Go back and look at my prior posts....I am so damn frustrated, like I said, you CANNOT FIRE A WINNING COACH, and expect to do better with an unknown. Those who advocated Phil to be axed, well you are same as those who voted for Obama, IDIOT, you was not happy with a 8 win, 7 win, and you called for his head... I hope, which I will not reap, you see what has been done. Now it is go coach go, but you fail to realize what we had, I see just like you do and trust me, I see another coach put in an impossible position because the fan's and the alumni has very little tolerance. A freshman team, and if we are lucky more freshman, damn I love the freshman concept....REALLY, how the hell do you expect to get back to 8 wins? YOU DON'T...Those of you that advocated Phil to get the AX, then wallow in the fact that the program has suffered and WILL NOT SEE ANY, victories for ANOTHER 4 to 6 years if Butch makes it....Idiot, idiot, idiot...Now go ahead and call your pathetic names, call me out, but here is the deal....I do not give one iota as to your feelings, cause the ones that do retort, I hit a nerve, and I know you, I know what you post and if we were face to face....You would not be as bold. So...with that said, you cowards, who like to call people names, how about take a step back and meditate on why we are here, then realize what reality is serving up.... In closing, those who did not like a winning program just because you wanted more should go F-yourself....The end.