The Official Tennessee vs. #2 Oregon Game Thread, 3:30pm ET(09/14/13), ABC

Yep worst game ever!! Watched the whole thing. Peterman better start the rest of the year and right now as things look the only wins the rest of the yr are vandy maybe and UK. Unless the offense fixes themselves my 7-5 prediction just became a 4-8 season...
And right now yes we are about 3 years away from being a threat to anyone if Jones is around that long. We have a losing record this year then he gets one more chance then he will be gone if next year isn't better!
You can scratch your head if you see a carpenter framing with a pipe wrench-- until you find out all he has is a plumber's tool bag.

So we're out manned all over the field so let's go hurry up so we can give their offence even more chance. Yea, makes perfect sense.
THIS!!!! Exactly what I was saying earlier....I was wondering why we didn't try to pound it forward more....

We did not try to pound it because they keyed on our run. They had zero respect for our QB. They had 7-8 guys in the box ..or they attacked the gaps at the snap from their positions . They controlled all 4 gaps all the time and out numbered our linemen.

When we can find a guy that can make the basic throws on time , this will take the pressure off of the running game and we will be able to run the ball.

It is all about having a balanced offense that is effective in the passing game. Worley ( and his rookie receiving corp) do not pose a deep threat , and they do not pose an intermediate threat . The same guys in the box that are stopping the run are stopping the short passing game.

We need a QB and better receiver play..then we will be able to run
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I KNEW we were outmatched and out skilled in every position. I KNEW we were going to get our butts handed to us, BUT NOT in that way. I have been listening to sports talk and Dave Hooker and every beat writer saying Butch Jones this and Butch Jones that, how great he is at making adjustments. BUT I feel like we took a HUGE step backwards and there is NOTHING positive to take away from this. Or am I the only one. I still like CBJ and think he is good, but this was a really big step back for the entire program.

take a minute to breath ...
This was a systematic loss to the # 2 team in the country who may very well be the #1 team
We cannot pass the ball due to a new QB and a new receiving corp
Therefore we cannot run the ball , the D simply keys to the run
We cannot pass, we cannot run , so the D finds itself on the field over and over against and an absolute machine ...with little or no rest
Our D has NO DEPTH and they were slower than Oregon before they got tired

when we can pass , we will be able to run . Our D will not be on the field as long and will look better at their job

we play no more teams like oregon that feature this combination of offense and pace...although we still have to play Bama which will hurt

as the season goes we will develop a passing game and in the next 2 years , talent and depth will develop

step off the ledge
Anyone who thought UT was going to beat Oregon today was either delusional or doesn't watch much football. The only thing that was a slight surprise is that Oregon has a good enough D to play with anyone. We already knew about their offense. If they don't make it to the national championship game, I'll be surprised. And if they happen to find Bama there, Bama better shore up its own defense because Oregon has more weapons than A & M does.

Today showed a glaring difference in the talent between two teams. You don't get back to the level we were used to with the revolving president door we've had, the 8 years of incompetence at the AD level under Hamilton and the Kiffin and Dooley colossal failures. It doesn't happen over night. It just doesn't. Anyone who thought it would happen over night is clueless. Now if this score had happened in year three or four of Jones' tenure then I'd be concerned. Now? Not in the least. Our roster is nowhere near where it needs to be.
1. recruiting is not over, just like this game was not over in the first quarter
2. I am pulling for CBJ, I am tired of teams like ND and UCLA and Texas AM and USC east all able to turn it around fairly quickly with less assets.
3. Given enough time and money most average coaches could improve our situation.
Lets stop the hero worship until we beat a real contender.[/QUOT

None of the teams mentioned turned anything around quickly

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