My Vandy student daughter told me this today:
There's a billboard somewhere on Vandy campus (I got the impression it's over toward the stadium, but not sure) that says something like this: "We're good at what really matters" with pictures of a Vandy baseball player, a student in a chemistry lab setting, and a chess player (I actually forgot the third thing she said, it was something like chess or debate or academics). No football player. Clear insult to their own football team.
Can you imagine? Telling your football players, effectively, 'Hey, you don't matter.' Putting a billboard up so they walk right past it, day after day? My daughter was actually kind of proud about the sign until I pointed out how rude it is to the young men. She didn't even think of it from the team's perspective.
Apparently, nor did the folks who mounted it, or the student leadership/administration who approved it.
Really dumb, for a school that's supposed to be smart.