The Official "2020 Final Presidential Debate" Thread

LMFAO it’s still a disqualifier and if he has accepted funds on a foreign country’s behalf tell me why FARA doesn’t apply.
I don't know enough about those requirements to comment, but come on... to use a common right wing term from the Russian collusion investigation: This is a "nothingburger" with cheese.
Specifically what was Trump supposed to have done in 2016 and earlier that compromised him going forward?

If only there had been entire threads, investigations, and reports about that. 🤔

You guys are 0-2 already and you’ve just been asked to lay out the specifics. Not looking good for this scandal.
That has already been investigated by Senate Republicans, and Joe Biden was cleared of any wrongdoing.

No, that is a partisanly myopic take. How can the Senate investigate something it didn’t have (Bevan Cooney’s and Bobulinski’s emails, and Biden’s laptop)?? You’re asking me to ignore my lying eyes while you play bait and switch with the timeline. No thanks.
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I went to the airport to take a few pictures of Airforce One from the Dell parking lot. This was a few hours before the debate. The plan was in the National Guard hanger. There was a couple there from Atlanta who drove up just to hope to get a glimpse of Trump after the debate. They had a huge Trump 2020 sign in the bed of their truck.
No, that is a partisanly myopic take. How can the Senate investigate something it didn’t have (Bevan Cooney’s and Bobulinski’s emails, and Biden’s laptop)?? You’re asking me to ignore my lying eyes while you play bait and switch with the timeline. No thanks.
Those emails don't change the established facts concerning the firing of Viktor Shokin. The Senate investigation was not partisan - in fact, it was led by Sen. Ron Johnson who is a Trump supporter.
If only there had been entire threads, investigations, and reports about that. 🤔

You guys are 0-2 already and you’ve just been asked to lay out the specifics. Not looking good for this scandal.
Republicans have spent 3 years complaining that Democrats have been overhyping scandals, only to lay this egg two weeks before the election. Sean Hannity called the Hunter Biden laptop story "bigger than Watergate" yesterday.
Republicans have spent 3 years complaining that Democrats have been overhyping scandals, only to lay this egg two weeks before the election. Sean Hannity called the Hunter Biden laptop story "bigger than Watergate" yesterday.

I freely admit that nothing will come of this but there is a hell of lot more smoke around this one than what was around Trump which lead to the Muell.
If they are not careful, they will be as far from center as Fox.
Fox has plenty of liberals and have people that you can't tell there leaning and have opinion talk shows for left and right the rest of the networks are all in for the left.
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It was not a crime... and how much "influence" did Joe Biden truly have in the spring and summer of 2017? Republicans controlled everything - Donald Trump was the President of the United States and the Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress (Paul Ryan was the Speaker of the House and Mitch McConnell was the Senate Majority Leader).

Hell, even if there is child porn on Hunter Biden's laptop, that is still not a crime of Joe Biden's is it? There is not a single component of this story which points to a crime having been committed by Joe Biden.
Let's consider your arguments over the previous 24 hours.

When he was selling himself oversees, Biden was just an ordinary, average guy. Y'all need to get off his back.

When Trump asked for the Ukraines to investigate Biden, this same unemployed Biden was a powerful political rival, thus Trump should have been impeached for a conflict of interest.

That about cover it?
Let's consider your arguments over the previous 24 hours.

When he was selling himself oversees, Biden was just an ordinary, average guy. Y'all need to get off his back.

When Trump asked for the Ukraines to investigate Biden, this same unemployed Biden was a powerful political rival, thus Trump should have been impeached for a conflict of interest.

That about cover it?
There is a significant difference between Joe Biden's political stature in the spring and summer of 2017 and last July when Trump solicited President Zelensky for an investigation of Biden - I bet you can even guess what that is...

... in the spring and summer of 2017, Joe Biden wasn't a candidate for President. On July 25, 2019, he was.
Fox as plenty of liberals and have people that you can't tell there leaning and have opinion talk shows for left and right the rest of the networks are all in for the left.
I don't watch Fox News very much. I know about Juan Williams and Donna Brazille... is there anyone else?
If only there had been entire threads, investigations, and reports about that. 🤔

You guys are 0-2 already and you’ve just been asked to lay out the specifics. Not looking good for this scandal.

The correct answer is ‘nothing’; there was literally nothing to justify C. Hurricane and certainly nothing to justify the Mueller probe. This was known in Jan. 2017 by the FBI.

But to answer your question; it’s not so much what Biden did in 2017 but what activities as VP preceded it, such as B. Cooney’s emails which thus far appear to implicate Joe during the period when Hunter traveled with Joe to China. While Archer and HB were forming Bohai Harvest RST in 2013. Archer and HB’s introduction of wealthy Chinese to the WH dates back two years earlier to 2011.

While Burisma viewed HB’s value as that of clearing the field of criminal investigations, to which HB replied which Ukrainian officials could influence such decisions. In 2015.

Good ole Hunter, that “direct pipeline into the White House” as he was referred to by partners Archer and Galanis.

Chris Heinz severed business ties over the COI with shady entities, informed then SoS father in-law John Kerry. Numerous US officials testified to the difficulty this placed upon foreign policy.

This scandal has big, fat legs to stand on with the alleged conspirators own communications and actions incriminating them, not third & fourth-hand accounts from anonymous whistlers and turf-protecting bureaucrats.

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