The Last Days Of The Trump Presidency

One thing is for certain. The format for using flags instead of people in attendance is they can put out as many flags as they want. Covers for the crowd attendance that may have followed the trend at his rally's. Avoiding riots is a front.
Twitter is in big trouble after today since EL and big boy won't have anything to post. That alone may bankrupt it
I am surprised how few public appearance Trump made the last month. No farewell address or anything. Going home with his tail between his legs.

That's what losers like Donny Two-Times do, they skulk around.
That's what losers like Donny Two-Times do, they skulk around.
I'm not watching either. Now you are up to three. Three Stooges episodes will be far more intelligent.

I may record it and leave it running on a loop for a year.

It must suck knowing your guy got beat decisively by an career re-tread and black woman.

Hell, I'd probably try to convince myself there was cheating too. I mean, it wouldn't work - because I'm an adult with the ability to use rational thought.

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