My hi tech, campground setup for watching the CWS.
Sometimes, that's how I watch and use my laptop for this site. Sometimes that's how my best friend/roomate and gf watch in my bed, with me on my laptop on this site and it's a puppy pile of people watching an Iphone. My more high tech times are if my parents want to watch in our game room and I'll have the game on one big screen with the audio coming through a good sound system. On a different large screen, I'll cast what I'm posting here up on the second large screen and then I'll field questions from one of my parents like, "who's Chuckie Poo?" and I'll tell her and then she'll remember and ask me if I can pull up that flooded park on a tab and then she'll ask me, to Chuckie the particulars for how the flood impacted him or if things are back to normal. haha, she was quite concerned about him. ]
That's fairly high tech, but nothing in comparison for when I'm home and we're watching the Braves in the post season on a Sunday watching multiple NFL games simultaneously in the lounge area of the game room and we'll have a few games up on two large screens, but I'll run cable and temporarily put up a large screen from my bedroom down there and then have two different games around the bar that's a well equipped, actual bar at the end of the game room.
That's pretty awesome for that time of year and we're having a party.
Anyway, you're low tech, camping mode is one of my favorite ways to watch a game with my best friend. That, or just use his laptop.
MY favorite way is when I can synch up the audio from UT radio with a TV or laptop for audio.
The convos we have mid game that are about what poster here post about makes pregame pretty fun too imo. I/we like seeing what people are eating and drinking or when my dad is banned from the game room because Tenn lost, when he last joined us for a game or making sure we have Gelato handy "in case Tennessee starts to lose" - which is easier said than done btw.