The Official Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitalist Thread

We only have 3 options to address what you're talking about.
1. Morality or personal responsibility to "just say no" or not allow the use to become a destructive addiction.
2. Change the way we address addiction
3. Make the punishment so severe and so quick people are scared to use drugs.

...or some combo of the above.

Which would you pursue?
Have to really think about this bud. Its a complicated issue.

4. remove safety nets. test positive for drugs or alcohol or nicotine and you don't get any welfare, healthcare, housing, etc. you have to be tested each month before the government cuts you a check.

I am all for this. Minus the nicotine part ... and alcohol as long as we are gonna continue to pretend that it isnt also a highly destructive drug and it remains legal to use. I dont think you can take away legal substances available OTC like alcohol and nicotine from someone just bc they get food stamps etc as long as they pay for those things with their own income and they can regularly show up for appointments sober.

That said...I think it should be MUCH harder to get assistance past temporary unemployment which is paid into. To get food stamps or welfare should be MUCH more difficult. It should also be temporary with strictly enforced end dates and miniscule assistance. I am also absolutely appalled at all the junk food, microwave junk food, filet mignon etc that are currently "EBT eligible " as well as the fact that people can use that EBT at gas stations to buy a $5 frozen food item for $10 of taxpayer funds just because the people are too lazy to actually go to the grocery store like responsible THEY would do if it was THEIR cash paying for that crap. Illegal aliens should not be eligible for ANY benefits whatsoever at any point in time. Including medical care. This would greatly discourage them from invading our country. Also...IF the government is gonna continue to provide subsidized or free housing at taxpayer expense, that housing should be closely monitored and EVERYONE who stays at any subsidized residence should be counted for income in the calculations for assistance. The drug dealer or thief boyfriends included. No more incentives for NOT getting married for the poor. That policy especially has destroyed poor black and white folks by removing Dads from homes. It also encourages some irresponsible birth control practices due to increased handouts from more kids. No expectations of privacy in subsidized housing either. Regular and unscheduled inspections. If drug activity is detected in a unit and can be proven, then the tenants are evicted and no longer eligible for govt housing. That would put an end to the drug infested shooting galleries that housing projects always become. Caught with drugs in a unit= eviction 1st offense.
Have to really think about this bud. Its a complicated issue.

I am all for this. Minus the nicotine part ... and alcohol as long as we are gonna continue to pretend that it isnt also a highly destructive drug and it remains legal to use. I dont think you can take away legal substances available OTC like alcohol and nicotine from someone just bc they get food stamps etc as long as they pay for those things with their own income and they can regularly show up for appointments sober.

That said...I think it should be MUCH harder to get assistance past temporary unemployment which is paid into. To get food stamps or welfare should be MUCH more difficult. It should also be temporary with strictly enforced end dates and miniscule assistance. I am also absolutely appalled at all the junk food, microwave junk food, filet mignon etc that are currently "EBT eligible " as well as the fact that people can use that EBT at gas stations to buy a $5 frozen food item for $10 of taxpayer funds just because the people are too lazy to actually go to the grocery store like responsible THEY would do if it was THEIR cash paying for that crap. Illegal aliens should not be eligible for ANY benefits whatsoever at any point in time. Including medical care. This would greatly discourage them from invading our country. Also...IF the government is gonna continue to provide subsidized or free housing at taxpayer expense, that housing should be closely monitored and EVERYONE who stays at any subsidized residence should be counted for income in the calculations for assistance. The drug dealer or thief boyfriends included. No more incentives for NOT getting married for the poor. That policy especially has destroyed poor black and white folks by removing Dads from homes. It also encourages some irresponsible birth control practices due to increased handouts from more kids. No expectations of privacy in subsidized housing either. Regular and unscheduled inspections. If drug activity is detected in a unit and can be proven, then the tenants are evicted and no longer eligible for govt housing. That would put an end to the drug infested shooting galleries that housing projects always become. Caught with drugs in a unit= eviction 1st offense.
The issue with any substance like that being allowed with welfare is that they will use the welfare/EBT to cover the things it will, then only spend their own money on the things welfare/EBT doesn't cover. essentially its enabling them to have a harmful habit. which creates a greater drain on the system and takes away more resources, and uses them on people who have no invested interest in taking care of themselves.

welfare should be a crutch like you said. but one of the things about crutches is that they have to be temporary and of limited use. if people rely on the crutch for too much, for too long, when its not really needed, to avoid temporary pain they are often creating long term issues. Any doctor/PT/orthopedic worth their salt is going to have you using a crutch/walker/wheelchair for as little time as possible. After my ACL/meniscus tear doctor only wanted me on crutches for two weeks, MAX. He had me in PT, trying to walk the next day, hurt like an SOB. same thing needs to be the mindset with welfare, reliance on welfare creates self destructive tendencies that don't allow for improvement or leaving the welfare system. It needs to come with a structured plan, that puts people on a path to get off of welfare, because at the end of whatever period, it should go away, whether or not they are ready for it. and one of the ways to make sure people take care of themselves is to make sure they aren't using any destructive drug/thing.

I would cut the things EBT pays for way down too. No sodas, no artificial sugar products, all American products.
Soave has one of the most embarrassing libertarian minds that exist. Who thinks the suffering of God's children is just as hilarious as a guy violating an inanimate object?


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