The Official Tennessee @ Florida Series Thread (Fri. May 3rd Game 1 3PM EST, Game 2 after SECNET+) (Sat. May 4th 6:30PM EST SECNET+)

Why was Tears not in the lineup for tonight? Is he hurt?
“Lower body injury” is all they have said so far but has not been ruled out for the series. Makes me think he was experiencing some muscle tightness and they were playing it safe making him day-to-day. That’s what I’m hopeful for at least.
It will be 2 9 inning games tomorrow IMHO. They would have to be 2 7 inning games on get away day (Sat).
Yeah another one of those stupid SEC or NCAA rules. If the series is suppose to end on a Saturday but gets pushed back due to weather then there shouldn’t be any issues just making it a Friday-Sunday series. Stupid to make kids play 18 innings whenever they could still space the games out as needed. But hey we’re looking out for the players right lol

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