Just saw this today:
"Don't let the door hit you in the you-know-what on the way out, Toby. In the season finale, Michael (Steve Carell) is ecstatic over Toby's (Paul Lieberstein) impending departure and wants the goodbye party to be a huge celebration. He drives Angela (Angela Kinsey) crazy with his demands, so he asks Phyllis (Phyllis Smith) to take over. Dwight and Meredith (Rainn Wilson, Kate Flannery) give the new woman in human resources (Amy Ryan) a hard time."
"Don't let the door hit you in the you-know-what on the way out, Toby. In the season finale, Michael (Steve Carell) is ecstatic over Toby's (Paul Lieberstein) impending departure and wants the goodbye party to be a huge celebration. He drives Angela (Angela Kinsey) crazy with his demands, so he asks Phyllis (Phyllis Smith) to take over. Dwight and Meredith (Rainn Wilson, Kate Flannery) give the new woman in human resources (Amy Ryan) a hard time."