The "official" Lost thread

Christian says that their time spent on the island was the most important time in each of their lives. I don't think they died in the plane crash. When Jack is lying down, the plane is flying overhead, Hurley tells Ben he was a great number two. I think they all died on their own time, but it took all of them coming together until they could finally move on. The alternate time line does appear to be a purgatory.

Exactly. They all lived out their lives after the plane crash. This is also evident by Ben's apology to John for murdering him. He couldn't have very well killed him if he was already dead.
Doesn't all this make the island nothing more than a playground for them to live out the best "years of their lives"?

What is the point of the island?
I cried pretty much throughout the whole show off and on. I thought it was a very fitting and great finale. I am sad to see it end though. :(
Really liked the show but still wondering what the hell on some points. Like Sawyer, Kate and Claire on the jet but now in the church.
I feel 100% confident saying they didn't die in the crash. Just rewatched the ending.

I don't either....but honestly this episode didn't explain jack squat.

Still was a good episode though. I lost it at the end when Vincent laid down next to Jack.
Yeah, I think after chavisut summed it up nicely. Jack died on the Island next to Vincent, everyone else died on their own. The "Purgatory" place was the flash sideways we've been seeing (I guess) Everything really happened. The crash, the Others, etc. That makes it much more fitting IMO.
I don't either....but honestly this episode didn't explain jack squat.

Still was a good episode though. I lost it at the end when Vincent laid down next to Jack.

I think it explained enough. I never expected to learn about the ins and outs about the island. Honestly, it's always been about the characters and their stories for me.
Really liked the show but still wondering what the hell on some points. Like Sawyer, Kate and Claire on the jet but now in the church.

If I understand things, at that point in the church, they were all dead. Sawyer, Kate, Clair, etc. all escaped and lived on and died whenever sometime in the future.
yeah, that was pretty much it i think. the wreckage on the beach at the end hinted that they all died at the beginning of the show in the plane crash. sorry, but i didn't like how it ended. the purgatory theory was the one direction that i didn't want the show to go in and as luck may have it they ended it that way. so yeah....pretty dissapointed, especially since the whole episode was epic minus the last 5-10 minutes.

This is not true.....Jack died, and Sawyer, Kate, etc died later on in life. Remember Hurley saying to Ben "You were a great number 2"?
And they couldn't have died in the original plane crash....if that is so, what was the Dharma Initiative? How did they leave before (Ocenic Six)?
Absolutely loved the first 2hrs 20mins but hated the last 10 and I have to admit I even teared up a little during the Sayid/Shannon, Charlie/Claire and Sawyer/Juliet flashbacks.

Sixth Sense ending?
Well, my wife and I had no idea what to think at the ending. We have so many more questions.

1.)What happened to other characters that we not mentioned? (or other people that were on the plane) the girl that stole the diamonds, eko, anna lisca (sp?)
2.)Where did this light come from?
3.)Which reality was reality? (the purgatory thing is interesting)

I love the episode, but I just don't know what to think right now

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