The Making of a Murderer



Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2008
Who is watching this show on Netflix? It's entertaining. It highlights the lengths to which police will go to obtain convictions. It also leaves out things which I find significant and ultimately, I believe that people asking for this conviction to be overturned or them to be pardoned are asking for murderers to be returned to the streets.
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Try the movies forum

It is a little more than a movie. I was hoping to provoke a discussion about the facts of the case, the manner in which the police behaved and the actions of the district attorney, but these threads rarely go where intended so...
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I'm watching it. I completed episode 2 last night so I don't think I've seen all the evidence about the murder, but my reaction so far has been it's pretty sickening. Of course I've known our justice system has been screwed up for some time, so I can't say I'm really surprised.
It is a little more than a movie. I was hoping to provoke a discussion about the facts of the case, the manner in which the police behaved and the actions of the district attorney, but these threads rarely go where intended so...

That's what we've been talking about in there.
Watched it, I feel that the film makers left things out but there are a few items that were presented that if I were on the jury I'd have a hard time finding them guilty.
Gotcha, thought you were just being a smart ass and telling me to take it there. :)

No. My bad; should have been more clear. A variety of politically related opinions in there...the thread is not out of place here, one just exists already.
I have watched 3 episodes. It certainly is well made. Will watch the remaining episodes.

NFLX is a must have.
The one thing that sticks out the most is that the guy wiped her car clean of everything except for his DNA and then didn't dispose of the car. If he's smart enough to wipe it down, he's smart enough to get rid of the car. It seems like he was framed.
The one thing that sticks out the most is that the guy wiped her car clean of everything except for his DNA and then didn't dispose of the car. If he's smart enough to wipe it down, he's smart enough to get rid of the car. It seems like he was framed.

After you watch the series, read up on the case and the evidence not shown on the series.
The one thing that sticks out the most is that the guy wiped her car clean of everything except for his DNA and then didn't dispose of the car. If he's smart enough to wipe it down, he's smart enough to get rid of the car. It seems like he was framed.

Along with the prosecutions theory that she was stabbed and had her throat cut inside the trailer, yet there was NO blood and no trace of her DNA inside the trailer. Come on, neither of these guys are remotely smart enough to clean a crime scene that well. I also have a problem with the bullet and the idea they shot her in the head while inside the garage, yet again NO blood or DNA except on the bullet.
I think one thing is certain, it didn't go down the way the prosecution describes. Impossible to clean up the blood.

Kind of reminds me of the OJ case, they probably did it but the police and prosecution planted (or made up) evidence to ensure a conviction.
Kind of reminds me of the OJ case, they probably did it but the police and prosecution planted (or made up) evidence to ensure a conviction.

That's what I'm leaning towards. The guy seems like a real piece of crap and I could easily see him being the perpetrator.
Anything not presented in the series stick out to you that points to guilt?

The phone conversations that the Dassey had with his mother. He discussed Avery molesting him and both of them killing her...

M. What all happened, what are you talking about?
B. About what Me & Steven did that day,
M. What about it?
B. Well, Mike & Mark & Matt came up one day and took another interview with me and said because they think I was lying but so, they said if I come out with it, that I would have to go to jail for 90 years.
M. What?
B. Ya. But if I came out with it, I would probably get I dunno, about like, 20 or less. After the interview they told me if I wanted to say something to her family and said that I was sorry for what I did.
M. Then Steven did do it.
J. Ya
M. (crying) Why didn't you tell me about this?
B. Ya, but they came out with something that was untrue with me
M. What's that
B. They said that I sold crack.
M. I don't think so [that you sold crack].
B. No, I didn't, and they asked me if l smoked a cigarette, and I said I did once, but I didn't like it. Then they said that Travis said that I was always talking about it over by him.
M. Why did you even go over there Brendan?
B. I dunno, I don't even know how I am gonna do it in court though.
M. What do you mean?
B. I ain't gonna face them.
M. Face who?
B. Steven
M. You know what Brendan
B. What
M. I am gonna tell you something. He did it, and you do what you gotta do. Okay.
B. What will happen if he gets pissed off.
M. What makes a difference, he ain't going no where now, is he?
B. No.
M. So did you talk to her family?
B. No
M. Huh
B. They just asked me if I wanted to say something to them, on the tape.
M. Did you?
B. Just that I was sorry for what I did.
M. Did he make you do this?
B. Ya.
M. Then why didn't you tell him that.
B. Tell him what?
M. That Steven made you do it. You know he made you do a lot of things.
B. Ya, I told them that. I even told them about Steven touching me and that.
M. What do you mean touching you?
B. He would grab me somewhere where I was uncomfortable.
M. Brendan I am your mother.
B. Ya.
M. Why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you tell me? Was this all before this happened?
B. What do you mean?
M. All before this happened, did he touch you before all this stuff happened to you.
B. Ya.
M. Why didn't you come to me, because then he would have been gone then and this wouldn't have happened.
B. Ya
M. Yes, and you would still be here with me.
B. Yes, Well you know I did it.
M. Huh
B. You know he always touched us and that.
M. I didn't think there. He used to horse around with you guys.
B. Ya, but you remember he would always do stuff to Brian and that.
M. What do you mean.
B. Well he would like fake pumping him
M. Goofing around
B. Ya but, like that one time when he was going with what's her name Jessica's sister.
M. Teresa?
B. Ya. That one day when she was over, Steven and Blaine and Brian and I was downstairs and Steven was touching her and that.
M. Really
B. Ya.
M. Oh, he makes me so sick
M. How many years are you gonna get?
B. I dunno
M. Well what did you just say to me
B. That they, Teresa's family might ask the judge to be lenient or whatever. They asked me if l wanted to be out to have a family later on.
M. What about when I got home at 5:00 you were here,
B. Ya
M. Ya. When did you go over there?
B. I went over there earlier and then came home before you did.
M. Why didn't you say something to me then?
B. I dunno, I was too scared.
M. You wouldn't have had to been scared because I would have called 911, and you wouldn't be going back over there. If you would have been here, maybe she would have been alive yet. So in those statements you did all that to her too?
B. Some of it.
M, Did he make you do it?
B. Ya. So whose all home?
M. Just me and Blaine...

Avery's sweat on the hood latch of Halbach's car.

Avery calling a requesting Halbach be the photographer to come out to take pictures.

Avery meeting Halbach in nothing but a towel on one occasion.

Halbach complaining that Avery made her uncomfortable and said he "creeped her out" and she did not want to work with him.

Avery called her numerous times on the day she went missing.

The bullet came from Avery's gun.

Now for the stuff that is likely inadmissible, but would make me think before issuing a pardon...

Avery has a documented history of violence towards women.

Avery once killed his cat by dousing it in oil and tossing it on a fire all while the cat was alive.
I hope they do a series on the OJ situation. I read a detective's theory a while back that suggested OJ really didn't do it and that his oldest son most likely did. The oldest son is a big guy like OJ and had a history of mental illness and violent outbursts.

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