God forbid a pitcher’s ERA increases from his regular season career of 3.16 to 3.28 in the postseason. What a HUGE difference that is lol. Some people should refrain from speaking on baseball since they know very little about. By definition, a pedestrian ERA would fall in the range of 4.00-5.00, which is what the average MLB ERA falls in between most years. And since we want to bring up HR, yeah he gave up 353 of them but that’s spread out over 23 years. He had separate seasons of giving up 4, 7, 8, and 9, all while pitching over 200 innings in each of those seasons, sometimes over 250 innings. Yeah that’s pretty damn exceptional if you ask even the most savvy of baseball fans. If you want to throw shade at Greg Maddux then you really just don’t know

about baseball.