The Liberal Argument Against Opening Schools

That's absolutely not the reason ours were sent back. Locking young kids away causes more issues than just avoiding covid
I understand. The problem is forcing a teacher who has, say, interstitial lung disease, back into a classroom is prioritizing a kid’s emotional well-being over the physical well-being of that teacher. The union’s job is to advocate for that teacher and they’re just asking for vaccinations. If you’re frustrated by that then your issue isn’t with teachers, they have to autonomy to advocate for their own health. Your problem is with vaccine distribution.
I understand. The problem is forcing a teacher who has, say, interstitial lung disease, back into a classroom is prioritizing a kid’s emotional well-being over the physical well-being of that teacher. The union’s job is to advocate for that teacher and they’re just asking for vaccinations. If you’re frustrated by that then your issue isn’t with teachers, they have to autonomy to advocate for their own health. Your problem is with vaccine distribution.
So you advocate holding out all teachers because 1 in 200,000 might get sick for some disease they most likely know they have? I could have a heart attack tomorrow so I can't work and neither can anyone else, especially the 20 something teachers.
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So you advocate holding out all teachers because 1 in 200,000 might get sick for some disease they most likely know they have? I could have a heart attack tomorrow so I can't work and neither can anyone else, especially the 20 something teachers.

1 in 200,000 are in the high risk category? You’ll have to either explain how you arrived at that number or admit your exaggeration.
I always get a kick out of a right-wing conservative explaining a liberal view on an issue. That being said, a progressive liberal dissecting a conservative view is just as laughable. This board provides an indicative sample of the tribal discourse that is prevalent nationwide
I understand. The problem is forcing a teacher who has, say, interstitial lung disease, back into a classroom is prioritizing a kid’s emotional well-being over the physical well-being of that teacher. The union’s job is to advocate for that teacher and they’re just asking for vaccinations. If you’re frustrated by that then your issue isn’t with teachers, they have to autonomy to advocate for their own health. Your problem is with vaccine distribution.
Are you aware that kids routinely carry and transmit a multitude of infectious agents (many of which are not vaccine-preventable) that would be dangerous to someone with a serious lung condition? Perhaps said teacher should pursue a different career?
How so, exactly? Do you think it’s unreasonable for unions to protect teachers who are in the high risk population who have been isolating for a year plus and have yet to be vaccinated, just because parents are tired of participating in the education of thier own kids?
I think it's unreasonable for unions to pretend like they are in danger. They aren't. And anyone who thinks they are isn't following "the science."
How so, exactly? Do you think it’s unreasonable for unions to protect teachers who are in the high risk population who have been isolating for a year plus and have yet to be vaccinated, just because parents are tired of participating in the education of thier own kids?
This is why your argument is so lazy. Parents aren't tired of it bc it's more work. They are tired of it bc they aren't trained to do it. Now if you want to say they are then fine. I am good. Fire all teachers. Close all public schools. Quit taking my tax dollars. And it's on. My kid will be fine. But you don't want that.
Are you aware that kids routinely carry and transmit a multitude of infectious agents (many of which are not vaccine-preventable) that would be dangerous to someone with a serious lung condition? Perhaps said teacher should pursue a different career?
Said teacher should pursue a different career after teaching for decades, recently developed this condition (as this tends to happen with age) and is, say, between 1 and 5 years from retirement? I’d love to watch you tell them that with a straight face.
This is why your argument is so lazy. Parents aren't tired of it bc it's more work. They are tired of it bc they aren't trained to do it. Now if you want to say they are then fine. I am good. Fire all teachers. Close all public schools. Quit taking my tax dollars. And it's on. My kid will be fine. But you don't want that.
I agree with one sentiment you express, many parents are not equipped to educate their own kids.
I assure you the teachers in rural communities are just as fed up with bratty kids and parents who won’t hold their own children accountable, scapegoating teachers for bad behavior/grades instead.
Just the teachers in rural communities, or are those just the ones you prefer to call out?
Or parents should discipline their ****ing kids and not leave it to us to act as the middleman for their hellions.
It takes a village. And if the village idiot runs the show...we’ll, you’ll get more idiots
Said teacher should pursue a different career after teaching for decades, recently developed this condition (as this tends to happen with age) and is, say, between 1 and 5 years from retirement? I’d love to watch you tell them that with a straight face.

That happens in other professions/trades all the time. It sucks but if you cannot do your job anymore you have to find one you can do.
Or parents should discipline their ****ing kids and not leave it to us to act as the middleman for their hellions.

I 100% agree with that. Kids should have their heads on a swivel at home and school.
How so, exactly? Do you think it’s unreasonable for unions to protect teachers who are in the high risk population who have been isolating for a year plus and have yet to be vaccinated, just because parents are tired of participating in the education of thier own kids?
Or they could do their jobs like million of other people are and have been doing despite these "high risks"? The unions are simply placating the teachers wanting to continue to be lazy and work from home AND trying to drum up extra $$$$ for their political coffers
So you advocate holding out all teachers because 1 in 200,000 might get sick for some disease they most likely know they have? I could have a heart attack tomorrow so I can't work and neither can anyone else, especially the 20 something teachers.
AS with healthcare, gun control and other topics, he's emotionally dramatic, that is why he doesn't work in a real world job :cool:
That happens in other professions/trades all the time. It sucks but if you cannot do your job anymore you have to find one you can do.
They can do the job. There being unwittingly forced back into a classroom with a month or two left in the school year during a pandemic without having been vaccinated. They didn’t lose mental capacity, you’re asking them to give up their right to self-determination, when all they want is a damn shot in the arm.
I keep seeing this play over the news every day and I'm pretty sure that the states that have their kids sitting a home "distance" learning are only in the democratic crap holes. I live in TN and my grandkids went back to school 5 days a week in August and here it is almost time for school to end for the year and democratic states and cities are arguing about going back because it's dangerous.
Would one of our liberal members like to explain to me how it is so dangerous for some states to go back when my county went back 7 months ago?
Less time to indoctrinate children. With many moving to working from home I could see an uptick in homeschooling.
They can do the job. There being unwittingly forced back into a classroom with a month or two left in the school year during a pandemic without having been vaccinated. They didn’t lose mental capacity, you’re asking them to give up their right to self-determination, when all they want is a damn shot in the arm.

Situations change in the workforce and sometimes the employee can’t adapt have to find new employment.
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The problem for them is that, even in liberal cities, they realize how FOS these teachers are. It's the worst look ever for their Union publicly. Grossly over played their hand.

Not true. Where are you seeing liberal local government criticizing the teachers? Or claiming they've overplayed their hand? My anecdotal feedback is liberals are sympathetic to the teachers and they only look bad to republicans, not their local government leaders. They will not suffer one iota from it. Even if you point out that Florida and California are complete opposites in how they've handled policy but have similar cases it's not going to change their ideology. The teachers don't look bad at all to their liberal governing bodies or liberal constituency.
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