The Liberal Argument Against Opening Schools



He/Him/Gator Hater
Nov 19, 2008
I keep seeing this play over the news every day and I'm pretty sure that the states that have their kids sitting a home "distance" learning are only in the democratic crap holes. I live in TN and my grandkids went back to school 5 days a week in August and here it is almost time for school to end for the year and democratic states and cities are arguing about going back because it's dangerous.
Would one of our liberal members like to explain to me how it is so dangerous for some states to go back when my county went back 7 months ago?
I keep seeing this play over the news every day and I'm pretty sure that the states that have their kids sitting a home "distance" learning are only in the democratic crap holes. I live in TN and my grandkids went back to school 5 days a week in August and here it is almost time for school to end for the year and democratic states and cities are arguing about going back because it's dangerous.
Would one of our liberal members like to explain to me how it is so dangerous for some states to go back when my county went back 7 months ago?

There is absolutely no logical argument to support keeping schools shut down.... It's been basically the same story here in South GA. My kids have been back at school since day one. No masks, they only ask that we please not send our kids to school if they are sick;).
I keep seeing this play over the news every day and I'm pretty sure that the states that have their kids sitting a home "distance" learning are only in the democratic crap holes. I live in TN and my grandkids went back to school 5 days a week in August and here it is almost time for school to end for the year and democratic states and cities are arguing about going back because it's dangerous.
Would one of our liberal members like to explain to me how it is so dangerous for some states to go back when my county went back 7 months ago?
It’s dangerous alright, but not due to COVID-19. The real problem is the teachers in these liberal cities are tired of babysitting all these gangbangers that don’t really want to learn. Nothing to do with the virus. They’re not getting enough battle pay.
It’s dangerous alright, but not due to COVID-19. The real problem is the teachers in these liberal cities are tired of babysitting all these gangbangers that don’t really want to learn. Nothing to do with the virus. They’re not getting enough battle pay.
No reason the rest of us should hand over a ton of money. They should have quit if they didn't like it.
It’s dangerous alright, but not due to COVID-19. The real problem is the teachers in these liberal cities are tired of babysitting all these gangbangers that don’t really want to learn. Nothing to do with the virus. They’re not getting enough battle pay.
I assure you the teachers in rural communities are just as fed up with bratty kids and parents who won’t hold their own children accountable, scapegoating teachers for bad behavior/grades instead.
I assure you the teachers in rural communities are just as fed up with bratty kids and parents who won’t hold their own children accountable, scapegoating teachers for bad behavior/grades instead.
Have you a teacher in the inner cities and in the rural?
This has puzzled me as well. My daughter has been in school all year long with only a couple instances of virtual learning from home. It is almost like the people calling the shots in these cities with schools currently closed are seeking additional stupidity.
Add to this that there is a new study that even our God, Dr. Fouci accepts the results from. It states that 6 feet of distancing is no more effective than 3 feet of distancing.

Open everything up. Everything. Schools, Cruise ships, concerts, sporting events....everything.
It’s dangerous alright, but not due to COVID-19. The real problem is the teachers in these liberal cities are tired of babysitting all these gangbangers that don’t really want to learn. Nothing to do with the virus. They’re not getting enough battle pay.
Sounds like they got really bad career choice counseling. Look, I get it. But what did they expect?
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I assure you the teachers in rural communities are just as fed up with bratty kids and parents who won’t hold their own children accountable, scapegoating teachers for bad behavior/grades instead.
No reason for them to be closed. We got notified early last week that a kid in my son's class tested positive. As long as there were no symptoms the rest of his class could continue with school or stay home and distance learn. Every kids except for the positive test has been back in class. I was a bit surprised but encouraged by that.
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I assure you the teachers in rural communities are just as fed up with bratty kids and parents who won’t hold their own children accountable, scapegoating teachers for bad behavior/grades instead.

I agree with this. Teachers need to be given more options to discipline students on campus.
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The problem for them is that, even in liberal cities, they realize how FOS these teachers are. It's the worst look ever for their Union publicly. Grossly over played their hand.
How so, exactly? Do you think it’s unreasonable for unions to protect teachers who are in the high risk population who have been isolating for a year plus and have yet to be vaccinated, just because parents are tired of participating in the education of thier own kids?
Unless you’ve experienced actually teaching in both settings, don’t assure me anything about teaching. It’s a big difference between metro Atlanta and any small rural school.
I chose not to be a teacher for a reason. It sounds terrible to be educated, over-stressed, and under appreciated to the extent public educators are.
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just because parents are tired of participating in the education of thier own kids?
That's absolutely not the reason ours were sent back. Locking young kids away causes more issues than just avoiding covid
That's absolutely not the reason ours were sent back. Locking young kids away causes more issues than just avoiding covid
Just wait until they grow up and start making decisions of consequence. If we think the millennials are bad... this gen will be on steroids.
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