Do you know what a hypocrite is? You're a huge one. Wish you'd stfu. Your side is garbage, you're garbage. Go watch blood splatter, splatter some more blood in bengazi and lie about it. She's monstrosity of a candidate and is spineless to boot. It's why she not only lies and orders hits but lets her husband stick it wherever he wants. She stands by him cause she needs his name to stand at all. You're a freak dude, I seriously think you're screwed up in the head. You have mental issues for real. Whatever, enjoy your communism should you get your way, dumbass.
[this whole paragraph is bold-worthy]
If people think there need to be equal men, women, whites, blacks, hispanics etc. then the system is already doomed. Guys in the same profession don't make the average, some make more and some make less. So why should women if they're less qualified? Hopefully we force women into all fields including construction and we make that equal too. That way real construction companies will take all the left over men and that crew will do it faster and probably better than the crew with half women and black people and whoever else because everyone needs to have the same amount of people employed by race and gender.
Just... enjoy communism, okay? You're too stupid to understand Obama doubled the debt and China is going to foreclose on u.s. much like the banks foreclosed on homes across the country. Soon we'll all be living in identical homes with identical wages. Just kidding... what will actually happen is the system is going to fail because liberals are f***ing idiots. As someone who used to sit in the middle, I'm now convinced being liberal is a disease or mental illness. There is something wrong with you people. I wish you'd go other countries that don't care about culture and rights so you can stop s***ting all over everyone elses and taking our rights away. At least the republican side makes sense. There is nothing about the liberal side that makes sense. You're a bunch of idiots who wants penis in girls locker rooms at the 7th-12th grade level of high school. Freaks. F*** you.