UT didn't handle the Pearl situation the best. Of course, what would you expect with Cheek and Hammy? They are/were two buffoons that are/were clueless. As soon as UT rids itself of the Cheek stain the better. The Hammy stain still lives on. Hart can't get rid of that in less than 2 years.
The NCAA would've crippled UT. They're a totalitarian regime that rules as they see fit. UT did not want any more bad press and it was much easier to get rid of Pearl and hope the NCAA would have mercy on them.
I wish Pearl wouldn't have screwed up. He had a good thing going. A number of people didn't like him, but I didn't really care what he did in his personal life as long as he wasn't breaking the law. Was he a charlatan? Yes, but who the hell isn't in that slimeball of a profession? I could really care less about his personal life, yet some people felt that was important. Well Buzz took his players to church. Good for him. That didn't do jack sh*t for his W-L record.
In the words of Herm Edwards, "you play to win the game". Period. If Martin doesn't win enough, he'll be gone.