The military purge stepping up

Yes... each and every time I fly in I will change terminals.

And not only that, the last corporate travel rep we had thought 30 minutes of layover time at DFW was sufficient to change planes
Yeah… 30 minutes is barely enough if everything goes absolutely perfectly and you don’t wait on any people movers or have long lines. Which never happens.
Yeah… 30 minutes is barely enough if everything goes absolutely perfectly and you don’t wait on any people movers or have long lines. Which never happens.

Well, she had a hard time realizing not every airport was like her four gate podunk airport in Utah...
She's making $120K base salary before taxes...

Are you telling me they are going to offer her over a quarter of a million dollars base salary?

I'm calling BS here.

We're not talking a floor nurse here. She would be high management level in a large health care chain. The position she has been filling in DC the last three years is an Admiral rated spot being filled by an O-5. She's been CO of a station clinic, two combat tours. Has run the ERs in a combat hospital. For-profits are going to be lined up for her.

$250,000 isn't that much in those positions. Worked on element of the Knoxville Baptist Hospital sale to Catholic Charities in early 2000's. Small system, 20 years ago, non-profit and they still had multiple non-physician administrators making $300,000 plus.

Tell me something. How much do you guys think the practice manager (not a doctor) in a large practice group like Knoxville Orthopedic Center makes? That's just one practice in a medium sized city in Tennessee. Now how much do you think a department administrator (again non-doctor) at Vanderbilt Hospital makes? What about the CEO?

You guys calling BS just don't understand the money that's out there in healthcare.

Question: Do you realize that UT Hospital in Knoxville isn't even owned by UT? It's now owned by doctor's groups.
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We're not talking a floor nurse here. She would be high management level in a large health care chain. The position she has been filling in DC the last three years is an Admiral rated spot being filled by an O-5. She's been CO of a station clinic, two combat tours. Has run the ERs in a combat hospital. For-profits are going to be lined up for her.

$250,000 isn't that much in those positions. Worked on element of the Knoxville Baptist Hospital sale to Catholic Charities in early 2000's. Small system, 20 years ago, non-profit and they still had multiple non-physician administrators making $300,000 plus.

Tell me something. How much do you guys think the practice manager (not a doctor) in a large practice group like Knoxville Orthopedic Center makes? That's just one practice in a medium sized city in Tennessee. Now how much do you think a department administrator (again non-doctor) at Vanderbilt Hospital makes? What about the CEO?

You guys calling BS just don't understand the money that's out there in healthcare.

Question: Do you realize that UT Hospital in Knoxville isn't even owned by UT? It's now owned by doctor's groups.
I agree with you 100%. However some people might think she would need to acclimate first. But they might give her a pass since she's an officer.

The position offered to her in the civilian world should match exactly what she's been doing in the military. Plus if she's an O-5 (Lt Colonel or Commander) then she's been in for awhile already. Hope she's successful in her job search on the civilian side.
We're not talking a floor nurse here. She would be high management level in a large health care chain. The position she has been filling in DC the last three years is an Admiral rated spot being filled by an O-5. She's been CO of a station clinic, two combat tours. Has run the ERs in a combat hospital. For-profits are going to be lined up for her.

$250,000 isn't that much in those positions. Worked on element of the Knoxville Baptist Hospital sale to Catholic Charities in early 2000's. Small system, 20 years ago, non-profit and they still had multiple non-physician administrators making $300,000 plus.

Tell me something. How much do you guys think the practice manager (not a doctor) in a large practice group like Knoxville Orthopedic Center makes? That's just one practice in a medium sized city in Tennessee. Now how much do you think a department administrator (again non-doctor) at Vanderbilt Hospital makes? What about the CEO?

You guys calling BS just don't understand the money that's out there in healthcare.

Question: Do you realize that UT Hospital in Knoxville isn't even owned by UT? It's now owned by doctor's groups.

Obviously, context matters that you didn't add when you first stated it and she probably has the resume built to command a higher price. And trust me, I know the money in private, for profit healthcare (and one of the reasons the VA and IHS system, and in turn, socialized medicine will ultimately fail) as well as the gaps therein. We have to do salary studies from time to time (something I had to correct when I arrived since they wanted to base everything off Oklahoma) and I know what a lot in the medical field can ask for and get.

You ought to see the Johns Hopkins salary ranges lol. You'd go bug eyed.

But at the same time, not every medical professional, physicians included, that steps out of the military is going to get that kind of upper level offer. My company also recruits traveling medical professionals (everything from CMA up to specialty physicians) and I know the physicians range in the mid to upper 100K range starting out depending on experience and specialty. GP Surgeon is upper 100s if memory serves. Yes, there is serious money involved, but you also have to look at location, cost of living, type of facility and, honestly speaking, the resume of the individual before laying a blanket statement that they all get to walk out from an interview and put the down payment on that Aston Martin.
I agree with you 100%. However some people might think she would need to acclimate first. But they might give her a pass since she's an officer.

You know, there's an old saying about being thought a fool and opening your mouth (your fingers in this case) and proving it to the world.

If you don't understand, just say "I really don't understand" and it makes it easier on everyone.
You know, there's an old saying about being thought a fool and opening your mouth (your fingers in this case) and proving it to the world.

If you don't understand, just say "I really don't understand" and it makes it easier on everyone.
You are the one that said veterans needed to acclimate. Not me.

