The Last Days Of The Trump Presidency

Yeah the most popular President ever elected is to be guarded by 25k troops behind walls.
You guys are acting like Biden is just requesting troops at his inauguration out of the blue. Did your "news" sources not inform you of the events of 1/6?
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If 25k guard troops showed up for Trumps inauguration, the left would lose their minds. If Trump wanted all Soldiers that voted Dim be removed from their inauguration duties, the left would lose their minds.

You understand why this is necessary, right? Your derision is a bit misplaced, it wasn't 'the left' that rioted.

You get that, don't you?
You guys are acting like Biden is just requesting troops at his inauguration out of the blue. Did your "news" sources not inform you of the events of 1/6?

Actually, you laugh but the rioting barely made the bottom of the screen ticker on most of those Trump propaganda networks.
Actually, you laugh but the rioting barely made the bottom of the screen ticker on most of those Trump propaganda networks.
I'm not laughing, it's scary the information bubbles that are created where these guys get no dissenting voices of truth. All they hear all day is "radical socialist" repeated ad nauseum.
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Oh no a few people broke into the Capitol and took selfies, let's make DC look like the green zone so we can protect the CCP cult leader. I can't wait to see the Xi like pics
Oh no a few people broke into the Capitol and took selfies, let's make DC look like the green zone so we can protect the CCP cult leader. I can't wait to see the Xi like pics
Just there for a friendly BBQ, right. Pig would have been Pelosi if they could have found her though.
You guys are acting like Biden is just requesting troops at his inauguration out of the blue. Did your "news" sources not inform you of the events of 1/6?

They heard about it but they think 1) fake news it was really liberal agitators there were no Trumpers there, 2) no big deal it was just a really big tour group, 3) but antifa.
I have zero intention of watching it.

I'll be watching. The conspiratorial side of my mind says "hey, they just might try a false flag incident to justify some serious freedom taking ****". Maybe something to do with teh military to justify another Obamaesque purge.
I'll be watching. The conspiratorial side of my mind says "hey, they just might try a false flag incident to justify some serious freedom taking ****". Maybe something to do with teh military to justify another Obamaesque purge.

Don't worry, your Spidey Senses aren't the only one out there tingling.
My daughter works at the GA State Capitol.
She says it's surrounded by Humvees, National Guard at every entrance, and that there are about 10 National Guardsmen hanging out in the conference room next door to her office.
I am surprised how few public appearance Trump made the last month. No farewell address or anything. Going home with his tail between his legs.

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