The Long Overdue Joe Biden Whopper Thread

This is just a list I put together in another thread to address someone that, quite inexplicably, was attempting to prop up Biden's association with the truth.

He claimed he went to law school on a full scholarship and that he finished in the top half of his class. Not needing to stop there he claimed he had 3 undergraduate degrees and was "the outstanding student in the polisci department.". Not a one of these things is true.

His ancestors did not work in coal mines.

His wife didn't narrowly escape when his house "burned down".

Taking some money for some speeches at U of Penn makes you neither a "teacher" nor a "professor".

He did not get arrested trying to visit Nelson Mendela in prison.

He literally stood in front of a graduating class at Annapolis and lied about trying to get into the Naval Academy.

He was never a trucker.

He tried to take credit for visiting the Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 shooting there. Didn't happen.

And just for a fun one that's more recent than those articles he absolutely did not talk to the doctor who invented insulin since, you know, both Banting and MacLeod were dead before he was born.

There's no possible way for me sign off on someone being a "good person" that can lie so casually about these sort of topics.
This is just a list I put together in another thread to address someone that, quite inexplicably, was attempting to prop up Biden's association with the truth.
If he's willing to lie about things that don't matter, what does that tell you about what he's doing on things that do?

I said the same thing about the media when they were caught, repeatedly, editing clips of Trump or doing things like using footage from a gun show claiming it was Syria.
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Remember when he had to drop out of the '88 election because of plagiarism and lies?

Did Joe Biden Drop Out of the '88 Presidential Race After Admitting to Plagiarism? |

For those people on the board that are vaccinated. You CAN. I repeat YOU CAN still contract and spread COVID. Please do not believe one of the greatest and most dangerous lies in human history.

The lies about the effectiveness of paper and cloth masks were just as bad. We had over 2 dozen peer reviewed studies over a period of about 30 years that stated that paper and cloth masks were in effective against viruses. Yet, the government and health officials lied to us and said that they worked. How many people thought they were protected and either got the virus or made someone else sick because they thought they were good to go? Absolutely criminal. When I had the Delta variant and was sick as a dog, I went to the doctor seeking something to relieve me from the COVID cough which was terrible. The doctor wrote me a prescription and handed it to me. I told him that I would have my mother go pick up the script for me because I didn't want to go in and expose people. He said "Oh just wear your mask and go on in, it'll be fine." I stared at him dumb founded. What a moron.
If he's willing to lie about things that don't matter, what does that tell you about what he's doing on things that do?

I said the same thing about the media when they were caught, repeatedly, editing clips of Trump or doing things like using footage from a gun show claiming it was Syria.
If you are a liberal, the ends ALWAYS justify the means. Lying is fine if it leads to a more „virtuous“ society. Explore the history of communist states for all the examples you need. Even the „temporary“ starvation of your populace is ok if it helps transfer ownership of the means of production from the traditional owners of capital to the proletariat (under the benevolent expert management of the Party of course)
Or to translate to modern leftist language: anything is good if it helps reduce the oppression of historically marginalized groups by the dominant white European colonizing privileged holders of power.
If you are a liberal, the ends ALWAYS justify the means. Lying is fine if it leads to a more „virtuous“ society. Explore the history of communist states for all the examples you need. Even the „temporary“ starvation of your populace is ok if it helps transfer ownership of the means of production from the traditional owners of capital to the proletariat (under the benevolent expert management of the Party of course)
Or to translate to modern leftist language: anything is good if it helps reduce the oppression of historically marginalized groups by the dominant white European colonizing privileged holders of power.

Spot on.
I know it’s anecdotal but I can still remember all the conversations I had with liberals regarding the ACA. The lies and unethical behavior we witnessed during that time was insane. Yet, without fail every lefty I’ve ever personally raised these matters with provide the same reply. Some say it calmly, others loudly. But in the end it’s the same conclusion “whatever happened was necessary and needed to be done. Full stop”.
Spot on.
I know it’s anecdotal but I can still remember all the conversations I had with liberals regarding the ACA. The lies and unethical behavior we witnessed during that time was insane. Yet, without fail every lefty I’ve ever personally raised these matters with provide the same reply. Some say it calmly, others loudly. But in the end it’s the same conclusion “whatever happened was necessary and needed to be done. Full stop”.
Which is made even more hilarious because the ACA has literally only made things worse... As predicted.
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