You made quite the fool out of yourself yesterday and I'm sure you will again today. Carry on.
America…. Land of the free …..and the home of the ……sweet little fat boys and dopers
Military struggling to find new troops as fewer young Americans willing or able to serve
Fewer and fewer young Americans want to serve, and due to obesity and other problems, fewer are qualified.
Only 23% of Americans aged 17 to 24 are eligible to join without being granted a waiver. This is down from 29% in recent years, according to Pentagon data. Obesity and drug use are common disqualifying factors.

pussification is growing like a giant snowball rolling down a snow covered mountain
America…. Land of the free …..and the home of the ……sweet little fat boys and dopers
Military struggling to find new troops as fewer young Americans willing or able to serve
Fewer and fewer young Americans want to serve, and due to obesity and other problems, fewer are qualified.
Only 23% of Americans aged 17 to 24 are eligible to join without being granted a waiver. This is down from 29% in recent years, according to Pentagon data. Obesity and drug use are common disqualifying factors.

pussification is growing like a giant snowball rolling down a snow covered mountain

I’l bet pride month is now their most productive recruiting month.
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I bet he doesn’t like Jews either. We’re gonna need to consult Slice on this one.

Funny how *most* American Jews are far different than Jews in Israel. We had (emphasis on had) a Jewish HR specialist who kept on going on and on and on about equality and diversity and unicorns and everything liberals love to spout about while being intolerant of other's culture.

Anyway, on day three of her employment she decided to inform the newly installed company President, informed him three times to be exact, how we should have a "diversity and inclusion committee" since our business obviously was lacking in that department.

Mind you, this is a Native American owned business with three of the four Vice Presidents being female, another being Native American, the controller being a Native American female, the Senior Accountant being African American and the only Director level position we had at the moment being African American...

Not sure how much more diversified we needed to get except wiping all the straight white males out of their positions... Also stated we needed to be "carbon neutral" even though we're a contract firefighting outfit.

Those fire engines run on diesel or gas, you know? Kinda hard to make them eco-friendly since nobody has made a reliable battery operated firetruck yet.

Anyway, she didn't last long... and got fired by one of the female Vice Presidents and the Native American owner. Guess they weren't woke enough to see just how inclusive she wanted to be.

But what struck me as odd was her spouting off about "sleeping in the desert with Bedouins" and "embracing" the Islamic culture while on one of her trips overseas. I'm sitting her thinking "sure doubt you told them how Jewish you were" or there was significant armed security watching over her like a hawk, because some of those Islamic folks you want to embrace so dearly would rather enjoy watching you rot in the desert after a night of torture and death before dawn. I'm pretty sure it was a figment of her imagination because even as progressive as some of those countries are over there (Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain) there are still traditionalists that don't feel that's appropriate.

But no, I like @Orangeslice13

He's fairly pragmatic to the world. And a grumpy bastard that I feel a kindred spirit with.
Funny how *most* American Jews are far different than Jews in Israel. We had (emphasis on had) a Jewish HR specialist who kept on going on and on and on about equality and diversity and unicorns and everything liberals love to spout about while being intolerant of other's culture.

Anyway, on day three of her employment she decided to inform the newly installed company President, informed him three times to be exact, how we should have a "diversity and inclusion committee" since our business obviously was lacking in that department.

Mind you, this is a Native American owned business with three of the four Vice Presidents being female, another being Native American, the controller being a Native American female, the Senior Accountant being African American and the only Director level position we had at the moment being African American...

Not sure how much more diversified we needed to get except wiping all the straight white males out of their positions... Also stated we needed to be "carbon neutral" even though we're a contract firefighting outfit.

Those fire engines run on diesel or gas, you know? Kinda hard to make them eco-friendly since nobody has made a reliable battery operated firetruck yet.

Anyway, she didn't last long... and got fired by one of the female Vice Presidents and the Native American owner. Guess they weren't woke enough to see just how inclusive she wanted to be.

But what struck me as odd was her spouting off about "sleeping in the desert with Bedouins" and "embracing" the Islamic culture while on one of her trips overseas. I'm sitting her thinking "sure doubt you told them how Jewish you were" or there was significant armed security watching over her like a hawk, because some of those Islamic folks you want to embrace so dearly would rather enjoy watching you rot in the desert after a night of torture and death before dawn. I'm pretty sure it was a figment of her imagination because even as progressive as some of those countries are over there (Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain) there are still traditionalists that don't feel that's appropriate.

But no, I like @Orangeslice13

He's fairly pragmatic to the world. And a grumpy bastard that I feel a kindred spirit with.
There are definitely 2 factions of the Jewish people.
The blind woke and the awake. We don’t talk about it publicly but we don’t like each other very much. It basically comes down to who you’re family is. Did you come from people who went through the Holocaust (awake) or was your family spared that so you don’t really think it happened or can happen again (stupid/blind and woke).
The good news is there are more awake Jews every day.
There are definitely 2 factions of the Jewish people.
The blind woke and the awake. We don’t talk about it publicly but we don’t like each other very much. It basically comes down to who you’re family is. Did you come from people who went through the Holocaust (awake) or was your family spared that so you don’t really think it happened or can happen again (stupid/blind and woke).
The good news is there are more awake Jews every day.

Which faction are the grumpy ones in?

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