if McRae can just get his 3pt Percentage to be ~40% (35.5% last year), Kid would be SCARY with the new fouls made just for him... also his FT attempts for his career has doubled each season, 1.1 2.3 4.6 8.5 this year
(another small sample size warning but a cool stat)
any thoughts on bringing maymon off the bench? Let the game flow a little then check him in on plan @ 3 minutes in or roll with the starting lineup if clicking?
I haven't actually gotten to watch a game yet, but it seems from reading this forum that Hubbs is a bit more raw than some of us were expecting. Is that a fair statement?
Any thoughts on bringing maymon off the bench? Let the game flow a little then check him in on plan @ 3 minutes in or roll with the starting lineup if clicking?
I could allow it. Would give him plenty of reps with the ones yet leave him on the floor with the subs a fare amount. His ball handling, passing, and overall leadership could really help when the 2s are in.
I haven't actually gotten to watch a game yet, but it seems from reading this forum that Hubbs is a bit more raw than some of us were expecting. Is that a fair statement?
I haven't actually gotten to watch a game yet, but it seems from reading this forum that Hubbs is a bit more raw than some of us were expecting. Is that a fair statement?