reins this year but I don't know if he can hold on next year and Peterman may well catch up sooner rather than later. I like all our QBs though and think they all bring different talents to the table.
We need to get Petrino a sweet Harley with a nice passenger seat by Wednesday...
What do we need to win? I do believe we were given the keys to this long ago:

  • The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win.

  • Play for and make the breaks and when one comes your way - SCORE.

  • If at first the game - or the breaks - go against you, don't let up... put on more steam.

  • Protect our kickers, our QB, our lead and our ball game.

  • Ball, oskie, cover, block, cut and slice, pursue and gang tackle... for this is the WINNING EDGE.

  • Press the kicking game. Here is where the breaks are made.

  • Carry the fight to our opponent and keep it there for 60 minutes.


Thanks coach Neyland
This is a message board where we discuss these kinds of things. Do you think Coach Jones is going to winging it against WKU? With no game plan? The thread is about how I or anybody would game plan against a decent WKU team. This has nothing to do with the state of our fan base or the state of the program. It seems reasonable enough to me to discuss the approach our team should take against the next weeks opponent on a message board devoted to UT football. The players and coaching staff aren't looking ahead to Oregon, at least I hope not. One game at a time.

Thanks for explaining the need for a forum. ... funny I never saw keys to beating ul Monroe in years past, or keys to beating ky ( which actually might have been helpful to the staff we had at that time) You better believe it makes a statement about the state of our program, these games in times past were nothing more than glorified scrimmages to iron out the kinks for the Florida game. Now you best believe our coaching staff has to game plan on going up against the likes of Western Kentucky. if you can't see the doldrums that coaches fulmer, kiffen and dooley took us to then you are watching a different program than I am
D# needs to do a lot of better tackling. I'm kinda tired of seeing when they not using 2 arms to wrap around to get em down on the ground. D# line gonna keep on pushing qb & rb to the limits. DB will needs to contain better.

Justin Worley needs to throw a little better than that. I thought WR(s) did good job of catching the ball from bad passing. North should grabs couple TD if it wasn't overthrown or whatever it is...

I have a feeling CBJ is the kind of coach that will call players our for the bad tackling, get in their face and MAKE them understand. If not, I can see him benching them until they learn to make some fundamentals habit.
Worley stays healthy, we win by 2+ toucdowns. Worley gets hurt in late second half, we win by a field goal. Worley gets hurt first half, we lose by a field goal. Peterman didn't show a lot on Saturday. If he is #2, we are one injury away from having last years record.
I'm watching the WKU vs UK game and seems to me the key to WKU's offense is the run game. They have two decent running backs- but Antonio Andrew #5 is the stud, who can carry the ball and can contribute in the passing game. He's a all purpose sort of player. The success WKU had in the passing game was often off of play action. When they did pass they tended to target the TEs and short intermediate passes.

As far as the WR position they have one WR that could be a deep threat but he seems to have issues actually catching the football. In the first half he had three drops- one that would have been a huge play and a potential TD.

Also turnovers could play a big role. WKU had problems with fumbles.

Our offense should be able to run on WKU's defense at will. All we need Worley to be is a game manager. UK QB had success running the football so look for more of the same from our offense.

What do you guys think are the keys to this game?

I definitely think that the key to this game is for us to score more points than WKU.....
I'm watching the WKU vs UK game and seems to me the key to WKU's offense is the run game. They have two decent running backs- but Antonio Andrew #5 is the stud, who can carry the ball and can contribute in the passing game. He's a all purpose sort of player. The success WKU had in the passing game was often off of play action. When they did pass they tended to target the TEs and short intermediate passes.

As far as the WR position they have one WR that could be a deep threat but he seems to have issues actually catching the football. In the first half he had three drops- one that would have been a huge play and a potential TD.

Also turnovers could play a big role. WKU had problems with fumbles.

Our offense should be able to run on WKU's defense at will. All we need Worley to be is a game manager. UK QB had success running the football so look for more of the same from our offense.

What do you guys think are the keys to this game?[/QUOTE]

We need Bobby Bouchet to come out after the half and lead us the Bourbon Bowl
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What do we need to win? I do believe we were given the keys to this long ago:

  • The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win.

  • Play for and make the breaks and when one comes your way - SCORE.

  • If at first the game - or the breaks - go against you, don't let up... put on more steam.

  • Protect our kickers, our QB, our lead and our ball game.

  • Ball, oskie, cover, block, cut and slice, pursue and gang tackle... for this is the WINNING EDGE.

  • Press the kicking game. Here is where the breaks are made.

  • Carry the fight to our opponent and keep it there for 60 minutes.


Assert the Alpha Male Dominance over the lessor dogs.

Spank thier arses all day long.

Have them looking up at the scoreboard midway through the second quarter wondering when they can go into full retreat.

Have them faking injuries because they are tired of getting knocked on their butts.

Have them thoroughly convinced that Coach Petrino's motorcycle wreck and the resulting fallout are much less painful than the butt whippin that they are getting on the field.
Thanks for explaining the need for a forum. ... funny I never saw keys to beating ul Monroe in years past, or keys to beating ky ( which actually might have been helpful to the staff we had at that time) You better believe it makes a statement about the state of our program, these games in times past were nothing more than glorified scrimmages to iron out the kinks for the Florida game. Now you best believe our coaching staff has to game plan on going up against the likes of Western Kentucky. if you can't see the doldrums that coaches fulmer, kiffen and dooley took us to then you are watching a different program than I am

Funny how i make an obvious statement about the nature of forums and you make an even more obvious statement about the nature of our football program. I didn't mean to insult your intelligence and please dont insult mine. After your initial post I responded with an obvious "definition of a thread" for the sake of irony becuase I preceived that you didnt like the thread solely because it reminded you of how far we have fallen. My intention in starting this thread was not meant to make you feel bad about our football program for you see I thought that was far beyond obvious to anyone who calls themselves a fan of UT. I think everyone can agree that the program has had rough time as of late. There's no denying it. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with talking about the keys to the game against WKU. And anyone who has a problem with threads like these solely on the bases that it reminds them of where we are as a program and how far we have to go needs to develop a thicker skin. Burying our heads in the sand and pretending like nothing has changed or acting too good for these kinds of discussions does nobody any good. This thread was not started out of some unconscious reflection on the the state of our football program. Honestly, i was a little bored and thought id like to have some meanigful discussion about our next opponent rather then the usual, "lets make fun of threads." Also WKU did beat an SEC school last week, even if it was Kentucky. Even when this program was in full tilt and crushing it, we sometimes had trouble with inferior talent, like a Memphis. I'd rather that not happen during this rebuilding period. WKU is slowly making a name for itself and is arguable the second best team in Kentucky next to Louisville and we should not overlook them. However none of this make me think that WKU is going to beat us. i think the chances are slim to none. If you want you can start a thread about the Keys to the Oregon game if you'd like. And perhaps your right, there should have been more threads back in the day talking about the keys to every game.

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